

The Lodging Resistance and Yield of Rice as Affected by Applying Si, Ca, N, Organic Manure, and Film-mulched and Dry-farming

【作者】 邓文

【导师】 青先国;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过2年的田间小区试验与室内分析测定,研究了硅肥、钙肥、氮肥、有机肥不同施用量、种类和配比,以及覆膜旱作等栽培措施对6个水稻品种生育后期抗倒性及产量的影响。主要研究结果如下:1、施硅能明显提高超级杂交中稻的抗倒伏能力,中量硅处理(施五水偏硅酸钠300kg/hm2)的效果最佳,倒伏指数比对照降低6.14%~27.43%。施硅处理下,两优293生育后期倒伏指数比准两优527低41.64%~53.76%,后者于蜡熟期开始倒伏,前者则至成熟期也未见倒伏,二者成熟期倒伏指数比乳熟期上升108.12%~158.69%。施硅有利于增加超级杂交中稻基部茎粗、N4茎粗、N4鞘厚与秆壁厚、N4叶鞘包茎度、茎硅含量、鞘硅含量、N4茎鞘硅含量、下部节间伤流强度、N4大维管束单个面积和总面积,降低基部第1节间长、N4茎扁平率、N4折断指数。倒伏指数与单株抗折力、茎基粗、N4单位干重、N4大维管束单个面积、N4大维管束总面积、N4鞘厚、叶干重、N4茎粗、N4叶鞘包茎度、下部节间伤流强度、N4断面模数、鞘干重、N4大维管束数目、N4折断力、茎干重、单蘖茎鞘干重呈显著或极显著负相关,与穗干重、N4-穗长度、N6长、茎鞘物质输出率、株高、表观倒伏率、单株生物量、N4弯曲应力、N2长呈显著或极显著正相关。对易倒伏性贡献最大的因素依次为N4-穗长度、N2长、单株生物量、N4弯曲应力、N6长、穗长、基部茎扁平率;对抗倒伏性贡献最大的因素依次为N4大维管束总面积、单株抗折力、N4大维管束单个面积、N4单位干重、茎基粗、N4断面模数、N4大维管束数目、N4叶鞘包茎度、鞘干重、N4折断力、单蘖茎鞘干重、N4秆壁厚、N4茎扁平率、N4茎鞘硅含量、N4全株弯矩。在本试验条件下,施硅对提高超级杂交中稻理论产量及其构成因素的作用不大,但能通过降低表观倒伏率,减少产量损失,增加实际产量。提高产量的主攻方向是提高千粒重和每穗实粒数。产量越高,倒伏的风险越大,倒伏是其理论产量与实际产量出现明显差异的重要因素。2、施钙对提高准两优527抗倒伏能力的作用明显,最佳用量为中高量(即施熟石灰450kg~675kg/hm2),倒伏指数比对照降低13.74%~24.26%。施钙对降低两优293生育后期倒伏指数的作用呈递减趋势,成熟期甚至产生负作用。施钙处理下,两优293倒伏指数比准两优527低46.07%~57.19%,后者于蜡熟期开始倒伏,前者则至成熟期也未见倒伏,二者成熟期倒伏指数比乳熟期上升67.31%~110.77%。施钙有利于增加超级杂交中稻N5长、基部茎扁平率、N4秆壁厚、N4叶鞘包茎度、茎钙含量、鞘钙含量、N4茎鞘钙含量,降低下部节间伤流强度、N4大维管束单个面积和总面积。倒伏指数与单株抗折力、茎基粗、下部节间伤流强度、N4叶鞘包茎度、N4茎粗、N4大维管束总面积、叶干重、N4大维管束单个面积、N4折断力、N4断面模数、N4鞘厚、N4-穗鲜重、N4单位干重、N4大维管束数目、N4全株弯矩、鞘干重、茎干重、单蘖茎鞘干重呈显著或极显著负相关,与表观倒伏率、茎鞘物质输出率、株高、N4-穗长度、穗干重、N4弯曲应力、N5长、单株生物量、穗长呈极显著正相关。对易倒伏性贡献最大的因素依次为N4弯曲应力、N4-穗鲜重、N4长、N3长、N5长、N4-穗长度、N1长、N4折断指数、N4茎扁平率、基部茎扁平率;对抗倒伏性贡献最大的因素依次为N4全株弯矩、N4单位干重、N4断面模数、N4折断力、单株抗折力、N4叶鞘包茎度、N4大维管束数目、茎干重、N4秆壁厚、鞘干重、N4折断弯矩。高量施钙有利于提高准两优527的实际产量、理论产量及其构成因素,中量施钙则能通过降低其表观倒伏率而达到增产的效果;施钙不利于提高两优293的理论产量及其大部分构成因素。提高产量的主攻方向是提高结实率和千粒重。倒伏指数与千粒重、结实率、实际产量呈显著或极显著正相关,与每穗实粒数呈显著负相关。3、在折合纯氮180kg/hm2以下范围内,施缓释氮肥对提高超级杂交早稻株两优02的抗倒伏能力作用明显,最佳用量为中高量(即折合纯氮142.5kg~150kg/hm2),2007、2008年倒伏指数分别比对照降低11.46%~46.51%、14.64%~54.11%。2007年倒伏指数比2008年低69.57%~81.63%,2年成熟期倒伏指数比乳熟期上升161.12%~332.49%,但均未倒伏。施氮明显增加超级杂交早稻生育后期株高、单株生物量、叶面积指数、叶绿素含量、超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、可溶性糖含量以及根系活力,降低成熟期功能叶丙二醛含量。倒伏指数与根系活力、叶面积指数、叶绿素含量、单株抗折力呈极显著负相关,与丙二醛含量、超氧化物歧化酶活性呈显著或极显著正相关。对易倒伏性贡献最大的因素依次为丙二醛含量、单株生物量;对抗倒伏性贡献最大的因素依次为根系活力、单株抗折力、叶绿素含量、过氧化氢酶活性。施氮处理的株两优02穗长、有效穗数、每穗实粒数和千粒重2年均明显高于对照,增产达显著水平,最佳用量为120kg~180kg/hm2。提高产量的主攻方向是增加有效穗数、穗长和每穗实粒数。倒伏指数与实际产量呈显著负相关。4、施有机肥提高高档优质晚稻抗倒伏能力的效果依次为沼渣>鸡粪>菜籽饼>烟秆,有机无机肥配施>纯有机肥>纯化肥>无肥。沼渣、鸡粪处理的玉针香、玉柱香倒伏指数分别比菜籽饼、烟秆处理低10.11%~34.16%、17.75%~29.85%;有机无机肥配施的玉针香倒伏指数分别比纯有机肥、纯化肥及无肥处理低29.78%~39.21%、40.54%~61.07%、49.45%~74.14%。沼渣、鸡粪、菜籽饼、烟秆处理下的玉柱香生育后期倒伏指数分别比玉针香低23.73%~40.42%、13.61%~38.17%、0.51%~41.38%、20.41%~50.04%,二者成熟期倒伏指数比乳熟期上升451.32%~836.63%;有机无机肥配施、纯有机肥、纯化肥及无肥处理下的玉针香成熟期倒伏指数分别比乳熟期上升547.47%、647.86%、768.89%、827.59%;玉针香烟秆肥处理于乳熟期开始倒伏,其它处理及玉柱香各处理则于蜡熟期开始倒伏。施不同种类有机肥对高档优质晚稻株高影响差异不大,对单株生物量的影响则因品种不同而有较大差异;与不施肥比较,有机无机配比肥、纯有机肥和纯化肥处理均能显著提高玉针香的株高和单株生物量。在施不同种类有机肥或不同配比肥条件下,高档优质晚稻的倒伏指数与单株抗折力呈极显著负相关,与单株生物量呈极显著正相关,与株高呈显著正相关;对易倒伏性贡献最大的因素均为单株生物量,对抗倒伏性贡献最大的因素均为单株抗折力。鸡粪和沼渣肥处理对高档优质晚稻的增产效果优于菜籽饼和烟秆肥。与不施肥比较,不同配比肥处理均能显著提高其产量;纯化肥处理的理论产量>纯有机肥处理>有机无机肥处理,但相互间的实际产量差异不大。在施不同种类有机肥条件下,提高理论产量的主攻方向是增加千粒重和每穗实粒数;倒伏指数与实际产量、理论产量、千粒重、每穗实粒数呈显著或极显著负相关。在施不同配比肥条件下,提高理论产量的主攻方向是增加每穗实粒数、有效穗数和千粒重;倒伏指数与千粒重、有效穗数呈显著或极显著负相关。高档优质晚稻抗倒性越强,产量越高,各处理理论产量与实际产量排序不一致,与倒伏程度不同有很大的关系。5、提高杂交中稻88S/1128单株抗折力,降低倒伏指数,增强抗倒伏能力的排序为不覆膜水作>覆膜水作>不覆膜旱作>覆膜旱作,水作比旱作、不覆膜比覆膜的倒伏指数分别显著降低9.47%~24.10%、14.68%~17.09%。旱作和覆膜有利于降低杂交中稻株高,明显提高单株生物量、叶面积指数、光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度和蒸腾速率。倒伏指数与单株抗折力、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2浓度、光合速率呈显著或极显著负相关,与单株生物量呈极显著正相关。对易倒伏性贡献最大的因素为单株生物量;对抗倒伏性贡献最大的因素依次为单株抗折力、蒸腾速率、胞间CO2浓度、光合速率、气孔导度。88S/1128的产量排序为覆膜旱作>覆膜水作>不覆膜旱作>不覆膜水作,覆膜比不覆膜、旱作比水作能明显提高有效穗数、每穗实粒数、结实率和千粒重。增加产量的主攻方向是提高结实率和有效穗数。产量潜力越大,倒伏的风险越大。抗倒伏能力越强,产量损失越小。

