

Canopy Structure Characteristics, Solar Radiation Use Efficiency and Their Effects on Grain Yield in Super Hybrid Rice

【作者】 李迪秦

【导师】 彭少兵; 唐启源; 邹应斌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物栽培与耕作学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界人口的不断增加,粮食问题始终是各国政府和科技界关注的重大事情。自农业部1996年启动实施了中国超级稻育种计划以来,截至2009年6月全国已有69个新品种(组合)通过了农业部超级稻品种认定,到2008年底全国超级稻品种推广面积达8342万亩,占全国水稻面积的19.2%,超级杂交稻在粮食生产中逐渐发挥增产作用。由于作物产量是作物群体拦截的太阳辐射量、辐射利用率、收获指数三者的乘积,因此明确超级杂交稻对太阳辐射的拦截强度与利用效率,及其与水稻冠层特性的关系和对产量的影响,对于指导超级杂交稻生产具有重要意义。为此,我们开展了不同基因型比较、施氮和播期对超级杂交稻影响的试验研究,结果如下:1、超级杂交稻产量显著高于普通杂交稻和常规稻。超级杂交稻产量分别显著高于普通杂交稻和高产常规稻21.7%和15.8%。增产的原因,从产量构成因素看,主要是由于超级杂交稻的穗粒数分别显著高于普通杂交稻和高产常规稻20.6%和18.0%,单位面积颖花量分别显著高于普通杂交稻和高产常规稻21.7%和15.2%;从干物质积累量看,超级杂交稻的干物质总量分别高于普通杂交稻和高产常规稻1.6%和5.7%,同时收获指数分别显著高于普通杂交稻和高产常规稻11.5%和7.7%;从群体光能利用方面分析,超级杂交稻的辐射利用率比普通杂交稻高6.1%,不同生育时期的辐射截获量比高产常规稻高6.8%~14.7%;从群体冠层特性指标看,叶面积指数在生长发育中后期比高产常规稻高2.4%~12.1%,比叶重在生长发育中后期比普通杂交稻高13.4%~18.5%,比高产常规稻高6.1%~8.9%,光合速率也显著高于非超级杂交稻。2、超级杂交稻产量受播期的明显影响。本试验条件下,随播期推迟,产量下降2.4%,产量降低的原因:从产量构成因子看,主要是因为穗粒数下降26.6%和总颖花量下降6.1%;从干物质看,尽管干物质积累总量增加4.7%,但收获指数降低7.7%,导致产量下降。从孕穗期开始,群体的辐射截获量增加4.2%~21.4%,辐射利用率只下降1.4%,但由于收获指数下降,最终导致产量降低。随着播期的推迟,中后期群体冠层特性指标叶面积指数增加了1.1%~33.2%,比叶重下降了1.8%~14.4%。3、超级杂交稻产量受氮肥处理的明显影响。不同施氮量处理的产量,以空白处理NO最低(7609.00kg/hm~2),中高施N量(210kg/hm~2)处理N5最大(10604.0kg/hm~2),施氮量与产量间呈显著二次相关关系。相同施氮水平处理的产量,实地养分管理比实时养分管理高1.61%,实时养分管理比农民模式高5.14%。产量提高主要通过增加有效穗和颖花量来实现。4、氮肥处理对超级杂交稻干物质总量、收获指数及总生长速率有明显影响。干物质积累总量以处理NO最低(1183.9kg/hm~2),高N处理N6最高(1813.2kg/hm~2),干物质积累总量随施氮量增加而提高。收获指数随施氮量的提高而降低;在0-210kg/hm~2施氮量范围内,总生长速率,处理NO最低(11.2g/m~2d),处理N5最大(16.4g/m~2d),并且随施氮量增加而增加,超过这一范围,群体总生长速率随施氮量的增加而降低。相同施氮量,实地养分管理比实时养分管理、实时养分管理比农民模式更能显著提高干物质总量和总生长速率,同时也有利于收获指数的提高。5、氮肥处理对超级杂交稻群体冠高叶面积指数和比叶重有明显影响。不同施氮量处理,群体冠高和叶面积指数随施氮量提高而增加,比叶重随施氮量提高而降低;相同施氮量,不同氮管理模式,处理间群体的冠高和比叶重没有显著差异。6、氮肥处理对超级杂交稻辐射截获量和辐射利用率有显著的影响。不同施氮量处理,辐射截获量随施氮量增加而提高。相同施氮量,采用实地养分管理比实时养分管理、实时养分管理比农民模式更能显著提高群体辐射截获量,同时也有利于辐射利用率的提高。

