

Study of Quantity in Modern Chinese Adjectives

【作者】 朴镇秀

【导师】 戴耀晶;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文在对现代汉语常用形容词的调查的基础上,讨论形容词的“量”的问题。我们主要采用了语义学、认知语言学的一些理论方法,澄清了形容词的量性特征,并据此对形容词进行分类,然后通过详细的语料调查,弄清楚形容词的量性特征和形容词的语法现象之间的对应关系。本文的研究直面汉语事实,揭示了以往的“量”研究中存在的问题,修正了一些有关“量”的规律。本文一共5章,约15万字左右。第一章,引言,主要介绍研究对象、采用的理论方法和所用的语料。第二章,讨论“量范畴”以及汉语形容词的量性特征。首先回顾了前人对量范畴的研究情况,选择对汉语形容词研究最有利的一个视角,即从量的认知语义结构入手分析性状。我们认为,形容词既可以表示性状的“质”,又可以表示性状的“量”。有的形容词不需要进行对比,所以只反映性状的“质”,与“量”无关(如非谓形容词),有的需要进行对比,所以既反映性状的“质”,又反映性状的“量”。“量”是由质的对比性和变化性所赋予的,可以分为“静态量”和“动态量”,“绝对量”和“相对量”,它们是交错的关系。在此基础上又分为四种次范畴:“级次量”、“数量”、“静态相对量”和“动态相对量”。和量有关的汉语形容词,根据量域的宽窄,可以分为不同的量性层级。本文用“稍微、比较(较为、较)、很、最”四个程度等级的程度副词与这些形容词搭配,能被四个等级修饰的称作A类性质形容词,除了“稍微”类之外能与其他等级搭配的称作B类性质形容词,不能与“稍微”和“比较”类搭配的称作C类性质形容词,一般只能与“很”类搭配的称作D类性质形容词,再加上不能搭配的状态形容词,一共五个量性层级。越靠近A类,量的连续性越强,量域越宽;越靠近状态形容词,量的分离性越强,量域越窄。第三章,根据形容词的量性特征,调查它们作定语、谓语、状语、补语时的情况,研究量性特征对它们的句法行为有什么样的制约,以及这些制约规律的有效程度。本文从现代汉语常用形容词中选出了250个,每个量性层级各50个形容词,调查范围是以北京话为主的语料。我们分别对四种句法位置上的情况进行了统计,着重考虑它们加不加“的、地、得”,以及光杆非光杆的情况。我们发现,“性质形容词作定语是无标记的,状态形容词作谓语是无标记的”这一观点是不准确的,应该说,汉语形容词连续性越强越自由,分离性越强越受限制,所以状态形容词在所有句法位置上都是有标记的,A、B两类性质形容词大都是无标记的,C、D两类性质形容词则介于其间。状态形容词一般只能作描写性定语、描写性谓语、描写性状语和描写性补语,一般只以光杆形式担任静态性谓语、结果补语和说明补语,在定、状、补位置上一般要加“的、地、得”;而性质形容词既可作描写性定语、描写性谓语、描写性状语和描写性补语,又可作限定性定语、限定性谓语、限定性状语和限定性补语,既可以光杆形式担任各种谓语和补语,又可加上其它成分共同作谓语、补语,在定、状、补位置上既有加“的、地、得”的例句,也有不加“的、地、得”的例句。我们还发现,量性特征只能反映倾向性,但不能对具体的现象做出预测;韵律在形容词用法中也起着很大的作用,尤其是对性质形容词。第四章,讨论形容词的主观性问题,说明形容词的级次量的确定本身就需要主观性的角度,而形容词又常常用于表示说话者的主观态度、情感的句子中,所以形容词的主观性比名词和动词都强。我们从三个方面来考察了汉语形容词的主观量:(一)量的显现和形容词的重叠式,(二)形容词含说话人的语气,(三)“形容词+(一)点”句式。第五章结论,对本文的主要研究内容进行归纳。

