

A Study on the Utilizing Management Institution of Rural Residential Land

【作者】 欧阳安蛟

【导师】 杨树锋;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 地质学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 人多地少、人地关系紧张是我国土地资源的基本国情,在我国城市化、工业化高速推进的背景下,建设占用与耕地保护,耕地补充与生态环境恶化,资源短缺与资源粗放利用的矛盾是我国当前土地资源利用面临的主要问题,建设用地占用与土地资源可供量的矛盾日益尖锐。农村宅基地作为我国建设用地最主要部分,由于宅基地管理的法规制度不健全,相关宅基地使用管理制度不能适用我国市场经济体制改革及城市化、工业化快速推进、人口大规模迁移的需要,导致了农村宅基地利用的一系列问题。一方面是农村宅基地利用普遍存在规模大、宅基地面积超标、布局分散、外延无序扩张、大量“空心村”存在等粗放低效利用现象;以至在我国城市化快速推进,农村人口大规模向城镇迁移的背景下,农村宅基地规模不减反增,与城镇用地同趋势变化,加剧了我国土地资源利用的供需矛盾。另一方面是农户宅基地的合法权益如农户合法申请一个宅基地及农户对宅基地的用益物权得不到保障,导致农户未批先建现象普遍发生。农村宅基地的合理集约利用对于解决我国当前土地资源利用的供需矛盾,保障城市化、工业化快速推进合理用地需求,保障国家粮食安全的必要耕地需求,以及保护农民合法权益,推进新农村建设具有重意义。论文按照保护农民合法权益,促进农村宅基地集约利用及社会主义新农村建设的农村宅基地利用目标,系统分析了我国现行农村宅基地使用管理制度法规、政策体系存在问题,在此基础上提出了与上述三个目标相协调的农村宅基使用制度改革思路、路径及具体政策框架,并重点对农村宅基地退出机制建立,农村宅基地有偿使用与流转制度建设,以村民自治组织为主体的农村宅基地监管制度改革等方面进行了探讨,最后作为论文写作相关课题的一部分,起草了《农村宅基地管理条例》。论文可能在以下几个方面有所创新。1.按照保护农民合法权益,促进农村宅基地集约利用及社会主义新农村建设的农村宅基地利用目标,将对农村宅基地使用管理制度的改革纳入到我国城市化进程和“以工促农、以城带乡”发展阶段所面临的土地资源供需矛盾平衡、社会主义新农村建设与农民合法权益保障、增加农民财产性收益的制度框架之中,提出一套既能稳定和强化农村宅基地基本社会保障功能,又能确保土地要素收益和保值增值;既有利于促进土地集约节约利用,又能增加农民财产性收入的新型农村宅基地使用管理制度框架。2.针对农户多途径合法获得宅基地,而获得一处以上宅基地又不合法的“一户一宅”立法矛盾,提出从制度层面恢复“一户一宅”法律规定的立法原意,按照“一户只能申请一处宅基地”的基本精神,明确现行“一户一宅”政策的立法内涵是指“一户只能申请一处符合法定面积标准的宅基地”,在此基础上,基于《物权法》基本框架,提出从细分农村建设用地使用权权利体系,明晰农村宅基地产权内涵入手,按照“用途管制、分类管理”原则,实现宅基地无偿分配与有偿有限期流转相结合的农村宅基地使用管理制度改革创新思路及其具体路径。4.借鉴“法定地上权”原理,提出了通过实施农村宅基地法定有偿使用制度,达到破解现行法律基本框架下诸多合法取得而结果不合法的宅基地面积超标问题,并对农村宅基地有偿使用与流转制度建设作出了总体设计。5.系统探讨了建立中国农村宅基地退出机制的理论及基于引力机制、推力机制及压力机制的配套政策制定建议。

