

【作者】 黄小雄

【导师】 赵凯;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 新闻学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究对象——新华社涉台报道,是新华社众多报道类型中的特殊领域。在论文一开始,笔者定义了新华社涉台报道,把新华社涉台报道机构的历史沿革分为三个阶段:军分社阶段(1949—1979)、从属阶段(1979—1999)和独立运作阶段(1999—2009),并且从发稿机制、人员配置等方面描述了新华社涉台报道的起源和机制。其次,本文回顾了中国政府对台政策的发展、台湾政治体制的变革以及两岸舆论环境的变化。笔者认为:从1979年以来,中国政府的对台政策在坚持和平统一的原则下,能够适时适地做出相应的调整,而台湾这三十年来经历了从威权体制向民主政治的转变过程,在政治、经济、文化方面经历了很大的变革。在这样的背景下,两岸的舆情环境也随之发生变化。大陆方面建立了多种新闻传播渠道,广开新闻信息资源、在对内和对外宣传方面取得了长足的进步;台湾媒体在开放“党禁”、“报禁”后,逐渐从党营新闻事业转向以商业媒体为主导的新闻体制。台湾政党执政轮替,台独意识不断显现,两岸关系异常复杂,且由于台湾在历史上曾受日本五十年的殖民统治,在现实中又受美国的强力影响,台湾的舆情环境显示出更加特殊和复杂的特点。两岸舆情环境的变化对新华社涉台报道都产生了很大的影响。在如此的政治背景、舆情环境下,本文展开了对新华社涉台报道的具体分析。笔者把涉台报道分为四个阶段:单向宣传阶段(1979——1987)、初步接触与交流阶段(1987—1994)、批李反独文攻阶段(1995—2000)和双向交流反独促统阶段(2001至今),并且勾画了每个阶段的特点;第二、本文着重分析了1979年以来两岸关系重大事件的新华社报道,分析了每个事件的报道特点;第三,本文还分析了新华社对台湾四次领导人选举的报道;最后本文以新华社涉台报道为基础,分析了新华社报道中的台湾形象。通过对新华社涉台报道的文本分析,笔者认为新华社涉台报道的功能延续了1979年以前“文宣武卫”的指导思想,即除了军事外,在思想斗争方面,新华社承担了支持“祖国大陆统一、批判台独、赢得两岸人民对中国政府对台政策的支持”的功能;新华社的评论员文章本来就是中国政府对台政策的一部分、它旗帜鲜明地维护祖国统一、批判分裂祖国的言论和行径。新华社的报道、通讯和评论是大陆批判台独的斗争武器;新华社的涉台报道成为大陆媒体台湾报道的标尺,报道本身受两岸关系影响很大,在新华社记者入台驻点以后,涉台报道策略有所调整。本文最后描述了新华社对涉台报道效果的分析以及台湾对大陆新闻宣传的反应。笔者认为新华社未来的涉台报道应该确立符合大众传播规律的新闻报道策略;强化通讯社的基本功能,弱化国家发言人的形象,以更平等的心态报道涉台新闻;利用两岸交流不断发展的机遇,将新闻战线推到最前沿;采取涉台报道本地化策略,大力发展台湾本地用户,利用当地新闻资源和采编力量,把涉台报道纳入最日常的报道范围之中;改善新闻报道手法,以生动的事实,活泼的语言,大力传播两岸融合的进程。本文的研究方法是历史研究法和文本分析法,主要通过对各种文献的阅读以及材料的分析来探讨1979到2008年的新华社涉台报道。笔者通过分析改革开放后两岸关系解冻、逐步交流,到追求两岸和谐促进和平统一的历史背景下涉台报道的变迁,即涉台报道从国共两党内战对恃时期的单向宣传,到开放改革后的两岸逐步交流,再到迈向有效传播以追求两岸和谐促进和平统一的现象,从新闻传播学的角度揭示了中国新闻事业发展进程中规律性的变化,从中探讨了新闻报道作为意识形态和上层建筑的重要组成部分,与社会发展及历史进程相适应的规律,并且就新华社涉台报道如何在两岸未来走向中更好地发挥作用等方面提出了建议。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the object of the study - Xinhua News Agency (XNA)’s reports on Taiwan is a very unique area among many types of reports of Xinhua News Agency. The definition of the XNA’s reports on Taiwan is first given in the very beginning of the thesis. The historical transformation of the organizations in XNA that responsible for the reports on Taiwan are divided into three stages: the military branch phase (1949-1979), a subordinate phase (1979-1999) and the independent functioning phase (1999-2009). The release mechanism, staffing and such areas are also included to describe the origins and mechanisms of the XNA’s reports on Taiwan.Secondly, this thesis reviews the developments of the government’s policy on Taiwan, the changes of Taiwan’s political system, as well as the changes of the cross-strait public opinion. The author argues that since 1979, based on the principle of peaceful reunification, our government has timely made appropriate adjustments in the policy on Taiwan. In the past three decades, Taiwan has experienced a transition from the authoritarian regime to democratic politics and other great changes in politics, economy, and culture. In this context, public opinion on both sides have changed inevitably. Mainland has established a variety of media channels to open up news and information resources, which made a dramatic progress on domestic and international publicity; Taiwan’s media experienced a shift from the party-owned media to a business-oriented media system after the "Ban on opposition party" and the "Ban on journalism" were lifted. The replacement of the ruling parties in Taiwan and the support for Taiwan independence make the cross-strait relations extremely complex. In history, Taiwan has been in Japanese colonial rule for fifty years and also under a strong influence by the United States, therefore, Taiwan’s public opinion have more special and complex features. The Changes in public opinion of both Taiwan and mainland have great impact on the XNA’s reports on Taiwan.In such a political background, and the context of public opinion, this article carries out a detailed analysis on XNA’s reports on Taiwan. The reports on Taiwan is divided into four phases: a one-way propaganda