【Abstract】 The effects of applying Si,Ca,N,organic fertilizers,and film-mulched and dry-farming on lodging resistance and yield of 6 rice varieties at the later growth stages were studied by field plot experiments and determination at room during two years.The main results were as follow:1.Applying Si fertilizer could apparently improve the lodging resistance of mid-season super hybrid rice.The medium Si fertilizer dosage treatment(applying Na2SiO3·5H2O 150 kg/hm2) did the best among various treatments,and it made the lodging index of rice lower 6.14%~27.43%compared to CK treatment.For 2 varieties, the lodging index of Liangyou 293 treated with Si fertilizer was lower 41.64%~53.76%than Zhunliangyou 527 at later growth stages.The latter appeared lodging at wax maturity stage,but the former one had not appeared lodging until ripening stage.Their lodging index at ripening stage increased 108.12%~158.69%than at milky stage.Applying Si fertilizer was benefitial to increasing base stem diameter,N4 stem diameter,N4 sheath thickness,N4 stalk wall thickness,N4 sheath phimosis degree,Si contents of stem,sheath,N4 stem and sheath,bleeding intensity of lower internode,single area of N4 big vascular bundle and total area of N4 big vascular bundle of mid-season super hybrid rice.Meanwhile,applying Si fertilizer could reduce the length of first base internode,N4 stem flat rate and N4 breaking index of mid-season super hybrid rice at later growth stages.The lodging index was negatively correlated with lodging resistance per plant,base stem diameter, N4 stem unit length dry weight,single area of N4 big vascular bundle,total area of N4 big vascular bundle,N4 sheath thickness,leaf dry weight,N4 stem diameter, N4 sheath phimosis degree,bleeding intensity of lower internode,N4 section modulus,sheath dry weight,number of N4 big vascular bundle,N4 breaking resistance, stem dry weight and dry weight of single stem and sheath,and was positively correlated with panicle dry weight,N4-panicle length,N6 length,dry matter transfer rate of stem and sheath,plant height,real lodging rate,plant dry weight, N4 banging stress and N2 length at significant level of P0.05 or P0.01, respectively.The N4-panicle length had the most positive effect on lodging followed by N2 length,plant dry weight,N4 banging stress,N6 length,panicle length and base stem flat rate,while the total area of N4 big vascular bundle had the most positive effect on lodging resistance followed by lodging resistance per plant,single area of N4 big vascular bundle,N4 stem unit length dry weight, base stem diameter,N4 section modulus,number of N4 big vascular bundle,N4 sheath phimosis degree,sheath dry weight,N4 breaking resistance,dry weight of single stem and sheath,N4 stalk wall thickness,N4 stem flat rate,si content of N4 stem and sheath,and N4 plant moment.Under the experimental conditions,applying Si fertilizer could not obviously improve the theoretical yield and components of mid-season super hybrid rice, but increase its actual yield by lowering the real lodging rate and reducing the loss of yield.The main strategy of increasing grain yield was to increase 1000 grain weight and filled grain per ear.The higher the yield,the greater the risk of lodging.Lodging was the important factor that significant difference between the theoretical yield and actual yield existed.2.Applying Ca fertilizer had an apparent effect on improvement of lodging resistance of Zhunliangyou 527.Of which,the medium and high Ca fertilizer dosage treatments(applying Ca(OH)2 