

Study on Variety and Quality Evaluation and Population Ecology of Acanthopanax Giraldii Harms

【作者】 钟世红

【导师】 卫莹芳;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中药学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 红毛五加Acanthopanax giraldii Harms为五加科五加属植物,其茎皮为四川等地的习用药材和岷江上游羌民族特色药材,收载于《四川省中药材标准》1987年版[1],具有祛风湿,通关节,强筋骨之功效,主治风寒湿痹,腰膝无力等症,现代研究证实具抗肿瘤、增强免疫等活性,极具开发价值。目前,红毛五加尚无系统的质量控制规范;由于市场需求持续增长和无序砍伐,产量呈下降趋势。本研究针对上述亟待解决的问题进行了以下系统研究:对红毛五加的品种进行了研究,认为毛梗红毛五加A. giraldii var. hispidus应属于红毛五加A. giraldii Harms的种内变异,支持取消该变种。初步判断“白五加皮”亦属于红毛五加的种内变异。首次建立了系统的红毛五加品质评价体系。采用多指标综合评价,对56批红毛五加茎皮进行了鉴别、检查,建立了含量测定方法及HPLC指纹图谱。找出了显微鉴别特征。确定了水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分的限量标准。并建议水溶性浸出物(热浸法)不得低于12.9%,挥发油含量不得低于0.30%,多糖含量不得低于10.9%,刺五加苷E含量不得低于0.50%,绿原酸含量不得低于0.30%。对红毛五加茎皮HPLC指纹图谱进行分析,确定了20个共有色谱峰,其中第10、11、16号色谱峰分别对应为绿原酸、刺五加苷B和刺五加苷E,刺五加苷E为第1大色谱峰。首次对红毛五加木心与茎皮的有效成分进行了系统分析比较。对10批木心与对应茎皮分别测定比较,木心中刺五加苷E、绿原酸和多糖的含量分别占茎皮的1/4至近相等,其中老枝木心的刺五加苷E含量甚至远高于茎皮;二者指纹图谱的相似度较高。鉴于木心成分与茎皮相似,且含量较高,建议红毛五加药材保留木心,以提高药材的综合利用率。首次对红毛五加叶进行了系统的生药学研究。对18批不同来源的红毛五加叶进行了鉴别、化学成分预试和含量测定,并建立其HPLC指纹图谱。建议叶中常春藤皂苷元含量不得低于0.60%;绿原酸含量不得低于0.50%。HPLC指纹图谱确定了17个共有色谱峰,指认了第8号色谱峰为绿原酸。红毛五加叶中成分与茎皮差异较大,具备开发成新药用部位的潜力。首次对红毛五加种群生态学进行了研究。本研究从群落—种群—繁殖—有效成分积累四个方面入手,初步阐明了红毛五加种群的生态幅、演替过程、群落依存关系,系统研究了红毛五加种群特征、产量参数及与环境因子的关系;阐述了药材中有效成分积累与环境因子的关系。生长参数、药用部位产量分别与林分郁闭度、速效钾、坡向等生态因子显著相关。繁殖策略主要以无性繁殖为主,幼苗喜荫蔽环境、对土壤肥力要求不高。该研究可为红毛五加的引种驯化提供第一手资料,能有效地指导红毛五加的引种地选择、种苗繁育和栽培管理等工作。综上,本研究建立了系统的红毛五加品质评价体系,对红毛五加种群生态学进行了研究,研究成果对于建立红毛五加规范化的质量标准,全面评价红毛五加药材质量,推进该品种的深入开发,及其资源的可持续利用具有积极而深远的意义。本研究内容亦可为高原药用植物的引种驯化提供参考。

【Abstract】 The stem bark of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms was a habitually used species in Sichuan Province and a special medicinal material of Qiang ethnic minority in upstream of min river. It was recorded in Standard Chinese Herbal Medicines in Sichuan Province of 1987 edition, with effectiveness of expelling wind-evil and removing dampness, easing tension of joints, strengthening muscle and bones, to cure the disease such as wind-cold-damp arthralgia, powerless of knee and so on. Modern research has shown its effectiveness of anti-tumor and enhance the immunization. Therefore it shows great value of development. Nowadays, there’s still no systematical quality control standards for A. giraldii Harms. With sustained growth in market demand and disorder cutting, there was a downward trend in its production.The article systematically carried on studies as follows:Studied the species of A. giraldii Harms. The result has shown that A. giraldii var. hispidus belong to A. giraldii Harms. The deference between them was within specie level. So did the plant of "white cortex acanthopanacis".The article firstly established a systematical quality control standards for A. giraldii Harms. Distinguishing, inspecting, setting up determination methods and HPLC fingerprint for 56 batches of stem barks. Found out the microscopic characteristics. Determined the limit standards for moisture, total ash and acid-insoluble ash Suggested the content of water soluble extraction (hot-dip method) should not be less than 12.9 percent, content of volatile oil should not be less than 0.30%, content of polysaccharides should not be less than 10.9%, content of eleutheroside E should not be less than 0.05%, content of chlorogenic acid should not be less than 0.30%. Analyzed HPLC fingerprint of the stem bark and identified twenty chromatographic peaks as common peaks, the No.10, No.11 and No.16 peaks was chlorogenic acid, eleutheroside B and eleutheroside E respectively. And the greatest peak was the eleutheroside E.The article firstly systematically compared the active components between the xylem and bark of stem. Determined and compared 10 batches of xylem and it’s bark respectively. The content of eleutheroside E, chlorogenic acid and polysaccharides in xylem was 1/4 or nearly equal to that of the bark. The content of eleutheroside E in old xylem was even much higher than the it’s bark. There was high similarity between their HPLC fingerprint. Suggested to reserve the xylem for medicinal use so that enhancing the utilization rate of A. giraldii Harms. The article firstly carried out systematical pharmacognostical study for leaves of A. giraldii Harms. Identified, pretested the chemical composition and determined the active components of 18 batches of leaves samples. Meanwhile, established its HPLC fingerprint. Suggested the content of hederagenin should not be less than 0.60%, the chlorogenic acid should not be less than 0.50%。Analyzed its HPLC fingerprint and identified 17 common chromatographic peaks, identified the No.8 peak was chlorogenic acid. Compared the fingerprint of leaf and bark from the same source, there was big difference between them, so the leaves of A. giraldii Harms has potency to be developed into a new medicinal part.The article firstly investigated the population ecology of A. giraldii Harms from four aspects:community, population, breeding and active components. Managed to explain the ecological amplitude, ecological succession process and interdependence between populations. Systematically studied the correlation within population characteristics, yield index and environmental factors. And analyzed the correlation between environment factors and accumulation of medicinal effective ingredients in bark and leaf of A. giraldii Harms.The growth and yield index were significantly correlated with several ecology factors such as forest canopy density, available potassium and aspect. The main reproductive strategy was clone breeding. The tender seedlings was adapt to shading environment and independent of soil fertility in some degree. The study above could provide first-hand information for the introduction and domestication of A. giraldii Harms. And could guide its introducing region choosing, seedling breeding and management.To sum up, the paper established quality control system of A. giraldii Harms and studied its population ecology. The research has far-reaching significance for establishing quality control standards, comprehensive assessment of cortex acanthopanacis, impelling deep development of the A. giraldii Harms and its sustainable utilization. The study could also provide reference for introduction and domestication of other medicinal plants in plateau.


