

The Research of Michael Dummett’s Semantical Thought

【作者】 王航赞

【导师】 郭贵春;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪哲学的“语言学转向”以来,语义学的探讨开始得以广泛的流行。语言学着眼于研究语言及其表述对象间的关系,它是探求命题意义、分析思想内涵和把握世界的一种手段。从本质上讲,语义论题其实是对什么样的东西使得话语成为思想表述的刻画。这就意味着,它必然要涉及到陈述的意义以及陈述的真值问题。这些问题得到了当代语言哲学家以及逻辑学家的密切关注。可以说,对意义问题的讨论已成为当代语言哲学研究的主要内容。这一点不但决定了语言哲学研究的合法性,而且成为当前哲学研究的基础。对语言哲学家来说,要证明他们关于语义问题是整个哲学研究的起点这一信念的合理性,似乎是非常容易的。随着语义学研究的兴起,在语义学理论的建构上表现了两种趋向,一种是自弗雷格以来的那种语义学理论,主张把陈述的意义看成是其成真状态下所表达的内容。塔尔斯基对真理问题做出了一种语义学的表述,从而形成了一种形式语义学的观点。后来,这方面的论述和思想经过戴维森的综合,演变成一种系统的真值条件的意义理论。从而把意义看成是由语言表达在成真时所涉及到的那种客观对象来决定。在语义学的探讨上,这样的意义理论观点一直占据着主导性的地位。其内容体系的不断丰富、完善,论证方法的不断发展、进步,决定了20世纪语义学研究的整个格局。然而,真值条件的语义学理论在其具体的发展过程中也存在着一些困难,比如,它提出对语言进行形式化刻画和理想化研究的要求与自然语言的多样性、复杂性的具体现实所形成的巨大反差,从而给一种超越于它的语义学理论的出现提供了可能和必要。随着人们对于维特根斯坦后期哲学思想底蕴的发掘以及对语言行为的关注,到80年代,在语义学的研究上逐步地形成了一种认知语义学的发展方向。认知语义学具体地从言语活动、话语交流层面来探讨意义的形成问题,从而克服了古典真值意义理论在阐述意义形成方面把真值条件当成意义的苛刻要求。因为,从意义的形成上来看,意义的产生和语言的交流密切相关,而从使用和交流的角度讲,真值条件的意义理论存在着很大的不足。思想交流过程中的意义发生情景并不一定严格地遵循着真值条件形式的意义刻画。因此,对哲学语义学的讨论,有必要依照言语者的理解、认知、知识形成等形式来进行。当代英国著名哲学家达米特在这方面的研究性论述是非常值得关注的。本文的主要目的就是要考察达米特如何通过对语言意义的形成论述来解释人类的思想以及解决哲学上的问题。主要思路表现为:首先,依据达米特在语言哲学上的核心论点,把他的语言哲学研究定位为一种语义学论题的探讨。其次,把达米特的语义学思想作为刻画当代认知语义学的一个个案,分别通过对它的具体内涵、理论架构、构成原则、逻辑基础、核心论题、实质、特征和应用性的考察,给认知语义学的内容以把握。本文的意义在于:首先,基于语义学的研究,提出了把握达米特这一当代重要哲学家思想内涵的一个新颖视角;其次,通过对达米特语义学思想的研究考察,分析了语义学研究的走向。第三,探讨了语义学论题对当代科学哲学研究的意义。从结构和内容上看,本文包括三个部分:前言部分、主体部分和结语部分。其中前言部分简要地阐明了语义学的内涵、语义学研究的内容、达米特哲学思想的地位、研究现状以及核心论题,表明了对其语义学思想进行研究的必要性。主体部分为1-8章。它们之间具有这样的逻辑关系,其中第一章依据前言得出的结论,概述了语义学研究的传统及当代情况,给出了分析达米特语义学观点的具体背景。第二章到六章具体地对达米特的语义学思想进行了分析和论证。第七章和第八章着重对达米特语义学思想的具体应用情形进行了分析,考察了它对实在论论题和时间问题的具体刻画。第一章讨论了语义学的传统及其当代发展。其中第一节具体地从语义学研究的背景以及表现论述了语义学的兴起,阐明了语义学研究的相关性问题。第二节结合语义学的传统以及当代发展趋向表明了达米特的语义学思想是当代认知语义学观点的主要表现。第二章论述了达米特语义学思想的概况。第一节考察了他的语义学思想的形成背景及其目标,认为其语义思想在形成上受到了数学中的直觉主义和柏拉图主义间的论争以及语言哲学上有关于真值、涵义、指称等方面的语义论题讨论的影响。依据达米特的论述,我认为,他的语义学目标着眼于解决形而上学问题。第二节分析了达米特语义学思想的理论构架,阐明了他的语义学思想包括两个理论部分,即语义理论和意义理论,并对这两种理论之间的关系给予了分析。提出了意义的形成基础在于言语者的理解以及语言的社会属性。第三章论证了达米特语义学理论的构成原则。第一节阐明了达米特的意义理论包括三个部分,分别为指称理论、涵义理论和语力理论,并从指称和涵义、涵义和语力等之间的关系上表明了这些理论成分的主要任务。第二节主要论述了达米特在一种规范语义学理论的建构上所坚持的原则。这些原则成为他在其语义学理论建构方面的重要指导,同时也是我们把握和评判一种意义理论合理性的重要依据。第四章阐明了达米特语义学思想的逻辑基础。第一节论述了他所建构的那种语义学观点,有其独立的逻辑基础。他受直觉主义的影响,提出了自己阐述语义问题的方案。第二节论证了他在反驳逻辑上二值原则的过程中,以直觉主义逻辑为基础确立了自己的语义论题。表明了这种直觉主义的构造性逻辑在对陈述的语义值以及意义的阐明上具有更普遍的适用性。以这种逻辑为基础的语义学理论在反映我们的思想世界方面更符合实际。第五章讨论了达米特语义学思想的核心论题,即真值问题。第一节分析了达米特在真值论题上提出的C、K原则;第二节阐明了达米特在其语义学核心论题的论述上所体现的语境特征。第六章着重对达米特语义学思想的实质进行了界定。第一节认为可把他的语义学思想的主要观点概括成为一种意义的理解理论,它具体表明了言语者在知道一门语言时知道了什么。从而提出了把达米特语义学思想的实质归结为一种思想理论。并分析了达米特在论证意义的理解理论方面所坚持的显示性观点。第二节分析了达米特在论述意义的形成上所体现的构造论特征。第七章分析了达米特对实在论论题的语义刻画情形。第一节具体分析了达米特对实在论的语义表述。第二节分析了他对反实在论做出的语义刻画,并探讨了他在语义反实在论上的主要论述,阐明了达米特的语义反实在论并不意味着他是一个普遍、彻底的反实在论者。第三节论证了达米特在实在论论题上进行语义刻画的哲学意义,并分析了针对这种刻画而提出的批驳。第八章着重考察了达米特的语义学思想对时间问题的分析。第一节论述了达米特从语义学的角度对古典时间模型提出的批驳。第二节考察了他在时间模型上的语义建构,认为他着重依据时态给时间做出了解释。第三节对达米特在时间论题上的语义分析进行了评价,指出了它的意义与不足。结束语着重概括了达米特的语义学思想对当代哲学的重要影响。他在语义学研究方面对意义、真值等语义核心论题以及相关问题的表述,不但有效地推动了当代语义学朝着认知的方向发展,而且在方法论上产生了重要的启示。