450kg~675kg/hm2) had the best effect,and its lodging index lowered 13.74%~24.26%than CK treatment.Applying Ca fertilizer had decreasing trend on lowering the lodging index of Liangyou 293 in later growth stages,even a negative effect at ripening stage.For 2 varieties,the lodging index of Liangyou 293 treated with Ca fertilizer lowered 46.07%~57.19%than Zhunliangyou 527.The latter began lodging at wax maturity stage,but the former had not begun lodging until ripening stage.Their lodging index at ripening stage increased 67.13%~110.77%than at milky stage.Applying Ca fertilizer was benefitial to increasing N5 length,base stem flat rate,N4 stalk wall thickness,N4 sheath phimosis degree,Ca contents of stem, sheath,N4 stem and sheath of mid-season super hybrid rice,and,reducing its bleeding intensity of lower internode,single area of N4 big vascular bundle, and total area of N4 big vascular bundle.The lodging index was negatively correlated with lodging resistance per plant,base stem diameter,bleeding intensity of lower internode,N4 sheath phimosis degree,N4 stem diameter,total area of N4 big vascular bundle,leaf dry weight,single area of N4 big vascular bundle,N4 breaking resistance,N4 section modulus,N4 sheath thickness,N4-panicle fresh weight,N4 stem unit length dry weight,number of N4 big vascular bundle, N4 plant moment,sheath dry weight,stem dry weight,and dry weight of single stem and sheath at significant level of P0.05 or P0.01,respectively.Also,the lodging index was positively correlated with real lodging rate,dry matter transfer rate of stem and sheath,plant height,N4-panicle length,panicle dry weight,N4 banging stress,N5 length,plant dry weight,and panicle length at significant level of P0.05 or P0.01,respectively.The N4 banging stress had the most positive effect on lodging followed by N4-panicle fresh weight,N4 length,N3 length,N5 length, N4-panicle length,N1 length,N4 breaking index,N4 stem flat rate and base stem flat rate,respectively.The N4 plant moment had the most positive effect on lodging resistance followed by N4 stem unit length dry weight,N4 section modulus,N4 breaking resistance,lodging resistance per plant,N4 sheath phimosis degree, number of N4 big vascular bundle,stem dry weight,N4 stalk wall thickness,sheath dry weight,and N4 breaking moment,respectively.Applying high dosage Ca fertilizer could improve the actual yield,theoretical yield and components of Zhunliangyou 527.Applying medium Ca fertilizer dosage could increase its yield by lowering the real lodging rate.But applying Ca fertilizer could not improve the theoretical yield and most components of Liangyou 293.The main strategy of increasing grain yield was to increase seed setting percentage and 1000 grain weight,The lodging index was positively correlated with 1000 grain weight,seed setting percentage and actual yield at significant level of P0.05 or P0.01,respectively.Also,the lodging index was negatively correlated with filled grain per ear at significant level of P0.05.3.Under 180kg/hm2 equivalent to N fertilizer,applying slow-release N fertilizer could improve the lodging resistance of early-season super hybrid rice Zhuliangyou 02 apparently,The medium and high N fertilizer dosage treatments (applying 142.5kg~150kg/hm2 equivalent to N) had the best effect,and its lodging index lowered 11.46%~46.51%and 14.64%~54.11%than CK treatment in 2007 and 2008, respectively.Its lodging index in 2007 was lower 69.57%~81.63%than in 2008, and its lodging index at ripening stage increased 161.12%~332.49%than at milky stage in 2007 and 2008.But it did not appear lodging. Also,applying N fertilizer could apparently