

The Basic Research on Creativity: The Five Prospostions and Its Logic Flow

【作者】 钱磊

【导师】 尹定邦; 陈汗青;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 基于当前全球产业正由工业经济迈向后工业经济的时代背景,特别是中国制造向中国创造转型的现实需求,创意和创意产业成为日益显性的关键词。为此,本文尝试从这一当下语境入手,对作为艺术设计核心的创意展开研究,探究创意作为生产行为的特殊逻辑,提出了关于创意的五个核心命题,分别是:“需要、可能、问题、探索—生成和验证”;各有不同特征,彼此之间又有矛盾冲突,导致创意是综合、循环、平衡甚至妥协的过程,由此形成创意特殊的行为逻辑和行为人特性,并带来管理、组织、社会等一系列的变革要求。因此,本文也可视为一般创意思维的研究,紧密围绕着创意这个核心词汇从理解其概念和定义开始,到对创意的内在五命题展开剖析,最后是对由命题所构成的创意逻辑的初步探讨。全文主要分为以下三大部分:1、理解创意的定义人类对创造力的认知,从“神力”到“天才”到“集体的人”到“个体的人”,经历了一个螺旋式上升的过程。直到晚近,创造力才真正成为心理学家的研究对象,发展出创造心理学的独立范畴;并逐渐形成了以“新颖性”(Novelty)和“有用性”(Fitness)为两个评价基准的定义共识。创造心理学对“创意”所作出的如此看似简单的定义,其间却包含着深刻的矛盾对立统一的关系。本文还从信息传播学的角度提出了对创意的理解,即“创造意义”,这是人类设计符号并进行表达的行为;通过符号的创造,赋予内容以可表达的形式,赋予形式以意义,供人类用以自我表达和沟通联系。由于创意的信息传播特征,自然其创意的“新颖性”和“有用性”,都应也只能从信息传播必须的“传”与“受”互动的角度来理解和要求,创意创造的是一种对话关系,其价值的完成在于对话双方的共同参与和决定;这也就直接导致了创意内涵的命题逻辑。2、理解创意的命题为对创意有深刻理解,本文就与之密切相关的五个命题,展开了分述探讨:首先是需要,这是人类行为的原点。对创意来说,人的需要既有个人、多层次的内在表现,又受到外界社会、文化的影响、诱导和制约;尤其是人追求自我的发展和完善,在共性的基本需求之上,又会衍生出更精神层面的个性欲望;表现出常态、系统、多元、竞争、进化、比较、适宜、极致、周期、可诱导等丰富的具体特征。产业化的创意还须以市场交换、服务于经济活动为前提,设计师要满足客体对象的需要;这一客体需要是多角色参与的系统,包括投资者、生产者、管理者、经销商、消费者,必须兼容多元对象之需要的不同诉求。其次是可能,这既是创意的限定,也是必须且只能仰赖的现实基础。创意需要专业的可能,包括技术和艺术两方面,技术为创意提供物质、功能基础;艺术则为符号、形式的创意提供丰富素材、想象力和表现力。产业化的创意还有赖于市场作为消费、组织作为生产、社会作为支持等条件前提,构成完整系统、有内在管理机制的产业链和生命体,令创意可持续。创意是对现实条件的发展,所有可能都要以“可发展性”为前提,以生态心理学affordance概念看,可能虽是客观存在,但需主观创造性地发现、挖掘、呈现,实现对现实的超越。第三是问题。创意所要面对的问题并不是直观、外显、清楚定义、答案唯一、逻辑严谨的结构化问题,而是复杂、内隐、模糊、有待发现的非结构问题。因此,问题的发现需要作为观察者的创意人和被观察对象的消费者之间紧密互动,代入相融,才有了诸如人类学、事理学等方法的创意介入。而且,人类的创意不只是停留于解决问题,发现乃至创造问题、以新观念重新看待旧问题等才是真正的前提,创意超越问题解决;这更需要创造性和洞察力,在显与隐、好与坏、真与假、难与易、新与旧等不同的问题类别中仔细甄别,以正确的问题启发、引导创意;并创意地为不同类型的问题寻求、探索适宜的解决方案。第四是探索—生成,这是创意思维中最关键最惊险一跃,也是创意逻辑的非逻辑跨越。在创造心理学“探索—生成”模式中,经由探索得到的只是前发明结构,会也需在不断探索中成熟、明确、定型,由量变到质变,从边缘到核心,形成最终产品。由于问题非结构化和探索的未知性,导致创意产业不同于传统制造,无法采取清晰、严谨的程序步骤,而更强调创意的全过程探索,以实现思维、专业、企业、产业、商业,乃至社会的重组与再造,寻求具有产业带动和市场效益的创意,实现从概念、策略、人造物、生活形态等一连串生成。最后是验证。包括以什么验证,什么人来验证,验证什么等多个层面;受直觉、理论、实践;自我、团队、专家、企业、消费者、政府;形式、功能、经济等多因素的影响和决定;既有内在的自我验证也有外在的他方验证,既有软性验证,也有硬性验证……唯有通过多角色、多层次,甚至是矛盾对立方法的反复验证,从客观批判的立场,在探索所生成的诸多方案中进行有效的优选。3、理解创意的逻辑需要、可能、问题、探索—生成、验证,创意的每个命题都充满矛盾多元的复杂性,自成系统;又须动态、关联、整体地作统合运动,如同“五行”相生相克:构成严密而弹性的逻辑关系,使创意有章可循,有方法可依。正因创意有逻辑,设计可以也必须表现出程序性;创意逻辑是设计程序的内在和动力之源,设计程序是创意命题逻辑的外在和形式手段。在实务中有策略单或任务书等形式,即意图帮助创意人对创意的需要、可能、问题、验证有清晰而准确地认知,促进探索—生成;这是创意逻辑在具体管理工具上的体现。创意五命题以及逻辑的存在为创意与管理的融合提供了充要条件、对接平台、基本方法。而这五点又是管理创意的基准点,通过对这五个命题从不同方面的追问,可视为对创意和创意作品进行管理的简单、直接而有效的方法。总之,创意深层次所蕴含的独特命题和行为逻辑,与传统制造业所应对的结构化、确定性、规模、线性、条理、显性、定量等问题,和由此所表现出来的以科学为标准的行为逻辑不同;必有其特殊性;亦带来深刻改变,也令管理必须适应创意做出新调整……这都是后续研究可以也值得展开的领域;而关于创意五个命题和逻辑的理解,也就成为必要的前提和基础。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the economic power presented by the emerging industries such as designing, advertising, fashion, media, sports and education has become the strategy of industrial upgrading taken by the whole world, especially those industrialized-countries. Oriented by the culture and art’s "design ideas", they seek in the global economy of the industrial division of labor chain, the occupation of the upstream of high value-added and core competitiveness. Through the creative output of the "soft power" such as brand, management, culture, lifestyle, they control the industry value chain such as production, manufacturing, sales channels and consumer market. It is in this industry context that the true and correct understanding of creativity is particularly necessary and urgent.This article attempts to explore the special logic in which creativity is considered to be a production, by implanting from the creative economy. Naturally, it constitutes a new foundation for creative industries and creative management, which emphasizes the integration of contradictions and the overall flexibility of the human creativity. In general, this article is divided into the following three sections:1, The context of the creativityResearch on human’s creativity has always been an active interest of people yet with a vague focus. In the field of psychology, there are still divergent views on the psychological performances of creative thinking and creative acts of the characteristics of people’s subjective and the objective path and other factors put forward different research "hypothesis". The research of creativity was not and cannot be single oriented. With the increasingly active performance of the creative industries, it also promotes a new research perspective of the creative industries and the management.What is creativity? Because of the lack of the