

The Study on the Tongjinyintaifengbosi of North Song Dynasty

【作者】 孟宪玉

【导师】 汪圣铎;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 北宋的通进银台封驳司,是宋神宗元丰改制前重要的中央机关。它呈送臣僚的章奏,发布皇帝的命令,通上下之情,连接皇帝和臣民,在中国古代政治信息传播史上具有重要的地位。北宋前期,它代替给事中行使封驳权,也是中国封驳制度发展史上的一里程碑。它是由宋以前掌控信息的中央机构发展演变而形成的,同时又是和宋初政治尤其是宋太宗时期政治特点紧密相关的产物。通进银台封驳司是由总署和下属机构组成的,通进银台封驳司为总署,办公机关在宣徽院北厅,位于皇宫大内。其附属机构有:1、通进司,主要负责把臣僚的奏章直接进呈皇帝:2、银台司,是负责把地方臣僚的奏章传送到通进司,由通进司进呈皇帝;3、看详银台司文字所,主要是对地方进奏院所投进的文书进行审查,定夺是否进呈、以及对公文文书的处理等;4、发敕司,主要负责皇帝命令的发布,并对下发的文书审查、登记;5、门下封驳司,是继承唐朝门下给事中的职能,掌封驳,对皇权起到一定的约束作用的机构,在一定程度上对皇帝决策的失误起到防患于未然的作用;6、进奏院,宋神宗熙宁四年(1071)归隶通进银台封驳司,主要负责各州公文的上传下达,以及政治新闻信息的传播。信息是决策的基础,而正确的决策依赖准确及时的信息,准确及时的信息依赖于信息流通机构,所以通进银台封驳司作为掌控信息的机构,也就具有十分重要的地位。其职能主要有:1、公文文书的发送;2、公文文书的审查;3、公文文书的保密;4、公文文书的登记、留底、归类、编目、帖写摘要;5、封驳职能;6、谏诤的职能;7、行政监督的职能。特别从其对公文处理看,就已经包括对公文贴写摘要、分类编目、登记留底、检核审查、发放去处等内容,对于现行文书档案制度也有一定的借鉴意义。通进银台封驳司上述职能的拥有和具体运作,使其成为北宋元丰改制前的重要的中央机构,对北宋前期的政治发挥重要作用。通进银台封驳司的长官需要两制以上的官员充任,在元丰改制前,两制以上作为官员资序,是指差遣在三司副使之上、贴职在待制以上、本官在谏议大夫以上的官员,这些都是皇帝的近臣,在宋朝的政治生活中起到较为重要的作用。除了具备两制以上的资序外,通进银台封驳司的长官还要遵守宋代的回避制度,就是不得和二府执政大臣有亲属姻亲关系,如有就回避。在任职上,通进银台封驳司的长官多兼职,所兼之职十分广泛,但最主要的兼职有四方面:1、铨选机构(审官院、三班院、吏部流内铨);2、翰林学士和知制诰;3、经筵官;4、纠察在京刑狱司。通过兼职,使其权力进一步扩大,增强了在朝廷中影响力。通进银台封驳司的长官往往是宰辅的后备官员,地位显要,为朝廷的重臣。在任职时间上,不久任,不专职,更换频繁,是其任职的一个重要特点,在一定程度上弱化了其职能作用。通进银台封驳司由其长官和附属机构的官吏组成,在北宋前期的中央机构中属于官吏较多、职能较复杂的部门。通进银台司官吏的俸禄待遇,有俸钱、衣赐、添支、傔人衣粮、公用钱、节日赏赐的收入等多项,每一项又分多个等级。通进银台封驳司的官吏构成较复杂,其身份等级有较大差别,因而其俸禄收入也多有不同,这是由宋代官僚等级制度所决定的,是封建王朝等级制在收入上的具体体现。从通进银台封驳司的历史地位看,它既是在中国古代封驳制度发展史上起到承上起下的作用,同时也在公文信息传播机构中起到承上起下的作用,是中国古代职官制度长期发展演变的产物。但是这一制度也有局限性,主要表现为:1、通进银台封驳司的封驳之权并非一直实行,出现过中断现象,这样其实际封驳所起到的作用就受到一定程度的限制;2、尽管通进银台封驳司有其封驳职能,但是皇帝和宰相有时破坏封驳制度,使封驳制度无法实行;3、通进银台封驳司官员由于多兼职且任期较短等原因,导致其责任心不强,未能有效发挥其应有的封驳作用;4、通进银台封驳司的封驳之权,在官僚利益集团的斗争中,往往成为党争的工具,而失去封驳的公正性;5、通进银台封驳司官员之间有矛盾,导致封驳不能有效实行。封驳制度是君主专制制度下形成的自我调节的一种重要制度,它在一定程度上减弱了君主专断所带来的危害,使得政治决策相对科学,在一定程度上起到了防患于未然的作用,但是因为君主专制的权力的至高无上性、排它性和不可分割性,在这种体制下,通进银台封驳司所起的封驳作用又是有限的,这种局限性是封建君主专制所具有的必然结果。

