

Research on Characteristics and Signal Analysis and Processing Technology of Electromagnetic Emission in Fracture of Coal-rock

【作者】 张世杰

【导师】 何学秋; 李成武;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用实验研究,理论分析相结合的方法,研究了煤岩破坏电磁辐射信号的发生机理及信号特征。利用煤体锤击破坏试验模拟煤体的应力释放破坏过程,采用红外光谱技术对不同硬度煤体破坏前后的氢键变化进行了研究,探讨了煤体破坏前后分子特征的变化,利用氢键断裂发生电荷转移的原理分析了电磁辐射产生机理。实验研究了煤体单轴压缩破坏过程中的电磁辐射信号特征;采用谱分析技术分析了煤体破坏过程中的不同频段信号的功率谱密度分布特征;采用小波理论研究了不同频段电磁辐射信号及背景噪声特征,研究了基于小波变换的电磁辐射信号降噪原理;采用希尔伯特-黄变换(HHT)方法,通过对煤岩电磁辐射信号的整体经验模式分解法(EEMD)分解,计算Hilbert能量谱和边际谱,确定了电磁辐射信号特征的主要频段,为电磁辐射预测方法的现场应用奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 In this paper, experimental research, the method of combining theoretical analysis to study the damage of coal or rock the occurrence of electromagnetic radiation signal mechanism and signal characteristics. Hammer destructive testing using simulated coal coal failure process of stress release, using infrared spectroscopy to the destruction of coal of different hardness before and after the changes in the hydrogen bond study of the molecular characteristics of coal before and after the destruction of the changes in the use of hydrogen bond breakage the principle of charge transfer occurs analysis of electromagnetic radiation generation mechanism. Experimental study of the coal under uniaxial compression damage in the process of electromagnetic radiation signal characteristic; using spectral analysis technical analysis of the failure process of coal in the different frequency signals power spectral density distribution characteristics; using wavelet theory in different frequency bands of electromagnetic radiation signal and background noise characteristics, study of electromagnetic radiation based on wavelet transform the signal noise reduction principles; using Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) method, by EME signals in the overall empirical mode decomposition method (EEMD) decomposition, the calculation Hilbert energy spectrum and marginal spectrum of electromagnetic radiation to determine the signal characteristics of the main band of electromagnetic radiation prediction methods laid the foundation for field application.


