

【作者】 董媛媛

【导师】 刘海贵;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 应用新闻学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 新闻体制改革的不断深入和媒介生态环境的快速转变,在我国深度报道领域产生着巨大的影响,也给深度报道这一特殊时代产物的新闻报道形式带来了深刻的变化。当代新闻界中,我国深度报道究竟面临着怎样的压力,深度报道又是凭借什么对这些压力进行抗衡,深度报道未来的发展趋向将会如何,这是本文要解决的三大主要问题。对深度报道的当代审视,是在传统媒体面临新媒体严峻挑战的背景下展开的,深度报道作为传统媒体的优势之一,其价值、功能、意义和影响力都应该得到重视和再认识。本文以深度报道为研究对象,综合运用媒介生态学、新闻生产社会学、法学等多种学科的研究视域,结合历史研究、理性思辨、实地考察和深度访谈等研究方法,对深度报道进行全方位、多角度的审视,以凸显深度报道在新的媒介环境下对传统媒体的价值和意义,以及深度报道在新的媒介格局下的地位和作用。在本文上、中、下三编的内容中,依照压力——抗衡——趋向的逻辑顺序,分别探讨了深度报道不同层而的问题。首先,深度报道的压力主要来自于四个方面,娱乐化、专业主义、社会控制和阅读方式,在上编的分析中,媒介生态学和新闻生产社会学是主要的研究方法。其次,深度报道的抗衡主要来自于其本身的价值、功能、意义和社会影响力,中编对深度报道起源和社会功能的重新认定,对深度报道正义价值观的构建,对深度报道意义生成的肯定以及对深度报道法律张力的论述,从本质上抗衡着深度报道所面临的压力。中编主要运用的研究方法是历史研究和理性思辨。最后,深度报道的前景是可观的,这主要从传统媒体中的深度报道、新媒体中的深度报道、深度报道的采编机制和深度报道的媒介分层等几个方面来进行论证,其中,深度报道的媒介分层现象将会成为深度报道未来的发展趋向。下编综合运用了实地考察和深度访谈的研究方法,呈现了不少新闻媒体的第一手资料。本文立足于我国当代新闻界的现状,揭示出媒介生态环境中的许多现实问题,这不仅仅是深度报道所面临的压力,也值得整个中国新闻界为之深思。而对于深度报道在当代的价值和意义的重审,将会有助于使传统媒体发展之路的指向性更加明确。

【Abstract】 The persistently deepening reform of jouranlism institutions as well as the rapid transformation of media ecology in China exert tremendous impacts and introduce profound changes into China’s in-depth reporting. This study sets out to explore what types of pressures China’s in-depth reporting faces, how in-depth reporting counters these pressures and what the future trends will be. The contemporary examination of in-depth reporting has to be unfolded in the media landscape where traditional media are constantly challenged by the rise of the new media. As one of the advantages of the traditional media, the value, function, significance and influence of in-depth reporting must be emphasized and recognized.This paper applies the perspectives of media ecology, the sociology of news production and legal studies to study in-depth reporting in China. Historical research methods, field observations and in-depth interviews are used to afford comprehensive and multi-angle insights into in-depth reporting, so that its value and meanings to traditional media could be accentuated within the context of the booming new media. The position and function of in-depth reporting are also addressed within the context.The three sections of the paper follow the logical thread of "pressure, countering and trend" to investigate questions of different dimensions. The pressure in-depth reporting faces comes from entertainment, professionalism, social control and changing modes of reading. Perspectives from media ecology and the sociology of news production are borrowed for the first section. The intrinsic values, functions, meanings and social influence of in-depth reporting provide the forces to counter the pressures. The second section employs hisotrical methods to analyze the origin of in-dcpth reporting, recognize its social function, discuss its construction of justice as core value, and examine the legal tensions and meaning constructions behind in-depth reporting. Last but not least, the prospect of in-depth reporting is upbeat. The development of in-depth reporting in traditional media and new media, the production mechanisms and media stratification are discussed to support our prediction. Media stratification for in-depth reporting will become the direction for development. The last part of the paper applied field observation and in-depth interview to present first- hand empirical materials about news media.Starting from the reality of China’s media system, this study reveals many real issues in media ecology. These issues do not only impact in-depth reporting, but also deserve the contemplation of the entire journalism profession. A recognition of the value and significance of in-depth reporting in the contemporary media landscape helps shed light on the development of traditional media.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2203

