

【作者】 罗辉

【导师】 徐以骅;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际政治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 基督宗教是冷战期间美国反对无神论共产主义的重要立足点,但冷战时期宗教对美国对外政策的影响一直未得到系统的研究。在冷战时期,宗教的政治功能在美国被发挥到了极致,成为对付共产主义阵营的意识形态工具,被用来凝聚社会的反共产主义情绪。这种情绪甚至到了这样一种程度:在许多持保守立场的美国民众中,非宗教或反宗教的观念和实践就等同于非美国活动。结果是,通过宗教和道德语言而非权力和利益话语描述大国对抗的方式有效地减少了美国政府对外政策中的灵活性,限制了美国政府对外政策的选择余地。研究冷战时期宗教对美国外交政策的影响绝非否认利益、战略、权力和地缘政治在外交决策过程中的重要性,而是希望将宗教因素与其它因素结合在一起考察从而获得冷战时期美国对外政策更为完整的画面。本文认为,在冷战时期宗教对美国外交政策的影响主要有两点:第一,宗教作为观念体系影响和塑造了政治决策者对国家利益的看法及对外政策中的主导信念,同时也是政策制定者的工具和手段,他们借此达成国内一致的反共产主义舆论;第二、宗教利益集团通过游说达到影响国会从而影响对外政策的目的,以杰克逊—瓦尼克法案的通过为标志。换句话说,宗教对美国对外政策的影响机制和路径主要有两条:一是无形的观念的影响,二是有形的组织的影响。宗教作为观念是世界观和价值观的重要来源,其影响对外政策的方式是通过“路线图”、“粘合剂”和“制度化”三种路径;宗教作为组织可以被视为利益集团,通过游说影响国会和公众从而影响对外政策。可以肯定,冷战时期宗教在外交政策中发挥的作用在后冷战时期依然会发挥作用,因此研究宗教对美国冷战时期的对外政策的影响对研究当下的同类型主题具有非常重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Religion was taken as an important foothold for countering the influence of godless communism during Cold War era, yet its impact on American foreign policy has been systematically ignored. Actually, the political attribute of religion was explored to such an extreme that any idea or practice that is irreligious or anti-religious was equaled to un-American among many conservative Americans. The conflict between the two superpowers was framed by the American government in such a moralistic tone instead of realistic one as the good versus the evil so that ordinary Americans could not accept any form of rapprochement. It turned out that foreign policy makers found no much room to maneuver and they were left with limited choices. The research on religion and foreign policy is not intended to overthrow the conclusions made by many scholars conducting research through the lens of power and strategic gains. Their perspectives are important and helpful.Religion functioned in the Cold War in two ways: Firstly, it helped determine who should be contained and who are allies and friends, and policy-makers’ perception of national interest; Secondly, religious interest groups affected the process of policy making by lobbying the Congress, represented by the passage of Jackson-Vanik bill. To put it in another way, religion impacts on foreign policy through invisible and visible means. As a system of ideas, religion determines a person’s whole outlook and normative beliefs, which in turn informs his/her decisions by being a "roadmap", "connection", and "institution". When religion is referred to as a group, it can achieve its interest by lobbying and pressuring the Congress so that their concerns can be expressed through the bills.One thing is certain: the role the religion played in the Cold War would be still there, and it continues to function and work. In this sense, the research on the role of religion and its impact on foreign policy during the Cold War era is meaningful and helpful.

【关键词】 宗教美国对外政策冷战时期
【Key words】 ReligionAmerican Foreign PolicyCold war era
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】914