understanding of one’s self-potential, people used to have many kinds of concepts during the process of the acknowledgement of human’s own creativity, or accrediting of people’s creativity to the divine power of God, to consolidate the religious belief; or looking at creativity as a special kind of talent and mysterious spirit of intrinsic differences, and forms the worship of genius. Both of these acknowledgements make creativity more mysterious. Until recent years, creativity has become the object of psychological studies. "Novelty" and "usefulness" have been put forward as two coordinates for the definition of the focus of psychology.Learn from the communication point of view, creativity is to "create meanings". It is the dissemination of the expression of human behavior. Through the creation of symbols, it gives content a form of expression, gives a meaning to the form, offers people a way to express themselves and connect with each other. Therefore, art design has a feature of communication of information. Its "novelty" and "usefulness" are both from the perspective of understanding and requirements of information dissemination. Therefore, "creativity" and "innovation" have essential and subtle distinction.2, The five propositions of the creativityCampared with the traditional manufacturing, creativity deals with the different problems and demonstrates by the different behavior logic. Creativity performances the following five factors for the close interaction between the logical flow, which the author named them the five propositions of the creativity:First of all is the need. It is the origin of all acts of human beings. But the needs faced by creativity has its particularity, subjective personalized, multi-level and the desire to resort to the spirit level, multi-object demands of both different and creative dynamic, positive, active influence. Though the satisfaction of the self-need of the creative people is important, by-product of the creative act.Secondly is the possibility. It is the limiting factor of creativity. Human creativity must be built upon the real possibility of the conditions. This paper discusses the possibilities and attention one should pay to creativity from three areas such as technology, market, art. But meanwhile creativity may develop to realize the exceeded possibilities and to create new possibilities.Third is the question. Questions arise when contractions are confronted. But creativity has to face the questions which are not clearly structured questions, but the complexity of the implicit potential problems yet to be discovered, and even unsure about who raises the question. Thus acts of human creativity is not just to solve the problem but to find the real problem, which required more creativity and insight of the questions in different categories to find the most appropriate creative problem.Fourth is exploring and generating. We need creativity to solve the questions which are put forward. This is the entire logic of the most crucial leap. Creativity is not a simple mechanical solution to the problem, but a special solution which is more than a solution. For unstructured questions, creativity need to remain open and expanded inclusive. In addition, creativity is different from the ordinary manufacturing, it is a complete process and difficult to divide, and its value depends on the integration of the system, not only an art form, or works of creation. It also includes the business model, the development of life-style. This is a creativity which drives the industry.Finally, creativity contains verification and management. This is also a guarantee of the industrial effect of creativity. The proposal of creative management, is not a new creation, but an inherent requirement of the logic of the creative act.3. The Creative behavior logicBased on the former discussion on the five propositions of the creativity, we can see that even each factors is complicated and full of contradictions, meanwhile these five propositions must be dynamicly and closely interacted with each other. They form an overall integration movement of creative thinking and act. The description of the logic of creative acts, not merely an abstract generalization, but also offers ideas and methods for the creativity management. Every factor described above is the key to the management of the creative acts.

【关键词】 创意基本命题逻辑创意产业
【Key words】 CreativityFive PropostionsLogicCreative Industries

