

The Compartment of Belief Perspective and the Choice of Knowledge Fate

【作者】 尤洋

【导师】 殷杰;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本论文由绪论、六个专题性论述和结束语所组成。绪论对本论文的选题、主旨、提纲以及写作意义做出详细说明,简单介绍了各章的主要内容,澄清了论文的主要概念、观点,特别是提供了论文中所没有涉及到的背景知识和写作思路等。本论文的主要目的就是要试图总结和廓清所有有关社会认识的思维,并且试图构建一个合理的研究体系。在这一体系中我们能够将散乱复杂的不同研究内容有机地纳入一个成体系的研究平台中,一方面可以在这一体系中深入分析和比较各类研究的内容和特征,另一方面在系统的归纳和比较的基础上,进而引入个人的研究内容和理论创新,以期在社会认识论研究这一新颖的研究领域内给出自己的求解和探索。第一章分为三节来论述,分别是:第一节现代认识论的发展、第二节认识论的社会化方向和第三节社会认识论的研究意义。在第一节中论文主要阐述了认识论的现代发展的新特征,即认识论的自然化方向以及认识论的社会化方向,论文在指出自然化认识论的重要理论特征以及它所具有的意义的同时,指出了自然化认识论的缺陷与不足之处,特别是由于辩护问题与循环问题的存在使得自然化认识论遇到了无法回避的难题和缺陷。而与此同时一种新的认识论研究方向悄然生成,并迅速地在学术界扩大自己的影响力,从而为认识论的研究开启了新的研究思路,这就是社会认识论。论文具体指出了社会认识论的两个研究进路,即其一个体与社会相区分的研究进路,其二陈词问题的研究进路,同时论文指出了一种广义的社会认识论,从而扩大了社会认识论的研究领域。在第二节中论文重点阐述了社会认识论的两个生成方向,即个体化向社会化的转向以及自然化向社会化的转向,系统地指出了两种转向的生成原因,从而指明社会认识论的产生有其历史和理论的必然性,因而需要以新的思维来看待和关注这一研究内容。在第三节中论文重点阐述了社会认识论的研究意义,从五个不同的角度指出社会认识论的发展有助于促进“社会”概念的界定和深化,有助于明确认识论研究的发展方向,有助于哲学方法论丰富和多元化,有助于补充和深化马克思主义认识论,有助于促进社会科学哲学的学科建制化。综合来看,本章系统论述了认识论的现代发展,指出了当代哲学研究特别是认识论研究表征出明显的社会化趋势,并试图分析认识论的社会化趋势具有特定的哲学思维拓展的背景。文章具体指明社会认识论的两个不同的生成方向,在此基础上深入地分析了当代社会认识论的研究意义和价值。第二章分为两节来论述,分别是第一节社会认识论的涵义和第二节社会认识论的划界。在第一节中论文主要阐述了社会认识论的历史渊源,分别从古希腊时期、17、18世纪、19世纪以及20世纪四个不同的阶段探讨了社会认识论的思想脉络,尽管其中的思想更多的是一种思维的火花,但是对于社会认识论的系统研究来说,却是一种必要的追溯和考察。除此以外,在这一节中论文还对社会认识论的内涵做出了具体的界定,从知识政策研究、知识社会组织、知识社会属性进行了探讨,特别是从知识社会属性入手,界定了八种不同的内涵定义,从而从多个不同角度分别对社会认识论研究的理论特征做出了丰富的考察和全面的归纳。在第二节中论文对社会认识论的划界问题进行了系统的研究,分别从社会认识论与传统认识论、社会认识论与知识社会学两个角度入手,指出社会认识论与传统认识论的区别就在于,认识标准是个体的还是集体的,认识标准是理性的还是社会的。知识社会学和社会认识论都是对知识社会性的研究,除去二者的定义不同之外,它们对科学传统和社会结构之于知识社会性的看法也不一致,知识社会学认为科学传统和社会结构构成了知识的社会性,而社会认识论否认这一点,认为知识的社会性来源于社会互动。综合来看,本章致力于三个基本工作,首先,从历史发展的角度,追溯了社会认识论的发展线索和思想脉络演变;其次,对社会认识论的内在涵义做出了基本界定,展示出其研究风格和多元理解;最后,进一步明确了其与传统认识论、知识社会学的划界。第三章分为三节来论述,分别是第一节社会认识论的理论定位、第二节社会认识论的研究路径和第三节社会认识论的基本域面。第一节分析了社会认识论的三种不同理论定位,以对社会认识论和传统认识论的关系作为分析的基础从而将众多纷繁散乱的研究内容归纳在三个理论定位之上,具体来看表现为延续性定位、替代性定位和平行性定位。第二节分析了社会认识论的两类研究路径,以知识就是信念、知识就是制度化的信念为核心阐述了社会学式的研究路径,以知识就是真信念、知识就是获得辩护的真信念为核心阐述了哲学式的研究路径,从而从研究方法上进行了归纳和区分。第三节分析了社会认识论的基本域面,以社会因素在个体中的作用、认知劳动的分配、集体性知识的本质这三个问题为核心,详细地分析了社会认识论研究的主要探讨问题,重点突出了陈词问题以及专家意见选择问题。综合来看,本章分析了社会认识论的本质,是本论文的基础研究部分的核心内容。文章具体分析了社会认识论的三种不同的理论定位,指出了哲学式和社会学式的两类研究路径,在此基础上将社会认识论的研究内容大致归纳为三个不同的域面,并相应地将其中所包含的具体研究内容做出了详尽的论述和分析,从而构建了一条把握社会认识论的核心思维主线。第四章分为五节来论述,分别是第一节求真社会认识论、第二节最小化社会认识论、第三节规范社会认识论、第四节建构社会认识论和第五节女性主义社会认识论。第一节重点论述了艾尔文.戈德曼的求真社会认识论,阐述了他的求真维度思想以及对真理的六种批判和辩护,指出了他的社会认识论的评价目标、评价基础和评价标准,最后详细地阐述了求真值分析特别是使用贝叶斯定理进行的求真计算。第二节论述了菲利浦.凯彻尔的最小化社会认识论,指出他对科学变化、个体实践与共识实践、认知劳动分配的解释和认识,论文指出他的理论是一种最小化的社会认识论。第三节论述了史蒂夫.富勒尔的规范社会认识论,分别探讨了规范认识论、规范性研究、科学管理与看不见的手、知识生产的修辞学研究这四个方面,进而勾画出富勒尔的规范社会认识论研究内容。第四节论述了建构主义社会认识论思想,指出知识的社会建构的三种认识、建构论对科学知识的解释、建构论之于认识论的意义,从而合理地从外部将建构论纳入社会认识论的研究范畴之内。第五节论述了女性主义社会认识论思想,分别从女性主义认识论的定位、女性主义认识论的历史与发展、女性主义认识论的论题三个方面阐述了女性主义社会认识论的研究内容。综合来看,本章完善了社会认识论的研究内容,充实了社会认识论的研究主线,更详尽的展现了当代社会认识论的研究特征。具体来看,文章介绍了五个不同的理论和思想,指出了这些理论的内容、特征和哲学意义,指出无论当代社会认识论研究表现为什么样的实际特征,采用什么样的研究视域和研究范式,它们都是人类知识探索过程中深入到社会实践时的诉求,是人类认识深化的实现机制。第五章分为四节进行论述,分别为第一节科学知识的合法化、第二节社会认识论视野中的认知偏见、社会认识论视域中的信息与知识、社会认识论与研究伦理学。第一节重点论述了科学知识的合法化问题、三种社会认识论的解决策略、以及规范认识论的新解释,指出了社会认识论对于科学知识合法化问题的全新回答。第二节重点论述了认知偏见的形成原因、本质特征以及社会认识论的解决策略,特别是求真认识论的解决方法,从而对于认知偏见这个复杂问题给出了自己的求解。第三节重点论述了信息与知识的社会认识论思维与认识方式,论文从社会认识论的目标域、社会认识论的方法域、社会认识论的价值域入手,指明社会认识论之于信息科学的意义和启示。第四节重点论述了社会认识论与研究伦理学的关系和定位,分别从研究伦理学的意义和价值、社会认识论的解读方式、研究伦理学的解释域入手,指明社会认识论完善了伦理学解释机制,丰富了伦理学的道德解释功能。综合来看,本章作为社会认识论的实践研究,从具体问题上来透视知识的社会性、知识的社会维度思想在求解哲学难题上的意义和方式,详尽地分析了社会认识论之于科学知识合法化、认知偏见、信息与知识、研究伦理学问题上的启迪和朝向认识社会化的发展,揭示了认识论的社会化思想给哲学研究带来的新的思维和观念。第六章分为两个研究组成,分别为第一节语境经验论的内容和意义以及第二节精致的语境经验论。第一节重点介绍了海伦.朗基诺的语境经验论内容,展现了朗基诺的语境经验论的研究内容、理论特征和语境解释的思想观念,指出语境解释了假说和证据之间的鸿沟。第二节创新性地提出我个人的精致的语境经验论,指出了我个人对朗基诺研究的不同意见和看法,并从三个方向批判和修改了朗基诺的观点,分别提出了自己的看法和认识,构建了一个精致的语境经验论,进一步分析论证了语境解释的具体过程和解释作用。综合来看,本章认为社会认识论显示出的思维方式和认识观念的变革和方法论的更新,必将为认识论研究带来深刻启迪和认识价值。结束语部分总结了本论文在写作上的创新和不足之处,同时揭示了社会认识论研究这一学科发展的趋势,即走向实践哲学。同时提出一个重要的观念“自由的思想交流市场”,进一步说明本论文的意义,指出这一观念的价值就在于推动我们进一步地理解为什么社会认识论会出现在社会学和哲学两个完全不同的研究域内并形成“认识论的社会化”潮流,指出开放与实践的社会认识论就是当代社会认识论的研究趋势所在。

