

Study on the Theories and Comprehensive Assessment Method of the City of Short Distance

【作者】 雍怡

【导师】 王祥荣; Uwe SCHUBERT;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 环境科学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 进入20世纪以来,世界范围内城市化的进程不断加速推进。但是近年来,城市发展的主要形式是城市的无序扩张,这种形式与可持续发展和生态城市的目标背道而驰。城市扩张在空间布局上的混乱和社会功能上的分离引起了一系列环境问题:交通需求剧增,城市环境受到更严峻的压力,城市发展问题激化。小汽车主导的出行方式成为现代城市居民生活的标志性特征,交通问题是现代城市发展中最突出的问题。“短距城市”理论认为,现代城市发展问题的根源是决策者错误的发展观和居民不正确的价值观和生活方式。要解决这些复杂问题不能孤立的调整交通体系规划,而要通过城市发展过程中结构-功能的协同优化,提高可持续出行的普及率,引导城市的主体修正其行为,进而改变不科学的城市发展模式。“短距城市”就是一种面向生态城市和可持续发展理想的城市发展模式。除了论文的研究背景(第二章)和研究结论(第八章),本论文的主体分为三个部分:第一部分(第三、四、五章)介绍“短距城市”的理论体系;第二部分(第六章)介绍“短距城市”综合评价方法体系;第三部分(第七章)评述“短距城市”的实践研究。论文的第一部分首先回顾了城市发展研究的理论发展历程,并梳理了和“短距城市”理论相关的各种经典理论和当代的重要思想流派,并对各种理论和思想流派的主要贡献和代表性成果进行了总结和分析评述,阐明了“短距城市”理论形成的理论基础和思想来源。“短距城市”是一种“供给导向型”城市发展模式,它的概念在区域尺度指自然包围城市的网络或线性多中心结构,在城区、邻里单元尺度包含结构紧凑、功能多样和景观优美三要素。“短距城市”的概念中蕴含了生态极限、演替性、多样性、协同共生性、优势种、最小限制因子、本地性等生态学内涵。“短距城市”是面向生态城市的一种城市发展模式,是实现生态城市理想的具体途径之一;“短距城市”是对新城市主义的继承和发展;“短距城市”是比“无车城市”、“低能耗城市”等相关概念更为综合的城市发展模式。“短距城市”的研究对象在空间尺度上以城区和邻里单元为主;选址用地类型上包括自然绿地、褐地和内城开发三种形式。“短距城市”的研究内容分两个层次:从复杂系统的角度,将城市发展研究分为表征城市发展的背景和基础的城市涵构子系统和表征城市发展具体内容的城市结构、交通运输、能流物流和社会经济四个子系统,分别研究各自系统的发展规律和相互间的关系;从城市发展的时间脉络看,“短距城市”理论要求关注整个城市发展的生命周期,而不仅仅是规划和设计的阶段。公众参与和评价监督贯穿整个周期发展的始终。对“短距城市”的评价管理包括回顾评价和展望评价两个层次。本论文还提出了以“对自然环境和人类健康的危害最小化”和“人类福利和社区情感的最大化”为核心,包含分属五个研究子系统的15项“短距城市”发展的目标体系,以及以“短距离”和“适宜的高密度”为核心的25项“短距城市”内涵体系。“短距城市”模式强调理论对城市发展实践的指导意义,其理论体系的实现需要科学的综合评价方法提供保障。论文的第二部分首先在回顾了国内外相关的城市发展指标体系研究的基础上,以“短距城市”对子系统的划分方法构建指标体系的框架;运用主成分分析法从备选指标集中筛选15项核心指标,构成评价指标体系(用于回顾评价),核心指标和辅助指标共同构成建设指标体系(用于展望评价)。其次,运用基于生物控制论的敏感性模型进行系统结构分析:构建准则矩阵,根据指标体系十五项核心指标相对于生物控制论十八项系统准则的相关性,评价指标体系结构的完整性;构建影响矩阵,根据核心指标之间的相互影响和被影响关系,对指标体系核心主题的系统角色进行辨识,分析各核心指标在评价系统中的地位,为制定相应的管理对策提供依据。最后,本论文分级构建了指标体系的综合评价指数,用以从整体综合和局部分析两个角度开展城市发展评价。对于三级核心指标,即评价指标体系,首先应用模糊逻辑学和标准函数对指标值进行标准化处理。通过评价玫瑰图的绘制,可以得到整个评价系统和三级核心指标两个层次的综合指数评价结果;对于二级指标主题(子系统),首先通过Delphi-AHP法对所有三级指标赋权值,再进行加权平均,计算各二级主题对应的主题综合指数。通过评价树的绘制,可以得到整个评价系统和二级主题两个层次的综合评价结果。论文的第三部分中,论文对“短距城市”的实证研究进行了评述。为了验证理论体系运用于城市发展和建设的可能性和有效性,提出“短距城市”理论的研究项目“生态城市:面向适宜城市结构和可持续交通体系的城市发展研究”在欧洲选择了七个分属不同国家和城镇、不同社会经济背景、不同空间尺度、不同自然气候条件的研究区域开展“短距城市”发展模式的实践研究。本文以笔者所负责的两个案例研究为主,通过案例研究的实践成果,对“短距城市”的理论内涵进行深入的阐释,并应用综合评价方法对案例研究在实施“短距城市”模式前后进行比较评价。最后,本文还论证了“短距城市”模式在中国城市发展中应用的可行性和必要性;从发展目标制定、规划程序、交通模式发展、综合评价方四个方面具体分析了“短距城市”对中国城市发展的启示和借鉴;提出了“短距城市”模式在中国应用中需要注意的问题和不足。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of the 20th century,the urbanization process continues to accelerate throughout the world.However in recent years,urban growth usually happens in contradictory ways to the concept of sustainable development and eco-city, so-called urban sprawl.Spatially diffused and functionally segregated urban structures tend to cause such urbanization problems as drastic growth in traffic volumes and increased pressures on the environment.Car-oriented mobility has become the major character of the urban life style,and transport is the biggest urban problem.The theory of City of Short Distance(CSD) believes that the causes for modern urban development problems arise from the false development view of the decision-makers and the improper values and life style of the habitants.Isolated measures to promote transport planning are insufficient for the solution of the complex urban problems.Scientific mode of urban development can be achieved by cooperating and optimizing the urban structures and functions,popularizing sustainable mobility and steering the people behavior.CSD is an eco-city and sustainability oriented mode of urban development.Besides the research background(chapter 2) and the conclusion(chapter 8),this dissertation mainly consists of three sectors.The first sector(chapter 3,4 and 5) interprets the concept and theory of CSD.The second sector(chapter 6) develops the comprehensive assessment method of CSD.The third sector(chapter 7) analysis the cases studies of CSD theories.In the first sector,by reviewing the literatures on urban development at home and abroad,this dissertation briefs the classic and contemporary theories concerning CSD,summarizes the contributions and representative conclusions of various theories and schools,and illustrates the theoretical foundation of the CSD theory as well.The CSD theory is a supply-oriented mode of urban development,including the meso- and the local scales.The meso-scle,namely in the region,it signifies a network or a linear structure of polycentric urban pattern surrounded by the nature.The local scale,namely in the urban quarter & neighborhood,it contains three key elements, namely compact structure,mixed use and landscape.Ecological limits,succession, diversity,co-evolution,dominant species,law of the minimum,native spices are some important ecological connotations in the CSD theory.This theory is an Eco-city oriented mode of urban development and one of the approaches to realize the Eco-city ideal.CSD is the heritage of the New Urbanism and will be