【Abstract】 Food grain has attracted great attention of all the countries’ governments and the scientific institutions, with the rapid increase of the world’s population.The Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC started to implement the Super Hybrid Rice Breeding Plan in 1996, and the Specific Project for Super Hybrid Rice Varieties Breeding, Demonstration and Extension in 2005. Some 69 new varieties or combinations over the country up to June of 2009 had been certificated by the Ministry through the super hybrid rice variety appraisement . The super hybrid rice grown areas had annually reached 5.56 million hectare in the country by the end of 2008, accounting for 19.2% of the country’s total rice grown areas.From the view of solar energy utilization, crop yield is decided by three factors such as canopy intercepted solar radiation quantity, radiation use efficiency (RUE) and harvest index (HI). It is of great importance to determine solar radiation interception quantity and its use efficiency, its relationship with canopy structure characteristics, and their effects on yield in super hybrid rice for rice production practice. This study was conducted to analyze the effects of N application and sowing date on yield of super hybrid rice, and to compare the differences in yield and yield formation between super hybrid rice, and ordinary hybrid rice and inbred varieties. The results were shown as follows:1. Yield of super hybrid rice. It was 21.7% and 15.8% higher significantly than that of ordinary hybrid rice and inbred varieties, respectively. In yield components, the spikelets number of super hybird rice was 20.6% and 18.0% higher significantly and its glumous number was 21.7% and 15.2% higher significantly; and in dry weight (DW), the total dry weight (TDW) of super hybrid rice was 1.6% and 5.7% higher, and its harvest index (HI) was 11.5% and 7.7% higher significantly, than that of ordinary hybrid rice and inbred varieties, respectively. In solar energy utilization, the radiation use efficiency (RUE) of super hybrid rice was 6.1% higher than that of ordinary hybrid rice, and its intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) was 6.8 to 14.7% higher significantly than that of inbred varieties from Mid-tillering stage (MT) to Maturity stage (MA); and in canopy characteristics at the mid- and late stage of growth and development, the leaf area index (LAI) of super hybrid rice was 2.4 to 12.1% higher than that of inbred varieties, and its specific leaf weight (SLW) was 13.4 to 18.5% and 6.1 to 8.9% higher than that of ordinary hybrid rice and inbred varieties, respectively, and its population’s photosynthetic rate was significantly higher than that of ordinary hybrid rice and inbred varieties.2. Effects of the sowing date on super hybrid rice yield. The effects were apparent, the postponement of the sowing date decreased the yield by 2.4%. In the yield components, the spikelets number decreased by 26.6% and the total glumous flower number reduced by 6.1%. In the total dry weight (TDW), the total dry weight (TDW) increased 4.7%, but the harvest index(HI) decreased 7.7% so that the yield declined. In the interceped photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) and the radiation use efficiency (RUE), from the Booting stage (BT) on, the population’s interceped photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) increased by 4.2 to 21.4% and the radiation use efficiency (RUE) decreased only 1.4%, so the total dry weight (TDW) increased, but the harvest index (HI) declined, finally the yield decreased. In the canopy’s leaf area index(LAI) and specific leaf weight (SLW), with the increased by 1.1 to 33.2% and the population’s specific leaf weight (SLW) decreased by 1.8 to 14.4%, the population’s total dry weight (TDW) showed an up trend, but the harvest index (HI) declined, finally the yield decreased.3. Effects of N application treatments on super hybrid rice yield. The effects were obvious. At the different N application rates, the yield of NO treatment was the lowest, 7609.0kg/hm~2 and that of N5 treatment was the highest, 10604.0 kg/hm~2; and the quadratic correlation was obviously found between N application rate and yield. At the same N application rate, the yield of the Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) was 1.61% higher than that of the Real-time nutrient management (RTNM), the latter was 5.14% higher than that of the Farm fertilizer practice (FFP). The yield improvement mainly resulted from the increase in effective panicles and glumous flower number.4. Effects of N application treatments on the total dry weight (DW), hervest index (HI) and total crops growth rate (TCGR). The effects were apparent, the total dry weight (TDW) of NO treatment was the lowest, 1183.9kg/hm~2 and that of N6 treatment was the highest, 1813.2 kg/hm~2; and the higher the N application rate, the higher the total dry weight (TDW), but the lower the hervest index (HI). At the N application rate range from 0 to 210 kg/hm~2 , the total crops growth rate (TCGR) of NO treatment was the lowest, 11.2g/m~2 .d and that of N5 treament was the highest, 16.4 g/m~2.d %; and the higher the N application rate, the higher the total crops growth rate (TCGR), but the lower the population’s the total crops growth rate (TCGR) beyond the above range. At the same N application rate, the Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) could more significantly increase the total dry weight(TDW) and the total crops growth rate (TCGR) than the Real-time nutrient management (RTNM) could, and the Real-time nutrient management (RTNM) could more significantly do them than the Farm fertilizer practice (FFP) could; and the Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) could help to enhance the harvest index (HI).5. Effects of N application treatments on the population’s canopy height (CH), leaf area index (LAI) and specific leaf weight (SLW) of super hybrid rice. The effects were obvious. At the different N application rates, the higher the N application rate, the higher the canopy height (CH) and the leaf area index (LAI), but the lower the specific weight (SLW). At the same N application rate and in different N management patterns, there was no significant difference in the population’s the canopy height (CH) and specific leaf weight (SLW) between the different N application treatments.6. Effects of N application treatments on the interceped photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) and the radiation use efficiency (RUE) of super hybrid rice . The effects were significant. At the different N application rate, the higher the N application rate, the higher the interceped photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR). At the same N application rate, the Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) could do it more significantly than the Real-time nutrient management(RTNM)could, the Real-time nutrient management (RTNM) could do it more significantly than the Farm fertilizer practice (FFP) could; and the Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) could be helpful to increase the radiation use efficiency (RUE).