【Abstract】 With the philosophy’s "linguistic turning" in 20th century, the discussion about semantics becomes very popular. The research of semantics concerns with the relationship between the object and its language representation. In this sense, semantics is a means to seek proposition’s meaning, analyze thought’s connotation and grasp the world. In essence, the main question of semantics is to characterize what makes language becomes thought’s represention, whether language represents non-linguistic thought or whether language makes thought possible is central in this field. As a result, it is inevitable that semantical theses concern with the meaning and truth of statement. The contemporary language philosopher and logician pay close attention to these questions. It seems reasonable to say the investigation about statement’s meaning has become the main content of contemporary philosophical research, this not only determines the validity of language philosophy’s research, but also becomes the basis for all philosophical research. Now, for all language philosophers, it seems very easy to demonstrate the belief that the semantic question is the start point for the entire philosophical study.Along with the development of research in semantics, there are two kinds of trends in the semantical theory constructing, one has been the semantical theory since Frege that regards the statement’s meaning as the content which its truth condition represents. Tarski gave a semantical characterization for the concept of truth, and formed one formal semantical viewpoint objectively. Later, the issue and viewpoint of this have been synthesized by Davisdon, and a systemic truth-conditional theory of meaning came into being. As far as this kind of theory is concerned, a statement’s meaning has been regarded as decided by the objective object that its being true to correlate with. In the discussion of semantics, this theory of meaning occupies a dominanting role. The whole situation of 20th semantics research in most sense consists in the development of this theory of meaning, viz. its content system is enriched and consummated more and more, and the method of argument is developed and advanced. But this kind of semantical theory faces serious difficulties in the course of its concrete development, for example, the formal characterization and ideal research contrast with the natural language’s diversity and complexity enormously, so it is possible and necessary to form a new semantical theory that beyond it. Along with people excavated Wittgenstein later philosophic thinking as well as put their focus on the language behavior, to the 1980’s, there is a cognitive semantics has gradually developed, since then cognitive science and the study of mental representation has become more dominant. This kind of semantics probes into meaning’s formation from the speaking action and communication action, and overcomes the rigorous requirement that classical truth theory of meaning to put on meaning’s formation, i.e. regard statement’s truth condition as its meaning. According to cognitive semantics, the course of meaning’s formation correlates with the language exchange closely, from the point of language’s use and idea’s intercommunion, we can see the fact that truth-conditional theory of meaning has serious insufficiency. The situation of meaning forming in the course of idea’s exchange not always obeys the characterization of meaning along the form of truth condition. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss philosophical semantics from the point of people’s understanding and the formation of their cognition and knowledge. In this aspect, the contemporary England famous philosopher Dummett’s viewpoint is worth being paid close attention.The main purpose of this dissertation is to inspect Dummett how to use the arguments of language’s meaning formation to explain humanity’s thought and solve the philosophical questions. The main proceeding way of this dissertation is:First, I rest on Dummett’s key arguments in philosophy of language, regard his philosophical research as the discussion about the semantical thesis. Next, take Dummett’s semantical thought as a case to portray the present cognitive semantics, and to grasp the main points of cognitive semantics detailed by study his semantical thought’s concrete connotation, the theoretical framework, the principle, the logical foundation, the key thesis, the essence, the characteristic and the utility. The significance of this dissertation consists in:First, it proposes a novel angle of view to grasp Dummett’s thought connotation from the point of semantics research. Second, by the study of Dummett’s semantical thought, forecasts the future development of semantics research. Third, it illustrates the significance of semantics thesis to the contemporary research of philosophy of science.As far as the construction and content are concerned, the dissertation consists of three parts:the preface, the main part and the epilogue. The preface includes these contents:the meaning of the semantics and the content of semantical research, the status of Dummett’s thought, the research actuality of his philosophical thought and its key thesis, it also demonstrates the significance