【Abstract】 The dissertation includes the introduction, six special topics and the conclusion.The introduction explains the selection of the topic, motif, outline and significance of writing in details, simply introduces main contents of the special topic and clarifies the main conceptions and opinions in this thesis, especially provides the Knowledge background and writing train of thought, which the main bodies do not involve. The main purpose of the dissertation is to summarize and clarify all the ideas about social epistemology and to construct a rational research system。We can put all different research contents into the systemic research platform, analyze and compare these contents and character on one hand, on the other hand import my research contents and theory innovation on the basic of systemic induction and compare. I want to contribute some my solutions and explorations in this novel research field.Chapter One can divide into three sections, they are section one the development of modern epistemology, section two the socialization directions of epistemology and section three the research significance of Social Epistemology. The dissertation expounds the new development characters of modern epistemology, that is the naturalized epistemology and the socialized epistemology. The dissertation points out the important theory characters and the meaning of naturalized epistemology, at the same time it points out the shortcoming of naturalized epistemology, especially the justification problem and the circulation problem, points out the two problems are the unaccountable problems and puzzles of naturalized epistemology. But a new direction of epistemology is forming stealthily and enlarging the influence at the same time, it is opening a new research idea. It is Social Epistemology. The dissertation points out two research routes of Social Epistemology concretely, that is the differentiation route between individual and group and the testimony research route. The dissertation points out a larger and looser Social Epistemology and enlarges the research scope. Section two expounds two formation directions of Social Epistemology, that is the turn from Naturalized to Socialized and the turn form Individual to Socialized, points out the formation reason of the two turns, expounds its historical and theoretical inevitability. Section three expounds five research significances of the Social Epistemology. It concludes that the research of Social Epistemology is of great epistemological importance in defining and deepening the concept "society", in clarifying the direction of the epistemological research, and diversifying philosophical methodologies. In particular, Social Epistemology has theoretical and practical significance in enriching and complementing Marxian epistemology and promoting the development of Philosophy of Social Science in the context of China. Synthetically, Chapter one expound the modern development of Epistemology, point out that the philosophy research especially the Epistemology research represent obvious socialization trend, analyze that this socialization trend has its particular philosophy idea development background. The article designate the two formation directions of Social Epistemology, analyze the research meaning and value of modern Social Epistemology deeply .Chapter two can divide into two sections, they are section one the meaning of Social Epistemology and section two the demarcation of Social Epistemology. The dissertation expounds the historical trace in the section one, discusses the idea of Social Epistemology from the time of Ancient Greece, 17-18century,19century and 20century. Although these ideas are only thinking sparks, it is a necessary review to the systemic research. The dissertation clarifies the meaning of Social Epistemology from the study of knowledge policy, the organization of knowledge society and the social attribution of knowledge , it gives eight different definitions from the social attribution of knowledge, it gives abundant review and general induction from many viewpoint. The dissertation gives systemic research