increase the plant height,plant dry weight,leaf area index,content of chlorophyll,SOD activity,CAT activity, soluble sugar content and root activity of early-season super hybrid rice at later growth stages,and reduce the MDA content of its functional leaf at ripening stage. The lodging index was negatively correlated with root activity,leaf area index, content of chlorophyll and lodging resistance per plant,and positively correlated with MDA content and SOD activity at the significant level of P0.05 or P0.01, respectively.The MDA content and plant dry weight had the most positive effect on lodging,The root activity had the most positive effect on lodging resistance followed by lodging resistance per plant,content of chlorophyll and CAT activity.Compared with CK treatment,applying N fertilizer obviously increased the ear length,productive panicle,filled grain per ear and 1000 grain weight,and significantly improved yield of Zhuliangyou 02.Of which,applying 120kg~180kg/hm2 equivalent to N had the best effect,The main strategy of increasing production was to increase productive panicle,ear length and filled grain per ear.The lodging index was negatively correlated with 1000 grain weight,productive panicle and actual yield significantly,respectively.4.The order of effect of applying organic ferlilizer on improving lodging resistance of late-season high-quality rice in magnitude was biogas manure>chicken manure>rapeseed fertilizer>tobacco stalk fertilizer;combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer>single organic fertilizer>chemical fertilizer>no fertilization.The lodging index of Yuzhenxiang and Yuzhuxiang by applying biogas manure and chicken manure lowered 10.11%~34.16% and 17.75%~29.85%than that by applying rapeseed fertilizer and tobacco stalk fertilizer,respectively.The lodging index of Yuzhenxiang by combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer lowered 29.78%~39.21%,40.54%~61.07%and 49.45%~74.14%than that by applying single organic fertilizer,chemical fertilizer and no fertilization,respectively.Under applying biogas manure, chicken manure,rapeseed fertilizer and tobacco stalk fertilizer,the lodging index of Yuzhuxiang at later growth stages lowered 23.73%~40.42%,13.61%~38.17%, 0.51%~41.38%and 20.41%~50.04%than that of Yuzhenxiang,respectively,and their lodging index at ripening stage increased 451.32%~836.63%than one at milky stage. Under combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer,single organic fertilizer,single chemical fertilizer and no fertilizer,the lodging index of Yuzhenxiang at ripening stage increased 547.47%,647.86%,768.89%and 827.59%than that at milky stage,respectively.Yuzhenxiang by applying tobacco stalk fertilizer began lodging at milky stage,under other treatments,it began lodging at wax maturity stage.Under all treatments,Yuzhuxiang began lodging at wax maturity stage.There was no obvious difference between applying different kinds of organic fertilizer in the plant height of late-season high-quality rice,there was obvious difference in the plant dry weight due to different organic manure treatment. Compared with no fertilizer,combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer,single organic fertilizer and single chemic fertilizer significantly increased the plant height and plant dry weight of Yuzhenxiang.Under applying different kinds or ratios of organic manure,the lodging index of late-season high-quality rice was negatively correlated with lodging resistance per plant at the significant level of P0.01,and positively correlated with plant dry weight and plant height at the significant level of P0.05 or