【Abstract】 Based on a survey of the frequently used adjectives in modern Chinese language, this thesis is meant to discuss the subject of "quantity" of adjectives. Some theories and approaches of semantics and cognitive linguistics are adopted here to clarify the quantitative characteristics of adjectives, on the basis of which the adjective are classified. And then, the correlation between the quantitative characteristics of adjectives and their grammatical behavior is unveiled by means of language data research. Firmly based upon the linguistic facts in Chinese, this thesis has pointed out the problems that have existed in the research of "quantity" and has rectified some laws connected with "quantity".This thesis, which is made up of 5 chapters, contains 150 thousand Chinese characters.The first chapter is an introduction of the research object, the theories, approaches and the language data that is employed.The second chapter discusses the "quantity category" and the quantitative characteristic. To begin with, the previous researches on the quantity category is reviewed before we choose the most favorable perspective for studying Chinese adjectives, that is to analyze properties from the cognitive semantic structure of quantity. It is our opinion that adjectives describe both the "quality" and "quantity" of properties. Some adjectives, which do not need comparison, only describe the "quality" of properties and are irrelevant with "quantity", while others, which do need comparison, describe both the "quality" and "quantity" of properties. "quantity", which is created by relative property and variability of quality, consists of "static quantity" vs "dynamic quantity" and "absolute quantity" vs "comparative quantity", which are interwoven. On the basis of this, there are four sub-category: "Class times quantit"、"Amount"、"static comparative quantity"、"dynamic comparative quantity".According to the size of quantity category, the quantity related Chinese adjectives can be classified into different levels of quantity. In this thesis, four degree adverbials "shaowei、bijiao、hen、zui" are used in collocation with the adjectives. Those that can be modified by the above four adverbials are classified as class A; those that come together with all but "shaowei " are classified as class B; those that do not come together with "shaowei" and "bijiao" are classified as class C; those that usually come together with "hen" are classified as class D. There is another kind that do not come together with anything. Therefore, there are five levels of quantity. The closer an adjective is to class A, the more consistent it is, and the bigger its quantity category is; the closer it is to state adjective, the more independent its quantity is, and the smaller its quantity category is.In chapter three, on the basis of the quantitative characteristics of adjectives, efforts have been made to investigate their roles as attribute, predicate, adverbial modifier and complement in order to discover what restrictions the quantitative characteristics have imposed on their syntactic behavior and how effective these restrictions are. With the Beijing dialect employed as major language data, this thesis has chose 250 adjectives from the most frequently used ones, 50 from each level of quantity. Mainly in consideration of whether they come together with "de、di、de" and the form of alone/non-alone, we count up the conditions in four syntactic positions.We found it an incorrect view that "attributive qualitative adjective is unmarked, predicate stative adjectives is unmarked". It should be pointed out that the more consistent Chinese adjectives are, the freer they are; the more independent they are, the more they are restricted. Therefore, Stative adjectives in all syntactic positions are marked, most of class A and class B are unmarked, while class C and D lie between them. Stative adjectives is generally restricted to such uses as descriptive attribute, descriptive predicate, descriptive adverbial modifier, and descriptive complement, prescriptive attribute, prescriptive predicate, prescriptive adverbial modifier, and prescriptive complement,We found it an incorrect view that "attributive qualitative adjective is unmarked, predicate stative adjectives is unmarked". It should be pointed out that the more consistent Chinese adjectives are, the freer they are; the more independent they are, the more they are restricted. Therefore, Stative adjectives in all syntactic positions are marked, most of class A and class B qualitative adjective are unmarked, while class C and D qualitative adjective lie between them. Stative adjectives is generally restricted to such uses as descriptive attribute, descriptive predicate, descriptive adverbial modifier, and descriptive complement, generally the form of alone as static predicate、the results complement、description complement, in the attributive、adverbiak complement position, generally by adding "de、di、de"; But qualitative adjective restricted to such uses as descriptive attribute, descriptive predicate, descriptive adverbial modifier, and descriptive complement, can be used for prescriptive attribute, prescriptive predicate, prescriptive adverbial modifier, and prescriptive complement, either under the form of alone as a variety of predicate and complement, but also together with other ingredients together for predicate、complements, in the attributive、adverbial、complement position, both of increasing "de、di、de" the sample sentence, there are not "de、di、de" samples.It is also discovered that quantitative characteristic only reflects orientation, but does not predict any particular phenomenon; rhythm also plays an important role in the usage of adjectives, especially the qualitative adjective.In chapter four, we discussed the subjectivity of adjectives. It is pointed out that the perspective of subjectivity is necessary in determining class time quantit of adjectives, and adjectives are frequently used in the sentences that convey the speaker’s subjective attitude and emotions, therefore adjectives are more subjective than nouns and verbs.The subjective quantity of Chinese adjectives are examined in three aspects: (1) appearance of quantity and adjective reduplications (2) Adjectives with the speaker’s tone (3) "Adjective+ (一)点" sentence typeChapter five is a conclusion of main contents of research of this thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1613

