

Research on the Technological Innovation of Regional Industry-University-Research Cooperation

【作者】 唐小旭

【导师】 范德成;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 知识经济背景下,人们逐渐认识到创新,尤其是技术创新在经济生活中的重要意义,于是产生“国家创新体系”的概念。国家创新系统的核心是知识创新和技术创新,产学研(企业、高校、科研机构)结合是知识创新和技术创新的主要途径和必然发展方向。当今对产学研结合技术创新的研究很多都是在国家创新体系及区域创新体系的框架内进行的。越来越多的实际案例显示,产学研结合技术创新在不同的国家、不同的区域体现出很大的差异,有些国家、有些区域显现出很强的创新能力,而另外一些国家、区域则表现平平。21世纪是一个区域化的世纪,由于能够系统的促进创新活动从而能够在促进区域经济发展、进而促进国家经济发展上发挥更大的作用,因此区域内的产学研结合技术创新变得相对重要起来。在对国内外区域创新理论进行认真总结和客观评价的基础上,论文首先从理论角度详细分析产学研结合与区域技术创新的互动作用,确定本文的研究对象为区域产学研结合技术创新,并进行清晰界定,对其中的重要参与者—官、产、学、研、金、介进行角色的定位。论文通过大量的数据分析说明目前我国产学研结合技术创新的现状,并利用回归方法分析产学研结合对区域技术创新的贡献程度;然后对美国、日本及其他发达国家产学研合作创新的发展历程及合作创新的主要形式进行概括总结,得到产学研结合技术创新发展的重要启示;最后分析我国产学研结合技术创新滞后的原因。论文基于动力促进理论从流程角度分析产学研结合技术创新的过程,建立流程图;然后按照整个流程分析产学研结合技术创新机制,包括动力机制、运行机制、利益分配机制以及贯穿合作始终的知识管理机制,其中运行机制包括协同、学习、成果导入及激励机制。运用博弈方法分析政府、企业、学研三者的关系,建立利益分配的动态博弈模型,并对其一般性均衡解进行分析。研究发现,若政府采取不同的创新政策会对产学研合作收益产生影响。论文从产学研结合技术创新主体、主体间关系以及合作创新环境三方面分析区域产学研结合技术创新模式及模式选择的影响因素,提出模式选择分为两个步骤:一是基于权变理论的初级选择,分析企业规模因子、技术特征因子对产学研结合模式选择的影响,给出产学研结合模式选择的权变模式;二是基于博弈理论的次级选择,以技术购买和合作开发两种模式为例,建立积极创新政策下产学研结合模式选择的动态博弈模型。区域产学研结合技术创新各个要素之间相互作用,在合作创新的环境中选择合作模式,经过一系列运行机制,达到一定创新效果,最终转化为创新绩效产出。论文主要从合作创新环境、合作创新投入、合作创新产出、合作创新运行和合作创新效果五个方面构建新的区域产学研结合技术创新绩效评价指标体系,首先运用因子-聚类法对可量化的投入产出评价指标体系进行评价,分析全国30个省市的产学研结合技术创新绩效;然后利用模糊积分方法对整个指标体系进行评价,得到我国区域产学研结合技术创新情况属于基本良好的状态,但其发展及运行过程中还是存在一些问题的。论文最后对黑龙江省产学研结合技术创新进行实证研究。首先基于黑龙江省现状以及对调查问卷的整理,分析目前黑龙江省产学研结合技术创新发展的总体形势;然后通过纵向比较和横向比较相结合的方法分析黑龙江省产学研结合技术创新近几年的发展变化,以及与国内其他省市相比仍存在的一些问题,在此基础上提出黑龙江省产学研结合技术创新实现的保障措施。

【Abstract】 In the context of knowledge-based economy, it is a growing recognition that innovation, especially technological innovation is important in economic life. Then they have the concept of "national innovation system". The core of NIS is the knowledge innovation and technological innovation, and the IUR cooperation is the major way and the inevitable direction of knowledge and technological innovations. A lot of researches today about IUR cooperative technological innovation are carried out in the framework of NIS and RIS. An increasing number of actual cases show a considerable differences of IUR cooperative technological innovation in different countries and regions, some countries and regions showing a strong ability to innovate, while other countries and regions showing a mediocre performance.21st century is a regional century, the IUR cooperative technological innovation become relatively important because it can play a bigger role in promoting innovative activities, and then promoting regional economic development, then promoting national economic development.On the basis of conscientious sum-up and objective evaluation of regional innovation theory, the paper analyzes the interaction between IUR cooperation technological innovation and regional technological innovation from a theoretical point of view, then determines the object of study is the regional IUR cooperative technological innovation and well-defined, and positions the role of the important participants-government, industry, university, research, financial institution and intermediary organization.The study shows the development status of IUR cooperation in China through a large amount of data analysis, and analyzes the the degree of contribution about the IUR cooperation to regional technological innovation by use of regression analysis; then make a summary of the development process and the main form about IUR cooperation in developed countries, gets the important enlightenment of the development of IUR cooperation; then analyzes the reasons of lagging behind in technological innovation of China.Based on the driving force promotion theory, the paper analyzes the process of IUR cooperation from the perspective of flow, and sets up the flow chart; then analyzes the innovation mechanisms in accordance with the flow, including the dynamic mechanism, operational mechanism, the interests distribution mechanisms, as well as the knowledge management mechanism consistently throughout the cooperation. Operational mechanism includes collaboration, learning and growth, scientific and technical payoffs introduce and incentive mechanism. Then we analyze the relations between government, enterprises and study use the game theory, sets up the dynamic game model of the interests distribution, and analyze its general equilibrium. The study found that if the government adopted different policies on innovation, the interests of IUR cooperation would be influnenced.The paper analyzes regional IUR cooperative technological innovation modes and influencing factors of mode selection from three aspects of the main body, innovation environment, the links between the main body of IUR cooperation. The mode selection is divided into two steps:the first is initial choice based on the contingent theory, analyzes the influnence of firm size and technical characteristics on the IUR cooperation mode selection, puts forward the contingent model of the IUR cooperation mode selection; the second is the sub-options based on game theory, takes technology purchase mode and cooperative development mode as an example, sets up the dynamic game model of IUR cooperative mode selection under the active innovation policy.The various elements of regional IUR cooperative technological innovation interact, select cooperation mode in cooperative innovation environment, after a series of operational mechanism, reach a certain innovation effect, and ultimately translate into innovation output performance. The paper constructs the index system of IUR cooperative technological innovation performance from five angles of cooperative innovation environment, innovation inputs, innovation outputs, innovation operation and the effect of cooperative innovation, first carries on the scientific evaluation to 30 provinces and cities using the method of the factor analysis and the cluster analysis, then use the fuzzy integral method to analyze the appraisal index system, obtains the IUR technological innovation of our country is mainly in good condition, and there are still some problems in its development and operation.Finally the paper takes empirical studies of Heilongjiang Province IUR technological innovation. First of all, analyze the current overall situation of IUR technological innovation in Heilongjiang Province based on the status of Heilongjiang Province as well as the questionnaire; and then analyzes the development and changes of IUR technological innovation in Heilongjiang Province in recent years through the vertical comparison and horizontal comparison, as well as some problems compared with other provinces and cities, proposes the safeguards implementation of IUR cooperative technological innovation of Heilongjiang Province.

  • 【分类号】F273.1;G322.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】2481
  • 攻读期成果