to the demarcation of Social Epistemology from the traditional epistemology, Social Epistemology and Knowledge Sociology, it points out the differentiation between Social Epistemology and traditional Epistemology is whether the epistemology standard is individual or collective, is whether the epistemology standard is rational or social. Both Social Epistemology and Knowledge Sociology are the social study of knowledge, their definitions are different. Their opinions to science tradition and social structure are different, too. Knowledge Sociology maintains that the social attribute of knowledge is from the two factors, but Social Epistemology denies it and maintains that it comes from the social interactions of knowledge. Synthetically, Chapter two takes up with three essential works. Firstly, the article carries up the development clue and idea venation evolvement of Social Epistemology from the point of view of history development. Secondly, the article makes the essential confirmation to the meaning of Social Epistemology, reveals its research style and multiple understanding. Finally, the article nails down the boundary of Social Epistemology, traditional epistemology and knowledge sociology.Chapter three can divide into three sections, they are section one the theory orientation of Social Epistemology, section two the research route of Social Epistemology and section three the fundamental domains of Social Epistemology. Section one analyzes three theory orientation of Social Epistemology. The part takes all kinds of theories into the orientation on the basis of it. Specifically, the orientation can divide into the continued orientation, the substituted orientation and the Parallel orientation. Section two analyzes two kind research routes, "the knowledge is belief and "the knowledge is institutional belief are the core of the sociology research methods, "the knowledge is true belief" and "the knowledge is justified true belief are the core of philosophy research methods. Section three analyzes the fundamental domains of Social Epistemology. The social factors of individual knowledge , the distribution of cognitive labor and the nature of collective knowledge are the core of this section . The dissertation analyzes the main questions of Social Epistemology, stresses the testimony problem and the expert opinions choice problem. Synthetically, Chapter three analyzes the essence of Social Epistemology and it is the core contents of basic research. The article analyzes three different theory orientations of Social Epistemology, points out philosophy and sociology routes, divides three different domains, analyzes and expounds its idiographic contents, constructs one main line to understand Social Epistemology.Chapter four can divide into five sections, they are section one veritistic Social Epistemology, section two minimal Social Epistemology, Section three normative Social Epistemology, section four constructive Social Epistemology and section five feminist Social Epistemology. Section one expounds Alvin Goldman’ veritistic Social Epistemology, expounds his veritistic dimension idea and six criticism and justify to truth, points out his evaluation aim, base and criterion, analyzes his veritistic calculate and the Bayesian theorem. Section two expounds Philips Kitcher’ minimal Social Epistemology, points out his interpretation of scientific change, the individual practice and consensus practice, the research of cognitive labor distribution. The dissertation points out that his theory is a minimal Social Epistemology. Section three expounds Steve Fuller’ normative Social Epistemology, discusses normative epistemology, norm, the governance of science and the invisible hand and the rhetoric research of knowledge production. Section four expounds constructive Social Epistemology, points out three opinions of the theory of social constructivism, the constructive interpretation of scientific knowledge and the meaning of constructive interpretation to epistemology, takes