and necessity to investigate his semantical thought.The main part consists of the first chapter to eighth chapter. There is such a logical relationship between these chapters:in the first chapter, I base on the issue which from the preface, give a brief framework of the tradition and present situation of semantics research, and present the concrete background of Dummett’s semantical thought. In the second chapter to sixth chapter, I deal with Dummett’s semantical thought detailed, and give a complete analysis and argument for it. In the seventh chapter and the eighth, I analyze the application of Dummett’s semantical thought to characterize and analyze the theses of realism and time.The first chapter concerns with the tradition of semantics and modern development. Part one discusses the origin of semantics from the background of semantical research and exhibition. And also clarifies the correlated questions of semantical research. Part two makes it clear that Dummett’s semantical thought is the main modern representation of "understanding theory of meaning".The second chapter concerns with the general situation of Dummett’s semantical thought. Part one discusses the background and aim of his semantical thought, and draws the conclusion that his thought is influenced by the controversy between intuitionism and platonism in mathematics and the semantical discussion about truth, sense, reference in philosophy of language. I argue that the aim of Dummett’s semantics is to resolve the questions that from metaphysics. In the view of Dummett, the metaphysical questions are not genuinely different from semantical questions. Part two analyzes the theoretic framework of Dummett’s semantical thought, points out his semantical thought including theory of semantics and theory of meaning, and clarifies the relationship between them. At the end of this section, I put forward this point——the basis of meaning’s formation is speaker’s understanding and the social feature of language.In the third chapter, I discuss the composition principles of Dummett’s theory of semantics. His theory of meaning consist of three parts, they are theory of reference, theory of sense and theory of force respectively. I also point out the main task of these theories from the relationship between reference and sense, sense and force. Part two discuses the principles that Dummett holds to construct a normal theory of semantics. These principles not only are the important guidance that Dummett to construct his theory of semantics, but also the important norms to judge a theory of meaning is whether rational or not.In the fourth chapter, I discuss the logical basis of Dummett’s semantical thought. Part one argues for the semantical viewpoint that Dummett wants to construct has its own logical basis. Under the influence of intuitionism, Dummett proposed his own program to solve semantical questions. Part two demonstrates that Dummett founded his own semantical arguments on the basis of intuitionism logic. I also illustrate this kind of logic has more general applicability to clarify the semantical value and meaning of statement. The semantical theory that founds on this kind of logic will be more fit with the reality.In the fifth chapter, I discuss the key thesis of Dummett’s semantical thought——the question of truth. Part one analyses the principle of C and K that Dummett put forward when he illustrated truth. Part two clarifies that his arguments for truth thesis embody the character of contextism.The sixth chapter defines the essence of Dummett’s semantical thought. Part one generalizes his main semantical idea as theory of understanding, this theory indicates what the speaker knows when he knows a language. According to this, I boil the essence of Dummett’s semantical thought down to a kind of theory of thought, and analyze the idea of manifestion that he maintained when argued for the meaning’s theory of understanding. Part two analyzes the constructionist feature when he illustrated the formation of meaning.In seventh chapter, I analyze the characterization that Dummett gave to the thesis of realism. Part one analyzes his semantical characterization for realism. Part two analyzes the semantical characterization that Dummett gave for antirealism, and discusses the main ideas that he held for semantical antirealism, illustrates that his semantical antirealism can’t predicate he is a common and thorough antirealist. Part three clarifies the philosophical significance of the semantical characterization for realist thesis, and also analyzes some criticism to this characterization.In eighth chapter, I consider the analysis and understanding that Dummett held to the question of time. Part one describes Dummett’s criticism to classical time model from the point of semantics. Part two reviews the semantical construction that Dummett gave for time model, and regards his explanation for time as depend on tense. Part three appraises the semantical analysis that Dummett made for time, and points out its significance and shortcoming.In the conclusion, I summarize Dummett’s semantical thought influences on modern philosophy’s development.

【关键词】 达米特语义学意义真值
【Key words】 DummettSemanticsMeaningTruth
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

