

Research on the Economic Spatial Structure Optimization of Chengdu

【作者】 廖婴露

【导师】 张炜;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代经济的发展,经济空间结构在社会经济活动中的重要性越来越受到人们的广泛关注。经济空间结构是用来组织空间、并涉及社会经济活动运行和结果的模式,它一方面反映区域经济的空间分布与空间组织,另一方面通过空间效应反馈于区域经济增长。探讨经济空间结构优化的内涵、意义和机制,可以更好地指导区域经济实践,促进区域经济可持续发展。本文选择经济空间结构优化作为研究主题,是基于如下四方面背景:首先,全球化进程推动生产要素大规模、高强度的流动,跨国公司在世界范围内的迅速扩展,对地区经济结构和产业空间布局产生明显影响,并引发不同层次的区域竞争和合作,加剧着区域经济空间结构的变化。其次,在中国经济转型背景下,经济活动主体行为的变化,势必对区域经济空间结构产生重要影响;再次,在国家实施统筹城乡发展战略要求我们正视当前城乡经济发展中的二元空间结构问题,如何优化经济空间结构以打破城乡空间壁垒,整合城乡资源,推动成都统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区建设,成为研究者和实践者关注的焦点;最后,统筹区域发展战略思想,反映出不同层次内各区域组合携手发展,才能提升区域的整体优势,规避发展中不必要的恶性竞争,亟需通过区域经济空间结构优化协调经济发展的空间差异和区域分工利益,以促进生产要素的顺利流动,提高资源的配置效率,促进区域经济运行的效率与公平。本文以区域经济学、城市经济学、产业经济学相关学科知识为理论基础,以产业的空间运动和区域经济协调发展为研究视角,以成都市为实证研究对象,就区域经济空间结构优化这一问题进行深入系统的分析,并采用统计分析与计量分析等手段,对当前成都市经济空间结构的现状及问题、优化途径和对策进行了比较全面的研究。这对于从理论上深入认识经济空间结构优化内涵和机制,在现实中推动成都市经济发展具有一定意义。全文结构安排将按照从理论构建到应用分析的展开次序来进行,主要内容如下:第1章,绪论。本章主要内容包括:说明本文进行区域经济空间结构优化研究的背景、理论价值与现实意义;在从人文地理学、经济学两个角度回顾“空间”研究的基础上阐述对经济空间概念的理解;结合地理学、景观生态学、经济学对区域经济空间结构这一核心概念作出明确界定;对国内外相关研究的进展进行简要回顾;在此基础上提出本文的研究范围、研究方法与研究结构,并概括出本文可能的主要创新与不足之处。第2章,区域经济空间结构基础理论。本章从古典区位论、城市空间结构理论、二元空间结构理论、空间相互作用理论、空间发展结构理论五个方面对区域经济空间结构相关基础理论进行探索,力图构建起本文的理论基础。第3章,区域经济空间结构优化及其经济意义。本章首先明确界定区域经济空间结构优化的概念、特征和目标,其次通过经济空间结构发展阶段论、经济空间结构惯性理论以及二元经济空间结构转换理论说明区域经济空间结构优化具有必要性;最后从应对空间稀缺性、区域经济可持续增长的角度探讨区域经济空间结构优化的经济意义。第4章,区域经济空间结构优化机制。区域经济空间结构优化机制包括:集聚与扩散机制、空间竞争与合作机制、产业升级驱动机制、经济全球化驱动机制、基础设施导向和推动机制、政府宏观调控机制,以上六种机制主要从产业运动和区际协调发展两方面推动区域经济空间结构合理化和高级化进程,从而达到区域经济空间结构优化目标。第5章,成都市经济空间结构总体格局。本章在对成都市宏观区位、资源特点、经济地位、主要经济联系方向分析的基础上,重点探讨成都市经济空间结构的总体格局。结果表明,近年来,成都市区域经济差距不断扩大,经济空间极化程度明显,城市化水平、市场发育程度和产业升级态势是影响成都市区域经济差距的最主要因素。第6章,成都市经济空间结构特征和问题。进入21世纪以来,成都市经济空间结构呈现出核心-外围特征、人口和产业分布的圈层特征、重要空间单元的集聚特征以及城乡经济空间的二元结构特征,在总体上呈逐步优化的趋势。存在的主要问题包括:区域经济空间发展不平衡加剧,城乡二元结构明显、中心城区辐射能力亟待加强,产业结构趋同缺乏互补、区县竞争激烈,开发区作为产业聚散和产业升级的空间载体功能较弱。第7章,成都市经济空间结构优化机制。本文从以下六方面分析了成都市经济空间结构优化机制,包括:城市工业集聚效应的发挥和重要空间单元的发展,经济全球化浪潮下跨国公司的区位选择,产业层面的空间竞争与合作,产业结构升级驱动、交通基础设施和信息网络建设、政府的宏观调控。第8章,成都市经济空间结构优化途径与对策。成都市经济空间结构优化面临的优势与劣势条件兼备,挑战与机遇并存。应该以尊重实际、效率优先、功能提升作为经济空间结构优化的基本原则。促进人口和产业的空间集聚、明确空间拓展方向、推进圈层经济互动、城乡经济空间融合、对生态敏感区和脆弱区实施保护性开发是成都市经济空间结构优化的基本途径。同时应从增强县域经济实力、统筹规划产业空间布局、构建区县良性竞争合作机制、壮大工业集中区发展规模、完善基础设施网络化建设入手解决目前成都市经济空间结构存在的问题。第9章,主要结论与研究展望。本章从理论和实证两方面归纳全文的主要结论,并对本文的后续研究进行了展望。本文在充分吸收前人研究成果的基础上,在以下研究领域和研究内容方面进行了尝试性的拓展:(1)在理论研究上,本文在对区域经济空间结构基础理论进行梳理和概括的基础上,清晰界定了区域经济空间结构优化概念、优化特征,优化的目标,详细探索区域经济空间结构优化机制,在一定程度上弥补了现有文献对区域经济空间结构优化研究的不足;本文构建出区域经济空间结构综合评价指标体系,有助于对具体区域经济空间结构发展态势作出具体判断,在现实中具有一定可行性。(2)在研究视角上,本文在借鉴相关研究的基础上,从产业的空间运动以及区域经济协调发展的视角入手,深入分析集聚-扩散运动、产业竞合与升级、经济全球化驱动、基础设施导向、政府调控在推进区域经济空间结构合理化和高级化进程中的作用,从宏观层面构建起区域经济空间结构优化机制的理论框架。(3)在研究方法上,本文应用现代统计方法,通过改进的功效函数法进行多指标综合评价分析,有助于对区域经济空间结构发展态势作出更客观、更直观的判断;同时基于经验数据,应用计量分析方法对成都市经济空间总体格局和现状特征进行时空综合分析,从而增强研究结论的客观性和可信性。(4)在实证研究上,本文全面系统地分析了成都市经济空间结构的总体格局、现状特征、存在的问题,并使用本文理论部分中构建的评价指标体系对成都市经济空间结构作出综合评价,详尽探讨成都市经济空间结构优化机制。本文提出了成都市经济空间结构优化原则、优化基本途径和具体对策,具有较强的现实指导意义,对于提高成都市经济空间结构整体运行效率、增强成都市综合竞争力、推进成都市可持续发展具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern economy, people payed more attention to that economic spatial structure has played a more and more important role in socio-economic activities. Economic spatial structure is a model used to organize space, which is also related to the operation and results in socio-economic activities. It reflects the spatial distribution and organization of regional economics, in the meanwhile, it stimulates economic growth by spatial effect. The research on the meanings, the significance and mechanism of economic spatial structure optimization can better guide the practice and promote sustainable development of the regional economy.In recent years, the rapid flow of