

【作者】 邓惟佳

【导师】 陆晔;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本论文通过以“伊甸园美剧论坛”为例的个案研究,运用以深度访谈和观察法为主的质化研究方法,从“社会文化性”受众研究的取径切入,对中国的“美剧网上迷群”做了一次全面和深入的观照。研究发现,中国的“美剧迷群”以网络社区的形式在美剧论坛中逐步形成和发展壮大,这些能动的“迷”积极主动地使用媒介,形成了跨媒介、多元化的媒介使用方式,并在这媒介使用的过程中进行了身份认同的建构,同时本文的研究结果也为受众研究中探讨媒介使用与受众身份认同建构之间的关系提供了现实依据。第一章导论从“三次浪潮”和“四个研究取径”两方面对西方的“迷文化”研究作了一次系统的梳理与综述,并对我国有关“粉丝(Fans)文化”的研究成果进行了分类和归纳。在此基础上,本文详细阐述了本研究的理论起点、研究取径和研究问题,并对研究意义、目的、方法和核心概念等都作了较为细致的阐释。第二章“从着迷到成群:美剧及其网上论坛成就美剧网上迷群”完成了研究问题中有关描述性问题的部分,随着美剧在中国的登陆和发展,“美剧迷”这个名词开始出现;当主流媒体的产品供给达不到“美剧迷”的需求时,“美剧网上社区”应运而生,本文以“伊甸园美剧论坛”为例对“美剧网络社区”进行了详细的描述,并将美剧在网络空间中的传播过程展现了出来;最后,本章细致描述了网络社区成就“网上迷群”的原因和过程。第三章“迷群实践活动中的自我认同建构”在“自我认同”层面对能动的迷如何通过媒介使用进行身份认同建构进行了详尽的阐释。考察结果发现,网上迷群的自我认同建构是通过多种途径实现的:呈现文化资本以求他者评价与自我意象的统一;意向和情感的投射;反群体的个性消费行为和方式;自我呈现与延伸的角色扮演。第四章“迷群‘多重边界’的群体认同建构”以“社会认同”理论中“社会分类”、“社会比较”和“积极区分”作为分析工具和理论框架,同时将“集体认同”理论中有关“社会分类”的具体可操作性实践行为“划边界”引入了本部分的研究,本文在经过深入探究后发现:中国美剧网上迷群进行的是“多重边界”的群体认同建构,被这些“边界”所划分出对应的内群体和外群体分别是:“伊甸园美剧论坛”对应“其他美剧论坛”,“美剧迷群”对应“其他剧种迷群”,“美剧网上迷群”作为亚文化群体对应“主流文化”,中国“美剧迷群”作为代表中国文化的群体对应“美国文化”。第五章结论“能动的迷--媒介使用中的身份认同建构”对全文做了全面总结和升华,并且在此基础上展望了此研究领域内未来可能挖掘和发展的四个研究方向。

【Abstract】 This dissertation,probing into the "Yi Dian Yuan(the Garden of Eden)" online forum of American sitcoms,reports a research into the fans of American sitcoms in China.The researcher adopts two qualitative research methodologies,i.e.,in-depth interview and observation,and conducts the research with the socio-cultural approach. It is discovered that the random has taken shape and developed in an online community.These fans are dynamic.They use media in a cross-media and multi-level way and also construct their identity during the process.The result of the present research has provided practical basis for audience researches whose aim is to study the relationship between the use of media and the construction of the identity of its audience.Chapter One serves as the introduction and begins with a literature review of the "fan culture" researches in the Western countries.It consists of two parts:"the three tides" and "the four approaches".The researches into fan culture in China are then classified and summarized.The chapter concludes with a detailed discussion of the theoretical starting point,the approach,the research questions,the significance,the aims,the methodologies and the core conceptions of the research.Entitled with "From Fan to Fan Community:American Sitcoms and Online Forum Make It Possible",Chapter Two depicts the comprehensive process of the appearance of the fan community.The phrase "the fans of American sitcoms" made its debut after American sitcoms disembarked China.When the mainstream media products cannot meet their needs,the fans of American sitcoms turn to the Internet for help and there immediately came the online fan community.Taking the "Yi Dian Yuan(the Garden of Eden)" online forum of American sitcoms as an example,the chapter describes the online fan community and communication process of American sitcoms in great detail.The reasons why online community enables the formation of fandom and the process of the formation are discussed at the end of the chapter.Chapter Three "Construction of Self-identity through Fandom Activities" elaborates how these dynamic fans construct their self-identities by using media. The author observes that their construction of self-identity is realized in the following ways:the presentation of cultural capitalism for the unification of others’ comments and self-imaging,the projection of intentions and emotions,the violation to the ordinary consuming behaviors,and the role-play for the purpose of self-presentation and extension.Chapter Four-"Constructing a Multi-boundary Fan Community Identity"-explores relevant social identity theories(such as "social categorization","social comparison" and "active division") as its theoretical framework and introduces the "boundary division" practice into the research.The author points out that the community identity construction of the online American sitcom fan community is multi-boundary,which divides the "Yi Dian Yuan(the Garden of Eden)"online forum of American sitcoms from the online forum of American sitcoms of other websites, the online forum of American sitcoms from the online forum of non-American sitcoms,the online fan community of American sitcoms as a sub-cultural community from other mainstream cultural communities,and China’s fan community of American sitcoms as a Chinese cultural community from other American cultural communities.Chapter Five-"Dynamic Fans-Constructing Identity through the Use of Media" concludes the dissertation and further advocates four possible prospects in the research field.

【关键词】 迷群美剧自我认同群体认同媒介使用
【Key words】 FanFandomAmerican sitcomsSelf-identityCommunity IdentityUse of media
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3209