【Abstract】 More people and less land, tension between people and land is the basic condition of our country’s land resources. Contradictions between building usage and farmland protection, farmland supplementary and ecological environment deterioration, resource shortage and extensive utilization of resources are the major problems in our country’s land use at current under the urbanization and rapid industrialization promotion background. The contradiction between building usage and availability of land resources is increasingly sharp. Rural housing land is the major part of the construction land in China. The utilizing management system of rural housing land hasn’t been applicable to the need for our market economy reform, urbanization, industrialization promotion and migration because of the distemperedness in the legislation and system of the rural housing land management which has caused a series of problems in rural housing land use. On the one hand, the phenomenon of extensive and inefficient using in the rural housing land such as excessive scale of homestead, homestead area over standard, scattered distribution, extension unlimited sprawl, many hollow villages and so on which causes the scale of rural housing land increasing instead of reduction, and changing as the same trending of urban land under the rapid urbanization promotion and many rural population migrating to cities and towns background, and also aggravating the contradiction between supply and demand of our country’s land resources use. On the other hand, the legal rights of farmers’ homestead such as farmers applying for one homestead legally and farmers’ usufructuary right in homestead don’t be protected which causes the phenomenon of farmers’ building before approving happening generally. Reasonably intensive use of rural housing land has important significance in solving conflicts between supply and demand of the current land use, ensuring reasonable land demand in the period of urbanization and rapid industrialization promotion, guaranteeing necessary farmland demand for nation grain safety, protecting farmers’ legal rights and propelling new countryside construction.The problem in the legislation of utilizing management system of rural housing land and policy system is analyzed systematically according to the target of rural housing land use which is to protect farmers’ legal rights and promote rural housing land intensive use and the construction of new socialist countryside. On the basis, reform ideas, path and specific policy framework which are coordination with the above mentioned three objectives are proposed. The exit mechanism establishing of rural housing land, the construction of paid use and circulation system of rural housing land, the supervision system reform of rural housing land composed of kinds of the villagers’ autonomous organization and so on are studied on mainly. Finally, some content as part of related topics for paper writing has became "the management regulation of rural housing land". There are some innovations in the following areas.1. According to the target of rural housing land use which is to protect farmers’ legal rights and promote rural housing land intensive use and the construction of new socialist countryside, the reform of utilizing management system of rural housing land will be brought into system framework including keeping balance of the conflicts between supply and demand of land resources in the stage of our urbanization and promoting agriculture by industry and developing village by city, promoting construction of new socialist countryside, guaranteeing farmers’ legal rights and increasing farmers’ property income. A new utilizing management system framework of rural housing land is proposed. It can stabilize and strengthen the basic social security function of rural housing land, but also can ensure the income and the maintenance & appreciation from the land. It can promote land intensively economical use, and it also can increase farmers’ property income.2. According to legislative conflicts in the fanners’ getting the rural housing land from kinds of ways legally but going against the legislative which is one residential for one household because of owning more than one rural housing land, the paper puts forward that recovering legislation purpose ruled by the law "one residential for one household" at the system level, defining the legislative connotation of the policy "one residential for one household" is that one farmer only can apply for one rural housing land which is in keeping with the legal space standard on the basic spirit of "one farmer only can apply for one rural housing land". Distinguishing two kinds of right characteristics of use right system of rural residential land between the use right of rural housing land and the use right of rural collective commercial land for construction to construct utilizing management system of rural housing land.3. Base on the basic frame of Property Law, innovative idea and specific path are proposed for the reform of utilizing management system of rural housing land which is that through subdividing use right system of rural construction land and defining property connotation of rural housing land, realizing the combination of the free distribution of homestead and the paid use and limited period circulation of homestead accordance with the principle "use control, classified management".4. Referring to the theory "Legal Superficies", carrying out legal paid use system of rural housing land to solve the problem that getting is legal but the result illegal because the area of rural housing land is over the standard under the basic framework of the current laws, and making the overall design on the construction of paid use and circulation system of rural housing land.5. Discussion on the theory and policy ideas for the establishment of exit mechanism of rural housing land systematically.6. Putting forward the reform ideas of the supervision system of rural housing land composed of kinds of the villagers’ autonomous organization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】3100