constructivism into Social Epistemology from the external view. Section five expounds feminist Social Epistemology, expounds the study contents from the orientation of feminist epistemology, the history and development of feminist epistemology and the thesis of feminist epistemology. Synthetically, Chapter four consummates the contents of Social Epistemology, enriches its main line, exhibits the character of modern Social Epistemology. Specifically, the article introduce five different theories and ideas, points out the contents, characters and meanings of these theories, designates that they are considerations of human knowledge explorations which goes deep into social practice, that they are realization mechanisms of human cognitive deepen, whether modern Social Epistemology represents whatever actual characters and adopts whatever research visual thresholds.Chapter five can divide four sections, they are section one the legitimization of scientific knowledge, section two cognitive bias from perspective of Social Epistemology, section three information and knowledge of Social Epistemology, section four Social Epistemology and Research Ethnics. Section one expounds the legitimization of scientific knowledge, three solutions of Social Epistemology and The new interpretation of normative epistemology, gives a new answer to this problem. Section two expounds the formation reason of cognitive bias, the essential character of cognitive bias and the solution of Social Epistemology, gives a new solution to this complicated question. Section three expounds the information and knowledge from the perspective of Social Epistemology, points out the meaning of Social Epistemology from the aim domain of Social Epistemology, the method domain of Social Epistemology and the value domain of Social Epistemology. Section four expounds the relationship between Social Epistemology and research ethnics, points out the meaning and value of research ethnics, the interpretation of Social Epistemology and the interpretation domain of research ethnics. Synthetically, Chapter five is the practical research of Social Epistemology, it surveys the sociality and the social dimensions of knowledge from the specific questions, analyzes the enlightenments of Social Epistemology towards scientific knowledge legitimization, cognitive bias, information, and research ethics, analyzes the development of epistemology socialization, reveal that the socialization idea can bring new intentions and thoughts.Chapter six can divide two parts, they are section one the content and meaning of contextual empiricism and section two the exquisite contextual empiricism. In section one it exhibits the contents, characters and contextual explanations of longino’s contextual empiricism, points out that context can explain the gap between hypotheses and evidence. In section two it offers my own opinions and attitudes, criticizes and amends longino’s theory from three directions, provides my own opinions, constructs an exquisite contextual empiricism, analyzes and explains the specific process and explanation function of the context explanation. The article considers that the thinking manner, thinking revolution and methodology innovation of Social Epistemology can bring profound enlightenment and cognitive value for epistemology.Conclusion section summarizes the innovation and inadequacies in the dissertation, reveals that the trend of the subject is practical Philosophy ,and at the same time reveals an important idea, which is The Free Marketplace of Ideas, points out the meaning of the dissertation, namely, it can promote us to understand why Social Epistemology had appeared in the different domains of philosophy and sociology why Social Epistemology had formed the trend of socialization epistemology. The part points out that openness and practice are the research trend of Social Epistemology.

【关键词】 社会认识论知识社会维度
【Key words】 social epistemologyknowledgethe social dimension
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期