productive factors and the expansion of multinational corporations all of world in the economic globalization have a significant impact on regional economic structure and industrial spatial structure, which also cause competitions and cooperation between regions in different scales. Meanwhile, in the process of China’s economic transition, the changes of economic subjects’behavior will have an important impact on the spatial structure. Furthermore, it is required to optimize the economic spatial structure which promotes the economic activities more orderly and efficiently to integrate rural and urban development and accelerate the construction of pilot zones for comprehensive and coordinated reforms in national overall urban and rural areas in Chengdu. Finally, it is necessary to optimize economic spatial structure to relieve the regional disparity and avoid vicious competitions, and to make full use of the integrated advantages for the target of promoting the coordinated development of all regions. All of these are the reasons why the author chooses to study about the economic spatial development of the economic spatial structure of Chengdu.Based on the theories of regional economics, urban economics and industrial economics , this dissertation gives a detailed analysis for optimizing the economic spatial structure of Chengdu at the perspective of industrial spatial movement and regional economic coordinated development. The author also uses research methods like statistical analysis and econometric analysis to study the present situation and problems of the economic spatial structure of Chengdu, and put forward the ways and countermeasures to optimize the economic spatial structure of Chengdu. This is good to understand the connotation and mechanism of the economic spatial structure optimization and to develop the economy of Chengdu in practice.The structure arrangement of this dissertation will launch the order from fundamental research to empirical analysis. Specifically speaking, there are night chapters altogether.Chapter One: the introduction. In this part, the author discusses the motivation of selecting this topic, the significance of this study, the meaning of the economic spatial based on the retrospect of spatial study in human geography and economics, the definition of the regional economic spatial structure based on the research of geography, landscape ecology and economics, the previous studies about the topic, the research scope and outlines, the new points and the limitations of this study .Chapter 2:fundamental theories about regional economic spatial structure. This part is mainly about the fundamental theories about regional economic spatial structure, such as classical location theories, urban spatial structure theories, the dual spatial structure theories, the spatial interaction theories, the spatial development structure theories.Chapter 3: the optimization of regional economic spatial structure and its economic significance. In this chapter the author explores the concept, the characteristics, the objectives, the necessity as well as the economic significance of optimizing the economic spatial structure.Chapter 4: the optimization mechanism of regional spatial economic structure. This chapter analyzes the optimization mechanism of regional spatial from the perspectives of drives mechanisms of economic agglomeration and dispersal, the spatial competition and coordination, the industry upgrade, the economic globalization, the infrastructure development, the government’s macro-control effort, all of which make a more advanced and reasonable economic spatial structure from the aspect of industrial spatial