

Modular Design Technology of Stones Machining Equipment Based on Kinematics Spectrum

【作者】 王日君

【导师】 葛培琪; 张进生;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 石材异型制品应用日益广泛,并朝着多元化、个性化的方向发展,这就要求石材设备生产企业能够快速的研发并制造出满足制品加工需求的石材异型制品加工设备,而大部分企业目前所采用的设计方法因其效率低下等问题制约着设备的开发。模块化设计作为一种实用高效的设计方法在机械工程领域已经得到广泛应用,其通过模块的选择与组合可实现产品的快速设计。本文将模块化设计技术引入石材异型制品加工设备的设计中,在现有的模块化理论研究的基础上,对石材异型制品加工设备模块化设计过程中的模块创建、模块的编码及接口的设计等问题进行深入的研究和探索,从而为石材异型制品加工设备的模块化设计提供理论依据,推动石材设备生产企业模块化设计模式的进程,实现设备的快速设计。对市场上常用的石材异型制品进行归纳、定义和分类描述,分析各类制品的成形面、常用的加工刀具类型和成形加工原理,在此基础上深入研究石材异型制品的成形方法及其成形运动。制品加工的成形运动决定了设备的结构形式,成形运动的分析为面向模块化设计的石材异型制品加工设备系列型谱的拟定奠定基础。归纳所有的成形运动得到石材异型制品所有的加工运动组合,在数控设备坐标系下建立石材异型制品加工完整的运动学图谱。通过运动学图谱可以直观形象的分析设备的运动,从而为设备的功能、结构的分析与分解及模块的划分提供指导。进行石材异型制品加工设备的模块化设计的前期准备工作,包括:对整个模块化设计过程进行整体规划,将其划分为模块化系统的开发和基于模块化系统的设备设计两个阶段,并详细分析各阶段的开发流程,从而为模块化设计的具体实施提供指导;基于石材异型制品的分类及其成形运动分析,拟定石材异型制品加工设备系列型谱,并详细分析该系列设备的功能和结构,为基于功能和结构分解的模块划分奠定基础;针对石材异型制品加工设备的特点,提出面向生命周期的模块划分原则,结合功能独立和结构独立的通用性原则,能够有效的指导模块的划分。考虑石材异型制品加工设备结构的复杂性,将公理设计理论、运动学图谱和模糊树图理论相结合对其进行模块的划分。首先,采用公理设计的功能域-物理域的映射框架进行设备的逐级分解,在分解得到的设计矩阵均为对角阵的情况下,设备的子结构满足功能和结构的独立性,可单独作为一个模块,在适当的层次停止分解,基于运动学图谱,将模块映射到具体的结构形式,即得到划分完成的模块。若得到的设计矩阵为三角阵或者满矩阵,则对分解得到的子结构进行功能和结构相关度的分析,采用模糊树图聚类法将子结构聚类为模块。以模块化设备设计中的横系列、纵系列和更新换代设计复杂度为优化目标,建立面向设计的模块划分方案数学评价模型,对模块划分方案进行优选,从而得到利于设备再设计的最终的模块划分方案。对划分得到的各模块,综合其所属的设备系列、模块的功能和结构特征等信息进行详细的编码,以方便模块的管理和模块的计算机辅助选择与组合;基于模块化设计规则中的界面规则,研究模块接口的标准化设计,包括接口的形状和几何参数的标准化,以便于模块的互换与重组;在对接口的类型、形状、参数、功能流方向等各种信息进行分析与综合的基础上,建立接口的模型,并对接口模型的各种信息进行编码。接口的模型可为模块间关系的判断提供核心数据,是模块匹配性识别、模块可组合的依据。根据以上关键技术的研究,结合石材异型制品加工设备的设计特点,开发石材异型制品加工设备计算机辅助模块化设计系统。首先从系统整体的角度,采用IDEF0建模方法构建系统的功能模型,并将系统功能划分为模块化设计、数据管理和协同设计三个部分;然后在功能模型指导下,规划系统的整个体系结构和整体运行流程,并对各个子系统进行详细的分析与设计;最后,通过实例说明整个系统的运行过程。该系统可实现模块化设计过程的自动化,提高模块化设计的效率。