【Abstract】 Northern Song’s Tongjinyintaifengbosi, was an important central authority before Song Shenzong Yuanfenggaizhi.It sent the officals’Zhangzou, issued the emperor’s orders.It was a department from top to bottom, linking the emperor and the subjects, in the ancient Chinese political dissemination of information had an important place in history. Early Northern Song Dynasty, which replaced Geishizhong exercise refuting right, it was also a milestone in refuting system developing history of China. It was formed by central authority before Song Dynasty of the controlled information the evolution.Tongjinyintaifengbosi is also related to the early Song Dynast the political particularly Song Taizong characteristics of the political production.Tongjinyintaifengbosi was made up from the Department and the Secretary of the subsidiary bodies, Tongjinyintaifengbosi was Head office.the office was located in Xunhuibeiyuanting. Its subsidiary bodies were:1,Tongjinsi,it was responsible for the officals zouzhang that directly sent to the emperor.2,Yintaisi was responsible for the local Chenlao zouzhang transmitted toTongjinsi 3, Kanxiangyintaisiwenzisuo, mainly focused on local institutions into playing the instruments dropped into a review into whether the decision was, as well as the handling of documents, such as instruments.4, Fachisi was mainly responsible for the emperor ordered the release, and the instrument under review, registration. 5,Menxiafengbosi was subglottic Jishizhong inherit the functions of the Tang Dynasty, fortune letters refuting the imperial power to a certain extent bound by the role of institutions, to a certain extent, the emperor mistakes in decision-making on a proactive role.6,Jinzouyuan, in 1071(Song Shenzong Xining sinian),it is under Tongjinyintaifengbosi. It was responsible for uploading the document states issued, as well as political news and information dissemination.Information is the basis for decision making, and a correct decision to rely on accurate and timely information, accurate and timely information depends on the flowing office of information, so-Tongjinyintaifengbosi as the control of information, it was a very important position. Its main functions are:1,documents senting 2, the review of the documents instruments; 3, the confidentiality of the documents instrument functions; 4, the registration documents instruments, Backup, the classification, cataloguing, dengan written summary functions; 5, refuting functions; 6, the functions of Jian Zheng; 7, the supervisory functions. Especially from the document processing, it has included the document written summary, catalogues, registration and Backup, the review found, places to go, there is a certain useful for the development of the existing file system instruments. Tongjinyintaifengbosi owners of the above functions specific operation, making it became the important central instruments before the Northern Song Dynasty Yuanfenggaizhi.To the early Northern Song Dynasty political played an important role.Tongjinyintaifengbosi’Senior officials needed Above liangzhi officials Assumption. Before Yuanfenggaizhi,being as officials’order, Above liangzhi were those officials whose status were above Sansifushi, Daizhi and Jianyidaifu, these were the emperor’s Jin Chen, they had played more important role in the political life of Song Dynasty. In addition to being above Liangzhi’s order, Tongjinyintaifengbosi’Senior official should obey the Song Dynasty’ Avoidance System,that is to say, they mustn’t have the House or Marriage relatives with Erfu Zhizhengdachens,or they may have to evade. In the office, moreTongjinyintaifengbosi’Senior officials have part-time Executive Secretary, and the very broad level, but the most important part-time are four aspects:1, Quanxuanjigou;2, Hanlinxueshi and Zhizhigao; 3, Jingyan officers; 4,Jiuchazaijingxingyusi. Through part-time jobs, they expanded their powers, strengthened influence in the Imperial Court.Tongjinyintaifengbosi’Senior officials are often Zaifu’s reserve officials, for their prominent status, they were senior official of the Imperial Court. In the representation of time, the near term, not full-time, the frequent replacement, which was an important feature of the service, to a certain extent, weakened the role of their functions. Tongjinyintaifengbosi was split by the Executive Secretary and the officials of the subsidiary bodies,among the early Northern Song Dynasty’s central bodies,it belongs to such a department which officials are more and functions are more complex.As for their treatment of salary, include pension money, clothing thanks more opendings, Jianrenyiliang, utility money, the festive grant revenue items, and each one in several grades. Tongjinyintaifengbosi’officials constitute more complicated, their identities are very different levels, hence its salary income is more different, it was decided by the bureaucratic hierarchy of the Song Dynasty, was the feudal dynasties in the income hierarchy the concrete embodiment.considering Tongjinyintaifengbosi’historical status, it not only played a role of Connecting link between the preceding in the history of the refuting development of Ancient China and Information dissemination, but also was a product of ancient China Officials evolution of the system of long-term development. But there were limitations, mainly as follows:1,Its refuting right hasn’t been implemented, there were interruptions, so the actual refuting role played is to a certain extent restricted; 2, despite Tongjinyintaifengbosi has its functions, the emperor and the prime minister sometimes damage refuting system so that the system can not play proper role; 3, because of part-time jobs and near term, Tongjinyintaifengbosi’Senior officials’responsibility was not strong, and had failed to effectively play its rightful role in refuting closure.4, in the bureaucratic interest groups’ struggle, Tongjinyintaifengbosi’refuting right had often become a tool for party struggle, and losen its fairness of refuting.5, the contradictions between Tongjinyintaifengbosi’officials led to refuting right can not be effectively implemented. Refuting system is a system of self-regulation of an important system under absolute monarchy system, to a certain extent,it weakened the arbitrary monarchy damage,led to the making of political decision-making relative science, to a certain extent, has played a proactive role, but because of the supremacy of the power of absolute monarchy, exclusive and indivisible, in this system, the refuting role of Tongjinyintaifengbosi is limited, and this limitation is the inevitable result of the feudal autocratic monarchy.

【关键词】 北宋给事中银台司封驳
【Key words】 the Northern Song DynastyGeishizhongYintaisiFengBo
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】K244;D691
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】333

