

Study on Breeding and Growth Regularity and Physiological Character of Ramie Low-branch Cuttage Seedling Technology

【作者】 贺再新

【导师】 孙焕良; 李必湖;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种子科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 苎麻(Boehmeria nivea(L.)Gand)为荨麻科苎麻属的多年生宿根性草本植物,是我国优势纤维作物和重要出口创汇产品,在我国农业生产与纺织工业中占据十分重要的地位。研究苎麻良种快速繁育技术及其优质、高效配套栽培技术,对进一步扩大苎麻良种的种植面积,提高我国苎麻原麻产量、品质与效益,增强苎麻产业核心竞争力具有重要意义。本研究利用打顶技术,通过苎麻插条特性及扦插方式对扦插苗成苗率及麻苗素质的影响研究,获得了当前苎麻低位分枝扦插苗繁育的最佳方式;以苎麻苗床期常规扦插苗为对照,扦插时打顶和插后一周打顶为处理,系统观测其生长发育特征、光合生理特性、根系生理特性、营养特性等,初步探明了苎麻低位分枝扦插苗壮苗培育的生理特性;以苎麻常规扦插苗新植麻为对照,对低位分枝扦插苗的新植麻不同品种根茎叶生长发育规律、群体光合特性、营养特性及纤维产量和品质等进行了比较研究,初步了解了苎麻低位分枝扦插苗新植麻高产优质的形念学及生理学基础,为探索苎麻低位分枝扦插苗新植麻优质高效栽培技术提供可靠的理论依据。主要结论归纳如下:1.苎麻插条特性(插条粗细、长短、留叶数)及扦插方式(扦插深度和扦插密度)对低位分枝扦插苗的成苗率及其麻苗素质产生重要影响:中等粗度(茎基部粗平均0.6cm)的插条有利成苗率及麻苗素质的提高。插条长度与成苗率、单株根干重、主茎高度增加量呈极显著性负相关;与单株平均分枝长度呈负相关:与单株叶干重、最低分枝位、最高分枝位、分枝位长呈极显著性J下相关;留叶数在0-8片的范围内,以留叶数4片时成苗率、单株根干重、单株叶干重、单株平均分枝长度、单株分枝干重最大,单株分枝数、分枝位高、分枝位长最为理想。扦插深度与成苗率、单株根干重、主茎高度增加量、单株叶干重、单株分枝数、单株平均分枝长度、单株分枝干重呈极显著性负相关;扦插深度在1.5cm-3cm时,分枝位高、分枝位长最为理想;扦插密度与单株根干重、主茎高度增加量、单株叶干重、分枝位长之间呈极显著性负相关,与单株平均分枝数、单株分枝干重之间呈显著性负相关,与最低分枝位之间呈极显著性正相关。因此,苎麻低位分枝扦插苗培育时,插条不宜过于粗大或细小,插条长度以10cm左右为佳,留叶数量以4片为好,扦插深度以1.5cm-3cm左右为宜,扦插密度以10cm×10cm较为理想。2.苎麻低位分枝扦插苗一方面地下部分的单株根干重、根系体积、总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积、比表面均大于常规扦插苗,达极显著性差异,根系活力亦较常规扦插苗强;另一方面,地上部分的茎粗、茎干重、单株叶片数、单株叶面积、单株叶干重、叶绿素含量均高于常规扦插苗,其比叶重、净光合速率、净同化率亦高于常规扦插苗,因此,强壮的根系与高光效的叶片共同为低位分枝苗的生长营造良好的物质条件。3.苎麻低位分枝扦插苗相对于常规扦插苗而言,营养代谢旺盛,单株中N、P、K、可溶性糖的含量以及叶中可溶性蛋白含量、硝酸原酶活性均较高,从而为低位分枝扦插苗的生长提供了物质基础。4.苎麻低位分枝扦插苗新植麻相对于常规扦插苗新植麻而言,地下部分生长发达,根系活力增强,能为新植苎麻贮藏积累养分供地上部分生长起到极大的促进作用;地上部分具有旺盛的分株力,分株时期早,分株数量多,单株叶面积、叶面积系数、比叶面积、叶绿素含量、净同化率、群体生长率等均显著高于常规扦插苗新植麻,有利于新植苎麻当年多收麻,而且也为次年的高产也打下了坚实的基础。5.低位分枝扦插苗新植麻对氮、磷、钾的积累总量及皮、骨、叶中氮、磷、钾的积累量均高于常规扦插苗新植麻,但生殖器官中氮、磷、钾的积累量低于常规扦插苗新植麻;低位分枝扦插苗新植麻与常规扦插苗新植麻不同部位氮、磷、钾的百分含量规律一致,氮的百分含量前期表现为叶>骨>皮,后期表现为叶>皮>骨;磷的百分含量前期表现为骨>叶>皮,后期表现为叶>骨>皮;钾的百分含量生长前期表现为骨>皮>叶,后期表现为皮>骨>叶。6.同品种低位分枝扦插苗新植麻在株高、茎粗、鲜皮厚度、等方面都略高于常规扦插苗新植麻,但并没有显著性差异,而在鲜皮出麻率、有效株数、原麻产量三个方面,低位分枝扦插苗新植麻明显高于常规扦插苗新植麻,达到了极显著性差异。