phase (1979 - 1987), the initial contacts and the exchange phase (1987-1994), Propaganda of the condemnation on Denghui Li and anti-independence of Taiwan phase (1995-2000) and inter-communication, anti-independence and reunification phase (2001-present). The author also outlines the characteristics of each stage. Second, the paper highlights the analysis on the XNA’s reports on major events of cross-strait relations since 1979 and the characteristics of each report. Third, the article also analyzes the XNA’s reports on the elections of the four leaders in Taiwan. Finally, based on the XNA’s reports, the author portrays the image of Taiwan in the XNA’s reports. Through the text analysis of XNA’s reports on Taiwan, the authors points out that the function of the XNA’s reports on Taiwan followed the guiding ideology of propaganda of reunification and military protection before 1979, that is, in addition to military, in the ideological struggle, the XNA undertakes the responsibility to support the unification of Taiwan and mainland, to condemn Taiwan independence and to win the supports for Chinese government’s policy on Taiwan from people on both sides. Xinhua commentary is a part of Chinese government’s policy on Taiwan. It is a clear-cut stand to safeguard the reunification of the motherland, and condemn the speech and behavior that split the motherland. The reports and commentary of XNA are the weapons to condemn Taiwan independence; XNA’s reports on Taiwan have become a benchmark for other mainland media’s reports on Taiwan and the reports themselves were greatly influenced by cross-strait relations. After the Taiwan office of XNA was set up and journalists were sent to work in Taiwan, the reporting strategies have been adjusted. The final part of this article analyzes the effect of XNA’s reports on Taiwan and the response of Taiwan towards the propaganda of mainland. The author believes that the strategies which were in line with the law of mass media should be carried out for the XNA’s reports on Taiwan; the agency’s basic functions should be strengthened, the image of the national spokesman should be weakened for a more equanimous coverage of Taiwan news. Furthermore, The XNA should take full advantage of the opportunities of the continuous development of cross-strait exchanges to report on the media forefront; take the strategy of the localization of Taiwan reports to develop Taiwan’s local users; use local resources and news editing power to include Taiwan reports into the daily coverage; improve the news reporting practices to spread the process of cross-strait integration with vivid facts and lively language.The methodology of this study is historical research and text analysis. The XNA’s reports on Taiwan (1979-2008) were explored through the variety of literature review and material analysis. The Author analyzes the transformation of the Taiwan reports in the historical background of the opening up of cross-strait relations after the reform , the gradual exchange, and the pursuit of a cross-strait harmony to promote the peaceful reunification, that is, the reports experienced stages from one-way propaganda in the civil war between KMT and CPC, to gradual exchange after the reform, and then to move towards effective communication in order to pursue cross-strait harmony and to promote the peaceful reunification. From the perspective of journalisms and communication, the thesis reveals the regular transformation of the development of Chinese journalism; explores the role of news reports as an ideology and an important part of the superstructure, and how the news reports correspond with the social development and the historical process; and last but not least, makes suggestions for the XNA’s reports on Taiwan on how to play a better role to promote the cross-strait harmony in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】796

