

【作者】 曹晓飞

【导师】 洪远朋;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就。中国人民从改革和发展过程中获得了巨大的经济利益,而政治利益缺乏足够的增长。中国在继续保持经济增长,追求国家经济利益的前提下,将会越来越关注国家的主权独立、领土完整和国家安全等政治利益。在经济、政治和文化三种利益形态中,政治领域的利益地位十分独特,值得认真研究。我们坚持了马克思主义经济学的利益分析方法,也借鉴和吸收了西方经济学的一些思路。我们围绕政治利益的主要问题构建了一个研究框架。全文除导论外共分三篇:理论篇、现实篇和对策篇。理论篇包括第1至4章。为全文的分析奠定了理论基础。第1章是政治利益的概念与性质,我们辨析几种含糊不清的政治利益概念,澄清了政治利益的内涵,明确政治利益是对政治需求的满足;第2章是文献综述;第3章我们探讨政治利益的理论基础,包括政治利益的主体、构成以及政治利益得以实现的政治过程(选举、立法、司法、行政和公共政策过程);第4章我们比较了从古至今不同的社会制度环境中政治利益实现的状况,从古希腊罗马到中世纪,再到近代的西方,以及中国的不同历史时期。现实篇包括第5至8章。分析了各个主体的政治利益的表现形式和实现方式。第5章探讨人民的政治利益的内涵、结构与演化以及实现途径;第6章探讨阶层的政治利益。我们将中国社会分为三大阶层,我们指出了不同阶层存在的不同的政治利益诉求和实现政治利益的渠道;第7章讨论政党的政治利益。政党的根本利益在于取得和巩固政权:第8章我们论述国家的政治利益。中国在不同时期的政治利益都是维护国家主权独立和领土完整、争取国际承认和提高国际地位和提升政治认同,最大化人民群众的政治支持。对策篇包括第9至11章。提出了协调当代中国政治利益关系的对策;第9章描述改革前后中国政治利益结构的演变。政治利益呈现出从中央到地方、从体制内到体制外、从集体到个人的三种流向;第10章讨论当代中国八大政治利益关系及其变迁,这八大利益关系是:政党内部的政治利益关系、政党和政府的政治利益关系、政党和人民的政治利益关系、中央和地方的政治利益关系、地区之间的政治利益关系、阶层之间的政治利益关系、人民和国家的政治利益关系、国内和国外的政治利益关系;第11章提出协调中国政治利益关系的四个对策,即巩固党员主体地位,稳步推进党内民主、协调党和人民的利益关系、重塑新型的中央与地方关系以及协调国家权力和公民权利关系。本文的主要创新有三点:一、提出政治利益新定义,澄清政治利益的内涵、性质和地位,解决了基本概念理解上的混乱。我们研究了政治利益与其他利益类型的关系以及政治利益在社会利益中的地位,得出三点结论。第一、政治利益是社会利益的核心。第二、政治利益是经济利益的集中体现。第三,政治利益是文化利益实现的前提。二、我们首次从主体出发对政治利益进行分类,将其划分为人民、阶层、政党和国家四个不同层次的政治利益。在一般意义上,任何层次主体追求的政治利益都是政治地位,但归属于不同主体时,又有各种表现形式。三、我们归纳出当代中国八大政治利益关系,并提出协调八大关系的对策。协调党内关系需要进一步促进党内民主,从制度上制约权力膨胀,保障党员的合法政治权利;协调党政关系需要规范党委与人大、政府、政协和人民团体的关系,支持政府履行法定职能;协调党群关系在于最大限度地代表、维护和实现人民的利益,从而在人民的支持和认同下,巩固党的执政地位;协调中央一地方关系在于重新界定中央政府和地方政府职能,确保责、权、利相对称;协调地区关系需要更平等地分配政治资源;协调阶层关系拓宽社会中下层政治参与渠道,纾解政治系统的输入压力,达至阶层间的利益和谐;协调人民和国家关系在于制衡国家权力,保障人民权利,以权力制衡权力,以权利制约权力。这项研究主要有两点不足:一、对政治利益的内涵界定仍然不是非常清楚明确。对政治利益在社会利益中的地位还有很多可以探索的空间。二、对政治利益的经济分析还很粗浅。作为经济学学科优势的定量分析在本文中几乎没有体现。

【Abstract】 Since more than 30 years of Reform and Opening-up, China’s economy has made remarkable achievements. The Chinese people have achieved significant economic benefits in the process of reform and development, but gained little political interests. China will concerned more and more about political interests, such as the country’s sovereign independence, territorial integrity and national security under the premise of economic growth. In the three kinds of interests, including economic, political and cultural interests, the status of the political interests is unique, which is deserved serious study. We adhere to benefit analysis method of Marxism economics, and absorb some of the ideas of Western economics.We build a research framework surrounding the political interests. This paper consists of three pieces except for introduction: theoretical piece, practical piece and countermeasures piece.Theory piece includes chapter 1 to 4. It is the theoretical basis of the paper. Chapter 1 is about the concept and nature of political interests. We define political interests as those things meeting the political demands; Chapter 2 is a literature review; In chapter 3, we explore the theoretical basis of political interests, including subjects of political interests, composition of political interests and the political process of political interests be realized in (electoral, legislative, judicial, administrative and public policy process); In chapter 4 we compare the different social system environment, from ancient Greece and Rome to the Middle Ages, then to the modern West, and China’s different historical periods, under which political interests be achieved.Practical piece includes chapter 5 to 8. We analyze the main form and approach of political interests. Chapter 5 explores the content, structure and evolution and the channels of achievement of the people’s political interests; Chapter 6 explores political interests of social class. Chapter 7 discusses the party’s political interests, which lies in achieving and consolidating political power; in chapter 8, we discuss the country’s political interests. China’s political interests in different times are safeguarding the independence of national sovereignty, territorial integrity, striving for international recognition, enhancing its international status and maximizing the people’s political support.Countermeasures piece includes chapter 9 to 11. We point out how to coordinate the political interests relations in contemporary China; Chapter 9 describes the evolution of China’s political interests, before and after the Reform and Opening-up. Chapter 11 gives us four measures to coordinate the political interests relations of China’s.This paper has three innovations:First, we put forward a new definition of political interests, clarify the meaning of political interests. We come to three conclusions: First, the political interests are the core of social benefits. Second, the political interests are a concentrated expression of economic interests. Third, cultural interests are the highest form of social benefits. Third, political interests are the premise of realization the cultural interests.Second, we compartmentalize political interests as people, class, political parties and the state.Third, we summarize the eight political interest relations in contemporary China, and give advice to coordinate the eight relations.This study also has two shortcomings: First, the meaning of political interests is still not very clear. There are many spaces in exploring the status of political interests in the social interests. Second, the economic analysis of political interests is still very skin-deep. Quantitative analysis, as an advantage of economics, has almost not applied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】D621
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1219