【Abstract】 Ramie is an important spin material and one of important export product in China. As its many spin excellences, more and more people are interested in ramie fabric. New planted ramie often have defects of fewer efficient plant numbers, many high-branches, difficult to peel bast, low yield, bad fiber quality and so on. In order to improve the yield and quality of raw fiber, increase the planting area of ramie, we study on the rapid and efficient ramie breeding technology. Adopting the new method of cultivation in the field and combining the comprehensive analysis, growth and development regularity, root physiological character, photosynthetic characteristics and the nourishment characteristic ect of low-branch and regular method breeding were studied. We preliminary understand the morphological and physiological basis of low-brand cuttage seedling breeding technology of new planted ramie, and provide solid foundation for the cultivation techniques of new planted ramie of low-brand cuttage seedling breeding.1.The cutting characteristics (diameter, length, leaf number) had important effects to seedling survival rate of low-branch cutting seedling and the quality of ramie seedling: the cutting with mid-diameter, 10cm length and about 4 leaves, had higher seedling survival rate and better quality of ramie seedling.To cultivating low-order branch ramie seedling, cutting 1.5cm was suitable and don’t over 3cm, and cutting more densely. The correlation between the cuttings length of low branches of ramie and the survival rate, dry root weight of individual plant, the recruitment of stem height, dry leaves weight of individual plant and the characteristic of branch with four different kind of ramie varieties, the result shows that there were a significant positive correlation between the cutting length and dry leaves weight of individual plant the number of branches, the lowest branch, the highest branch, the length of each branch distance, but significant negative correlation between the length and the survival rate, dry root weight of individual plant, the recruitment of stem height, but no significant correlation between different varieties. Significant negative correlation could be observed between cutting density and dry root weight, stem height recruitment, dry leaves weight, branch length; negative correlation could be observed between cutting density and quantities of branches, dry branche weight. And significant positive correlation were detected between the density and thelowest branch. From all above, it indicated that the optimum length, density, leaf number and depth of cutting plant were about 10 cm, 10cm×10cm ,3-4 leaf and 1.5-3.cm respectingly.2.Topping make the root volume and gross absorption area, active absorption area and ratio face area of the ramie low-branch seedling large and increase its accumulation of soluble protein in root of individual plant and promote its power of root. The strong root and the high light effect leaf construct together for the good material condition of low-branch seedling growth. Topping promote photosynthesis of the ramie low-branch seedling, providing the stronger material foundation for its growth.3.Topping increase N、P、K、the soluble sugar accumulation quantity ofindividual plant in the seedling stage of the ramie low-branch seedling and increase the soluble protein accumulation quantity in leave of individual plant and promote NR vigor of leave. The nourishment metabolism in the seedling period is prosperous.4.The low-branch new planted ramie has well growth underground parts, more root activity than the regular method, which develop nutrients for the new plant and accumulae the growth of overground part. The low-branch new plant ramie also has significantly higher population density, leaf area, leaf area index, leaf area, chlorophyll content, the net assimilation rate, population growth, etc than the regular method . It laid a solid foundation of the high yield for the next year..5.For the low-branch new planted ramie, the total N, P, K and the N, P, K in the bast, boon and leaf respectively was higher than the regular method; but it is opposite in reproductive organs. In the low-branch and the regular method new planted ramie, the distribution regulation of the content of N, P, K is the same: the N content distribution in the early stage is leaf> boon > bast, in the later stage is leaf> bast>boon; the Pcontent distribution in the early stage is boon>leaf>bast, in the later stage is leaf>boon >bast; the K content distribution in the early stage is boon> bast> leaf, in the later stage is bast > boon > leaf. 6.Even the same variety, the low-branch new planted ramie is higher at plant height, stem diameter, bast thickness ect than the the regular method new planted ramie, but not reach significant difference. The bast stripping percentage, effective stalks, raw fiber yield of the low-branch new planted ramie are significantly higher than the regular method new planted ramie.