movement and regional economic coordinated development.Chapter 5: the overall pattern of Chengdu economic spatial structure. Based on the research of macro-location, resource characteristics, economic status and the major direction of economic linkage of Chengdu, the author focuses on the disparity of regional economic and spatial polarization in Chengdu, and also explores the factors such as the level of urbanization which affect the the disparity of regional economic of Chengdu.Chapter 6: the characteristics and problems of economic spatial structure of Chengdu. Since the21st century, there are several characteristics in Chengdu economic spatial structure, such as economic core-periphery characteristic, the circle distribution characteristics of population and industry, the agglomeration of important space unit, the dual-structure between urban and rural economic space. In general, it shows a gradual optimization trend. But there are also several problems in the economic spatial structure of Chengdu.Chapter 7:the optimization mechanism of Chengdu economic spatial structure. This chapter focuses on the optimization mechanism of Chengdu economic spatial structure, which includes the exertion of urban industry agglomeration effect, the development of important space unit, the location choice of multinational corperations in economic globalization, the spatial competition and cooperation of industries, the industry upgrade, the infrastructure development and the government’s macro-control effort of Chengdu.Chapter 8: the ways and countermeasures to optimize the economic spatial structure of Chengdu. Now the optimization of Chengdu economic spatial structure have both strengths and weakness, challeges and opportunities.Then the author discusses the principles , the ways and countermeasures to optimize the economic spatial structure of Chengdu.Chapter 9: the main conclusion and research prospects. This chapter summarizes the main conclusions of the full text and look forward to the following research of this topic.The dissertation is the fruit of summarizing and digesting preceding research works, but in which innovative approaches are also evident:In theoretical studies, based on reviewing the fundamental theories of economic spatial structure, the study defines the meanings, the characteristics and the aims of optimizing economic spatial structure, explores the mechanism of optimizing economic spatial structure,which is complementary to traditional research to some extent. It is also feasible to apply the comprehensive evaluation index system to make specific judgments on certain region.The dissertation explores the main factors such as economic agglomeration and dispersal which play an important part in making a more advanced and reasonable economic spatial structure from the aspect of industrial spatial movement and regional economic coordinated development. All this will provide basic theoretical framework for studying the optimization of economic spatial structure.The comprehensive evaluation by using modified effective function contributes making more objective and intuitive judgements to economic spatial structure of certain regions. based on experience data , the application of econometrics analysis on Chengdu economic spatial structure will enhance the objectivity and credibility of the conclusion.A scientific study is conducted on the present situation, characteristics and problems of Chengdu economic spatial structure, and proposals for optimizing the spatial structure in the region. The author helps this research will prove applicable for the sustainable development of Chengdu because of its scientific value.


