

A History Study on the Method of Instruction in Modern China

【作者】 吕春枝

【导师】 吴洪成;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国教育史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国近代教学方法经历了巨大的变革。教育家在借鉴西方心理学研究成果的基础上,系统地对传统教学方法进行改造,尝试以实验的方式进行教学方法的学习和创新,力图将民主和科学的思想引入学校教学实践活动。教学方法具有历史继承性,而科学化与民主化至今仍是教学方法领域改革的目标之一。因此,探索近代教学方法变革,对当今基础教育的教学方法改革具有借鉴意义。近代教学方法的变革表现在教学方法实践的变革和理论的发展两个方面,实践的变革是理论发展的基础,两者互为因果。近代教学方法实践的变革与特定历史阶段的社会政治、经济和文化紧密联系,在内、外力交互作用下推进。传统的学校教学方法与农业经济形态相适应,强调机械记忆和静坐体悟,其教学原则与教学组织难以紧密结合,其难以操控性和体系的不完备是无法逾越的鸿沟。近代社会的变迁是促使学校教学方法产生变革的力量。政治改革、工商业经济的发展、新型职业的出现和国际关系的变化对教学方法提出新的要求。传统教学中以重实证、实践为特征的实学方法受到重视,将“西文”、“西艺”融入教学中,构建出以“中体西用”为核心,以中西杂糅为特征的近代早期教学方法体系,在洋务运动时期的新式学堂中得到普遍应用。不断加深的民族危机是教学方法变革的时代动因,在“教育救国”理念的指引下,构建新的学校教育体制,推行新式教学方法成为主流。政府参仿国外,相继颁布新学制,建立新的学校教育体系,并对教学方法做出相应规定。《癸卯学制》以法律文本的形式对以背诵和体罚为主要特征的传统教法进行修正;《壬子癸丑学制》将教学方法的变革定格在联络各学科,趋向综合的发展方向上;《壬戌学制》则试图增加学生自动学习的机会,将教学方法的改革指向民主和科学。在这场政府引导下进行的教学方法改革运动中,留学生担当着重要的角色,留日师范生通过译书、著书以及从事教学活动,将“五段教学法”、“单级教学法”等引入国内;留美生用实验的方式将“道尔顿制”、“设计教学法”“分团教学法”、“文纳特卡制”等引入,并邀请杜威、孟禄、推士等西方教育家来华指导,积极推进教学方法改革的科学化和民主化进程。以洋务学堂、新式书院、幼稚园、新式小学和中学为主的教育机构在借鉴国外教学方法的基础上对传统教学方法进行现代性改革,经过部分吸收、全面借鉴、理性实验三个阶段的发展,创生出“教学做合一”、“整体教学法”、“廉方教学法”等本土教学方法。在教学方法实践变革的基础上,教学方法理论得到发展。近代教育家基本确定了教学方法的概念和分类体系,在理论构建上,逐渐取向专业化、具体化和微观化,加强学科教学方法论的研究,在此过程中,教学价值观呈现出个性化、科学化、民主化、实用化的趋向,从而使得近代教学方法的改革取得重大成就。本文运用文献法、统计法、案例分析法及比较研究等研究方法,坚持历史和客观的原则,通过评述近代教学方法改革的实践和理论,展现私塾、书院、洋务学堂、新式学校、幼稚园、小学和中学等教育机构中进行的具体变革活动,揭示近代教学方法中科学化和实用化趋向,并由此深刻理解近代教学方法变革的现实意义。对近代教学方法变革进行研究,不仅可以深化和拓展对近代教学方法变革的理解,丰富教育史研究的内容,而且,可以得出指导我国当代教学方法改革的历史经验和教训:第一,充分重视教学方法改革中移植和改造的困惑。第二,通过实验的方式,将教学方法的实践和理论研究建立在科学基础上,并将此运用于教学改革实践。第三,教育者的改革精神是促使教学方法多样化的主要因素。第四,教育者的理性思考促使教学方法的改革在科学的基础上走向本土化。因此,对近代教学方法的研究具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Instructional methods (methods of education) had been changed significantly in China before 1949. In order to inject ideas of scientism and democracy into this area, referring to the contributions of psychology research in western countries, educators reformed the traditional methods, and began to experiment on new methods. Through summarizing characters of transformation progress of instructional methods in modern china (1840-1949), this dissertation contributes to the research of current reform in basic education.The transformation of instructional methods includes not only the change of practice, but also that of theory, which is the result of practice and could also affect practice. The internal and external powers transformed the practice of instructional methods, reflecting the influence of politics, economics and culture. Based on agriculture economy, traditional instructional methods could hardly be operated because it focused on liberal art teaching, emphasized memory and meditation, and its wonderful principle was hard to be used in breaking teaching strategy. This fact, together with the imperfection, was the internal power of transformation. External power came from changes of government, the development of commerce and industry, changes of international relationship, and the emergence of some new industries. Methods that attach importance to practice were paid much attention and became more and more popular. Teaching mode of missionary schools was followed. The principle of "Western Methods Based on Chinese Culture" was set up and used in new schools.The deepening national crisis was a thruster of transformation. With the idea of "Saving the Nation Through Education", the governor promulgated new educational systems, such as "Gui Mao Educational System", which modify the traditional method, abolish "recitation" and "physical punishment","Ren Zi Gui Chou Educational System" which advocate teaching in connection with subjects, "Ren Xu Educational System" which let the student learn by themselves. At the same time, the educator experiment on new methods in kindergartens, elementary schoola, secondary schools, and other education institutes. In the process, students who studied in Japan, translated the "Herbart’s Method", "One Grade Method" into China, and students who studied in America, experimented on the "Project Method", "Dalton Plan", "Group Method", "Winnetka Plan", and etc, and invited western famous educator such an John Dewey, Paul Monroe, G K. Twiss, and etc, to instruct Chinese teaching. During the three periods of absorbing partly, reference completely, and experiment rationally in learning, the Chinese educator created "TAO Xingzhi’s Method", "LI Lianfang’s Method", "CHEN Heqin’s Method".On the basic of practice, the theory of instructional method improved. The concept and system had been confirmed. The research of theory tend to specialization, reification and microcosmic. The value of instruction tend to individuation, scientism, democratization, and practicality. The theory instructed the practice actively, so reformation of instructional method had got great accomplishment.Through describing, analyzing and evaluating the changing of method of instruction in modern China by the means of literature-reading, statistics-analyzing, case-studying and comparative method, the dissertation united the history and objective, exhibited the development of the practice and theory in the education institute, such as Sishu, Shuyuan, Westernization School, New school, kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school, and etc, evaluated the reformation and its influences objectively, concluded the scientific and practical general tendency. Of course, the changing has the deficiencies we should admit. In summery, the study will not only deepen and extend the understanding of the changing in instructional method in modern China, so that enrich the study production on educational history, but also can elicit the experiences and lessons that direct our educational practices of the time. Firstly, we should pay attention to the puzzle of the transplantation and reconstruction, to the wandering of the teaching tradition. Secondly, we should care for the experiment of instructional method in the course of the scientific research in the practice and theory. Thirdly, we should realize that the instructor who has reforming spirit make the methods variety. Fourthly or lastly, we should know that the instructor who is rationalistic make the methods localize.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期

