

【作者】 韩慈

【导师】 秦绍德;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 1960年代初的国民经济调整是中国共产党为了纠正“大跃进”以来的“左”倾错误作出的一项重大战略决策,在党史和共和国史上都占有举足轻重的地位。本文从党的政策决策制定和执行视角,全面梳理和深入分析1960年代初的国民经济调整。在此基础上,从执政党能力建设高度,深入探究国民经济调整对党执政能力建设的考验。需要明确的是本文不是研究纯粹的经济问题,而是从党的政策决策视角出发,探究执政党如何领导国民经济建设的重大决策问题,以及执政党在领导国民经济调整过程中如何汲取国民经济调整的经验和教训。本文首先对党制定国民经济调整决策的决策模式进行分析。面对三年“大跃进”的挫败,1961年初,党恢复实事求是的思想路线,全党大兴调查研究之风,逐渐形成了调查研究和会议决策模式。本文系统探索和分析了党中央如何研究和制定国民经济调整的方针、政策及措施的复杂决策过程。一方面,由于全党的齐心协力,直面困难,正确处理各种复杂的经济、政治和社会关系,逐渐推动着调整工作比较顺利和全面地展开,逐渐推动着国民经济较快地恢复和发展;另一方面,由于缺乏民主政治上的保证,没有摆脱阶级斗争的路径依赖,国民经济调整最终被直接纳入阶级斗争的框架。本文从执政党能力建设高度,来探求党在领导1960年代初的国民经济调整过程中汲取的执政经验和教训,探究党在领导国民经济调整过程中,提升党的执政能力建设问题的得与失。1960年代初的国民经济调整既是党在探索社会主义建设道路过程中遭到重大挫败后主动地退却,又是党在极端的困境中不畏任何艰难,对中国自己的社会主义道路的积极探索。无论是国民经济调整的“功”还是“过”,都是执政党无比宝贵的财富。

【Abstract】 National economy adjustment in 1960s is a very important strategic decision-making for recorrecting the "left" after the Great Leap Forward, and it is an extraordinary status in the history of the CCP and the CPR. This paper tries to hackle and analyze the national economy adjustment in 1960s, under the perspective of the CCP establishing and performing the policy. Then at the basis of it, further to analyze how the CCP advance it’s the capability of governance after the CCP came into power.First, it is needed to be told that this subject is about national economy adjustment. It is not a pure economical problem, but an important decision-making issue under the perspectives of the CCP’s policy. In other words, this paper is not about pure economy issue, but about the CCP’s policy.Second, it begins to analyze why the CCP start to adjust the national economy, then analyze the complicate decision-making procession of how to establish the national economy policy, and come to the conclusion that on the one hand, it beings to renew and develop for the whole CCP’S working hard, on the other hand, it has itself zig-and -zag and limitation for the faulty decision-making system, such as the absence of reasonable information exchange system; the absence of correct system of resolving the disagreement.In the end, the last chapter analyzes how the CCP enhance itself capability in the process of establishing and enforcing the policy. In the whole, the achievement of national economy adjustment means the CCP has the strong capability of governance, while the zig-and-zag and limitation takes on the zig-and-zag and limitation of the CCP’s capability of governance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】F129
  • 【下载频次】433