development of it.It is a more integrated and comprehensive urban development mode than other relative theories such as "Car-free City" and "Low Energy City".The research objectives of CSD focus on the urban quarter and neighborhood in spatial dimension;while nature green area,brownfield and infill development are the three major site categories.To study CSD as a complex system,research object of urban development is divided into five sub-systems for the analysis of the regularities of each sub-system’s development and their interrelationship.These sub-systems are urban context sub-system,reflecting the background and foundation of the developing area;and urban structure,transport,energy & material,socio-economy sub-systems,reflecting the detailed content of urban development.In respect of the temporal dimension of urban evolution,CSD theory focuses on the whole life cycle of urban development, other than isolated stages of planning and design.Public participation,assessment and supervision are effective throughout the whole process.Comprehensive assessment on CSD involves two incorporating phases:ex post evaluation and ex ante evaluation.Moreover,the dissertation proposes the overall goals of CSD development on the core principles of "minimization of harms to the environment and human health" and "maximization of human welfare and community feelings",which includes 15 items in five sub-systems.While the CSD connotations of 25 items based on the philosophy of "short distance" and "qualified density" are carried out as well.The CSD mode emphasizes the guidance of the theory on the practice of urban development.Its actualization is guaranteed by the scientific and comprehensive assessment methods.In the second sector,firstly by reviewing the researches on urban development at home and abroad,this dissertation constructs a framework of the indicator system of CSD according to the classification of five sub-systems.15 key indicators are screened out through principal component analysis,forming the assessment indicators for ex post evaluation.Furthermore,key indicators and additional indicators constitute the constructive indicators for ex ante evaluation.Secondly,by applying the sensitivity model based on bio-cybernetics,the criteria matrix is built to evaluate the integrity of the indicator system structure according to the correlation between the 15 key indicators and 18 bio-cybernetic system criteria.The impact matrix is composed to identify the system role of the key indictors according to their mutual influences.The evaluating results are important references for decision-making procedure.Finally,this dissertation formulates the classified comprehensive assessment index of the CSD indicator system.In view of the third-level key indicators,also known as the assessment indicator system,fuzzy logic and standardized function are used to standardize the value of these indicators in advance.With the diagram of indicator rose,the comprehensive assessment index for the whole evaluating system and each key indicator can be calculated respectively.In view of the second-level indicator themes(sub-systems),also known as the constructive indicator system, weights of the indicators are calculated by the Delphi-AHP method and each theme index is worked out through weight average of its inferior indicators in advance.With the diagram of indicator tree,the comprehensive assessment index for the whole evaluating system and each theme can be calculated respectively.In the third sector,to demonstrate the feasibility and desirability of the CSD theory for its future application to urban development and construction,seven specific sites are selected for cases studies by the project of Ecocity:Urban Development towards Appropriate Structures and Sustainable Transport,through which the CSD theory is primarily formed and put forward.These involved research areas are of different spatial dimensions,situated in various European countries with diverse socio-economic backgrounds,distinct climate zones and geographic conditions. Focusing on two major cases accomplished by the author,this dissertation further illuminates the connotation of the CSD theory with the support of practical research results.Besides,the comprehensive assessment method is applied on three research areas to assess the differences between the original status and the outcome after implementing the CSD mode.Finally,this dissertation studies the application of the CSD mode in China’s urbanization process in three aspects:the feasibility and necessity analysis;the inspiration and experiences of object design,planning procedure regulation,transport system development and comprehensive assessment;problems and potential obstacles caused by the Chinese specific characteristics and the lack of practical researches.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】TU984
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】564