P0.01,respectively. The most positive factor on lodging of all treatments was plant dry weight.The most positive factor on lodging resistance of all treatments was lodging resistance per plant.Applying chicken manure and biogas manure could obviously improved the grain yield than applying rapeseed fertilizer and tobacco stalk fertilizer.Compared with CK treatment,applying different ratios of organic manure could significantly improved the grain yield of late-season high-quality rice:the order of theoretical yield of late-season high-quality rice by different fertilizer treatments in magnitude was single chemic fertilizer>single organic fertilizer>combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer,but there was no obvious difference between their actual yield.Under applying different kinds of organic fertilizer,the main strategy of increasing the theoretical yield was to increase 1000 grain weight and filled grain per ear;the lodging index was negatively correlated with actual yield,theoretical yield,1000 grain weight and filled grain per ear at the significant level of P0.05 or P0.01,respectively.Under applying different ratios of organic fertilizer, the main strategy of increasing the theoretical yield was to increase filled grain per ear,productive panicle and 1000 grain weight;the lodging index was negatively correlated with 1000 grain weight and productive panicle at the significant level of P0.05 or P0.01,respectively.The greater lodging resistance of late-season high-quality rice,the higher yield they had.There were significant differences between theoretical yield and actual yield due to different lodging resistance under all treatments.5.The order of effect of improving lodging resistance and lowering lodging index of mid-season hybrid rice 88S/1128 in magnitude was water-farming and non-film-mulched>water-farming and film-mulched>dry-farming and non-film-mulched>dry-farming and film-mulched.The lodging index under water-farming significantly lowered 9.47%~24.10%than that under dry-farming, and the lodging index under non-film-mulched significantly lowered 14.68%~17.09% than that under film-mulched,respectively.Dry-farming and film-mulched were benefitial to lowering the plant height of mid-season hybrid rice,and obviously improving its plant dry weight,leaf area index,net photosynthetic rate,stomatal conductance,intercellular CO2 concentration and transpiration rate.The lodging index was negatively correlated with plant lodging resistance,transpiration rate,intercellular CO2 concentration and net photosynthetic rate significantly,respectively,and positively correlated with plant dry weight significantly.The plant dry weight had the most positive effect on lodging,and the plant lodging resistance had the most positive effect on lodging resistance followed by transpiration rate,intercellular CO2 concentration,net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance.The order of yield of 88S/1128 treated with various cultivation practices was dry-farming and film-mulched>water-farming and film-mulched>dry-farming and non-film-mulched>water-farming and non-film-mulched.Compared with non-film-mulched or water-farming,film-mulched or dry-farming obviously improved the productice panicle,filled grain per ear,seed setting percentage and 1000 grain weight.The main strategy of increasing grain yield was to increase seed setting percentage and productice panicle.The higher yield potentiality,the greater the risk of lodging was.The greater lodging resistance,the less the loss of yield was.

【关键词】 水稻抗倒性产量施肥覆膜旱作
【Key words】 RiceLodging resistanceYieldFertilizingFilm-mulched and dry-farming

