

Studies on the Scientific Technology Support System in China’s Food Import and Export Trade

【作者】 岳宁

【导师】 吴林海;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 食品贸易与文化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国是食品消费和贸易大国。近年来,发达国家越来越多地以安全、卫生、健康和防止疫病疫情传入为由,打着保护人类与动植物生命健康、维护工农业生产安全的旗号,设置技术性贸易壁垒,制定的检验检疫要求数量越来越多,我国出口食品产品遭拒时常发生。进口食品安全面临的形势同样严峻。各地检验检疫机构频频报告进口食品中检出农药、兽药、致病微生物和重金属等危害物质。鉴于消费者对于食品的安全日益关注,与食品安全有关的WTO/SPS通报量逐年增加,在食品安全性的提高是以科技发展为基础的共识下,基于风险和科学的贸易要求的重要性日益凸显。国际间尤其是发达国家集团纷纷通过加强食品安全科技支撑体系和发展战略的研究,以期科学指导其食品安全科技支撑体系建设,并进而在国际食品贸易中取得主动地位。本研究首先对我国近年来进出口食品的安全性问题展开了较为系统、深入地分析,主要以日本的《肯定列表制度》和欧盟食品安全的新法规为主要案例,分析研究了国际进出口食品安全的新要求,并以我国茶叶贸易作为研究对象,利用引力模型,实证分析了欧盟茶叶标准的变化对中国茶叶贸易的影响。揭示了我国积极而有效地发展食品国际贸易的根本路径就在于依靠科技进步。在此基础上,对我国进出口食品安全性的未来趋势展开了研究,认为未来我国对进口食品需求量的扩大将进一步诱发安全性问题,而由于我国环境污染严重影响食品质的安全问题,以及重大食品安全技术的关键问题始终没有得到根本性解决,未来我国出口食品的安全性面临巨大考验。其次,从进出口食品安全科技支撑体系的技术构成入手,研究了食品安全管理体系与科技支撑体系的关系,探讨了主要食品贸易国进出口食品安全相关技术发展态势,强调了科学的风险评估技术、检测监测技术、溯源预警技术以及食品全程控制技术在食品安全中的重要支撑作用。接着,总结了发达国家进出口食品安全科技支撑体系建设的经验,在此基础上论述了部分发达国家的进出口食品安全体系的未来的发展趋势。在分析全球食品安全管理模式发展演化的基础上,对我国的进出口食品安全科技支撑体系的构成、特点进行了阐述,并以残留检测技术为例,论述了我国食品安全技术需求与国际食品安全新要求之间的匹配性问题。对我国进出口食品安全科技支撑体系进行了评价。认为我国必须积极追踪国际先进的食品安全科技发展动态;针对影响我国食品安全的主要因素确定关键技术领域,优先发展食源性危害危险性评估技术;进一步发展更加可靠、快速、便携、精确的食品安全检测技术;加快发展食品中主要污染物残留控制技术,发展食品生产、加工、储藏、包装与运输过程中安全性控制技术;这是形成适应全面建设小康社会需要的进出口食品安全科技体系的基础。之后,本研究在我国食品安全技术、食品安全技术标准与发达国家的差距,进出口食品安全隐患的机制,检验检疫设备与实际需求间反差等四个层次上展开了分析,为完善我国进出口食品安全科技支撑体系建设的政策框架提供支撑。最后,在总结了国家科技投入、科技产出和科研成果鉴定办法的基础上,着眼于未来我国进出口食品安全科技体系建设,提出应该关注的重点问题:科学设置检验检测机构,合理整合检验检测资源,加强核心检测技术研究,完善第三方检测及认证机构建设,加强食品安全软科学的研究等。通过本课题的研究将为进一步调整和完善我国现有的进出口食品安全风险预警以及快速反应机制提出建议,提高我国进出口食品安全管理水平,从而将我国进出口食品安全控制从“消极、被动、事后和弥补”提升为“积极、主动、事前和预防”,切实有效地减少我国每年因出口遭拒带来的一系列损失,同时为进口食品的安全性给与充分的监控,为我国赢得对外食品贸易的主动权。

【Abstract】 China is a big country for food production and consumption, and also a big trading partner for food. In recent years, more and more developed countries set up technical barriers with increasing number of requests for inspection and quarantine to trade in the name of the prevention of epidemic diseases, protecting human and animal and plant life and health. China’s exports of food products are rejected frequently. At the same time, we are facing great challenges from the security of imported food. The imported food frequently are often detected pesticides residues, veterinary drugs residues, disease-causing micro-organisms, heavy metals residues and other hazardous substances by the inspection and quarantine agencies.In view of the increasing concern onfood safety from consumer, the number of WTO/SPS notifications relating to food safety increases fast in international food trade. It has reached a consensus that the improvement of food safety is based on scientific and technological development.The growing importance of hazard analysis application in food safety has been highlighted. The developed countries are devoting to the research on food safety and technology support system and thus expect to achieve initiative place in the international food trade.Firstly, more systematic, in-depth analysis of China’s recent import and export food safety issues was carried out in this paper. We take Japan’s "Positive List System" and the European Union’s new food safety laws and regulations as the main cases to analyze the new requirements in international food trade. An gravity model was ysed to empirically analyze the impact of the new requirements on China’s tea exports. It revealed that the scientific and technological progress was the only way to widen the international food trade. The future trend of China’s import and export food safety issues was studied based on the analysis above. It showes that possible more safety problems in food will appear with the growing need of food in China. We are facing great challenges in food trade in the futrue because major critical issues of food safety technology has not been fundamentally resolved,such as environmental pollution and pollution mitigation.Secondly, the construction of the technology support system in food safety was investigated to understand the relation between the food safety control and scientifc technical support. The main advancement of some developed contries in the technologies of food safety was also discussed. We can conclude that the scientific risk assessment techniques , surveillance techniques, early warning techniques and food traceability overall control technology will take more important roles in the future food trade .The experience in building and technology support system from developed countries was summed up and the future development trends in the import and export food safety were disscussed. The composition and characteristics of our import and export food safety and technology support system was analyzed based on the global food safety management model. The differences between the technology needs of ours and the international food safety requirements were discussed by taking the detection technologies of hazard substances residues. We should follow the international advanced scientific and technological developments in food safety to find the key techniques affecting the food safety in our country. Aiming at the challenges we are facing, we should give priority to food-borne hazards risk assessment techniques, develop more reliable, fast, portable, accurate food safety testing technology, accelerate the development of major pollutant residue control technology and carry out the process control technology in food production, processing, storage, packaging and transportation. The measure above is very important for import and export food safety to satisfy the needs of building a moderately prosperous society.Then, more detail analysis on the gap with the developed countries in the the four levels including food safety technology or technical standards, inspection and quarantine facilities and the quality of personnel was done to put forward a policy framework for improvement of import and export food safety and technology support system in China. Finally, the key issues concerned were raised on the basis of the summary of national science and technology investment, output and Identification methods of the achievements: 1) setting inspection and testing agencies and integration of the inspection and testing resources in a reasonable way; 2) strengthening the studies on core detection technology; 3) promoting the building of third-party testing institution and 4) development of food safety soft science research.We hope that the research above can provide some useful suggestions to improve our existing import and export food safety risk early warning and rapid response mechanism and the level of China’s food safety management. It is targeted to change the working pattern of our food quality and safety supervision from“negative, passive, afterwards and making up”into“positive, initiative, beforehand and prevention”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