【Abstract】 Application of special shaped stones becomes increasingly wide and the special shaped stones become diversified and personalized, which require stone machining equipment manufacturers to develop and manufacture special shaped stones machining equipments which meet the processing needs of special shaped stones quickly. However, existing design methods restrict the development of equipment because of problems such as their low efficiency. Modular design enables rapid design of products through the selection and combination of modules. As a practical and efficient design method, modular design has been widely used in the field of mechanical engineering. Modular design technology is led into the design of special shaped stones machining equipments in this dissertation and the problems such as the partition, encoding and interface design of module during the modular design of shaped stones machining equipments are studied and explored deeply in order to provide a theoretical basis for the modular design of special shaped stones machining equipments and promote the process of modular design model in stone equipment manufacturing enterprises and achieve rapid design of equipment ultimately.Special shaped stones commonly used on the market are defined, classified and described. The shape of each kind of special shaped stones, processing tools commonly used and the shaping principle are analyzed, on the basis of which the shaping method and shaping motion are studied deeply. Shaping motion of the stones determine the structure of equipment, therefore the analysis of shaping motion lay the foundation for the development of special shaped stones machining equipment series model which face modular design. Machining motion combinations of special shaped stones can be obtained by summing up all shaping movements, and then kinematics spectrum of the machining of special shaped stones can be established under the CNC machine tool coordinate system. Equipment movement can be analyzed intuitively through kinematics spectrums, which provide guidance for both the analysis and decomposition of the equipments’ function and structure and the partition of module.The preparatory work of modular design of special shaped stones machining equipment is done which includes several steps as follows. Firstly, the whole process of modular design is integrated planned. The process is divided into two stages which are the development of modular system and the design of equipment based on the modular system, besides, the development process of each stage are analyzed in detail, which provide guidance on the specific implementation of modular design; Secondly, based on the classification of special shaped stones and their motion analysis, special shaped stones machining equipment series model is developed and the function and structure of the series equipments are analyzed in detail, which lay the foundation for the module partition which based on the decomposition of function and structure; Thirdly, considering the characteristics of special shaped stones machining equipment, module partition principle for life-cycle is proposed which can effectively guide the module partition by combining the general principle of functional and structural independence.Considering the complexity of the structure of special shaped stones machining equipment, module partition is completed by the combination of axiomatic design, kinematics spectrum and fuzzy dendrogram. The product is gradually divided using the framework of zigzagging map between the functional domain and physical domain of axiomatic design. In the case that the design matrix are diagonal matrices, the substructures of the division meet the functional and structural independence and can be considered as a separate module, then the division of module can be ended. Based on kinematics spectrum, modules are mapped to a specific structural form and the ultimate module can be obtained. When the design matrices are triangle matrices or fall rank matrices, the relevance of function and structure between the substructures are analyzed and then fuzzy dendrogram is used to cluster the substructures into modules. Mathematical evaluation model of module partition program for product design which considering the complexity of cross-series design, longitudinal series design and replacement design as the optimization goal is established, by which module partition programs can be evaluated in order to get the most reasonable module partition program.In order to facilitate the management and computer-aided selection and combination of modules, each module is encoded in detail by considering the information of respective equipment series, functional and structural characteristics of modules. Based on the interface rules of the modular design rules, standardized design of module interfaces which includes the standardization of interfaces’ structure and parameter is studied in order to facilitate the exchange and reorganization of the modules. On the basis of analysis and synthesis of interfaces’ type, shape, parameters, functional flow direction and other information, interface model is established and information included is encoded. Interface model provides the core data in the determination of the relationship between modules and is the foundation for the matching recognition and combination between modules.Based on the study of the key technologies above, computer-aided modular design system of special shaped stones machining equipment is developed considering the design features of special shaped stones machining equipment. Firstly, the system’s functional model is built using IDEF0 modeling method and system functions are divided into three parts including modular design, data management and collaborative design. Secondly, under the guidance of the functional model, the overall structure and run process of the entire system are planned and each subsystem is analyzed and designed in detail. Ultimately, an example is used to show the running process of the whole system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期

