

【作者】 任珊

【导师】 郜元宝;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 作为“五四”时期“文学革命”的思想发源地,清末的文学复古主义思潮以异常丰富的思想资源参与了中国现代文学基本性格的生成。尤其是章太炎举全部民族文化以应付时代危机的“文学复古”论,由于揉入了鲜明的个人生命体验,成为中国近现代知识分子探求民族文化复兴的努力中最独特的一支,同时也为随后到来的新文学作了思想与文化上的准备。而周氏兄弟在章氏启发下形成的文学与文字的体验、对传统与西方的理解,都与胡适之等留学欧美的现代知识分子有很大不同,这也为二十年代以后的新文学发展提供了潜在的多种可能性。本文的思路,一方面期待对章太炎与周氏兄弟的关系作进一步的补充和拓展,并借助周氏兄弟的沟通梳理章太炎与二三十年代新文学的潜在关联,另一方面,本文并不局限于影响研究,而试图带着章太炎的问题来看新文学,通过几代知识分子在这些问题上的冲突与碰撞来尽可能展现历史的复杂性。因而在结构上,“上篇”主要是以周氏兄弟为主的个案研究,集中探讨他们在文学思想上对章太炎的承接;“下篇”则从语言文字的诸多问题出发,梳理章太炎与周氏兄弟乃至整个新文学的沟通与矛盾,在这部分中,鲁迅与周作人虽然仍是我关注的重心,但在此之外,康有为、梁启超、刘师培、王国维、胡适之、陈独秀、钱玄同、蔡元培、陈寅恪、朱光潜、冯至等人的声音也有所渗入,借此我希望从整体上呈现新文学与清末知识界的关系。

【Abstract】 It has been generally believed that modern Chinese language and literature has its origins in the "literary revolution" at May Fourth period of the turn of twentieth century. The literary revolution was largely shaped by "The literary renaissance" of late Qing Dynasty when China was suffering deep social and cultural crises, which created an environment to produce profuse and diverse thoughts. Among them is Zhang Taiyan’s thought of "literary renaissance" which, epitomized with his life experience, constitute one path of the relentless efforts by the Chinese intellectuals of the era to explore traditional culture to deal with the crises of their times. Deeply influenced by Zhang, the Lu Xun/Zhou Zuoren Brothers have very different understanding on Chinese language, Chinese literature and the West from the other modern intellectuals who studied in the West, which created diversity for development of New Literature after 1920s.My research examines in depth the relationship between Zhang Taiyan and Lu Xun/Zhou Zuoren brothers and through which explores how the New Literature in the 1920s and 1930s is influenced by Zhang Taiyan. Furthermore, this research aims to describe the New Literature from Zhang Taiyan’s perspective and show the complexity of this period literature history by examining intertwined conflicts and influences among several generations of Chinese intellectuals. Structurally, the first half focuses on the Zhou Brothers and examines how they inherited and developed Zhang’s thoughts on literature. The second half focuses on the conflicts and agreements between Zhang Taiyan and the New Literature represented by Zhou Brothers. Although Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren are still the main targets of my research in the second half, other intellectuals are also examined in depth. These include Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Liu Shipei, Hu Shizhi, Chen Duxiu, Qian Xiantong, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Yinque, Feng Zhi. By quoting and researching this group of intellectuals of the era, I wish to show what and how the New Literature inherited from intellectuals of late Qing Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】482

