

A Study on Li Mengyang and He Jingming’s Poetics

【作者】 魏强

【导师】 马卫中;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 李梦阳、何景明作为明代中叶前七子之领袖、复古运动的主导者、优秀的诗人,在诗歌创作和文学思想上都取得了令后人赞叹不已的成就。明末谈迁认为:“李、何裒然四杰之首,冠冕当代,人无异喙。间有微文,未加点壁”。李、何二人的人品操守不仅为后人敬仰,其文学思想也成为后世文论家津津乐道的论题,对明清两代的文学理论产生了深远的影响。尤其作为二人诗学观集中体现的李、何之争,更是受到学者的重点关注。然由于各种原因,李、何诗学之研究仍然缺乏较为全面的、细致的梳理,致使许多问题似是而非。本文从二人的家世生平、思想渊源、明中叶的社会情势出发,在前人研究的基础上,认真研读二人的文集,旁及前七子和同时期其他文人之别集,尽力挖掘新材料,探索新途径,对李梦阳、何景明的诗学观从家世生平、思想渊源、李、何之争、诗歌创作及所处的时代等角度,进行比较性的动态研究,力图给予李、何诗学更清晰的展示。绪论部分回顾李、何诗学及相关研究的历史概况,阐述本课题研究的意义和方法。第一章论述李、何二人的家世生平和交游。从纵向把握他们的生活环境、家世背景、师友熏染对于二人思想性格和文学理念的影响。其中对于李梦阳、何景明与李东阳的关系、李梦阳与何景明的关系、前七子的一些问题进行了重新盘点。第二章本着“知人论世”的文学批评观,横向阐述李、何所处的明中叶之政治、文化思潮等情况,从李、何诗学的外围着眼,探讨催成前七子及李、何诗学独特面貌的原因。梳理了自明初以来,一直存在的复古思潮、真情论、模拟论的脉络,分析李、何诗学与它们的渊源,努力揭示前七子所倡导的复古运动及李、何诗学崛起的客观因素。第三章论述李、何的思想渊源。首先从科举、仕宦两个方面剖析二人思想的理学底色,并对其所谓的反理学倾向进行辨析;其次对李、何二人的人生观和社会观进行对比阐述,展现二者之差异及对文学思想所造成的影响。第四章分别从文学史观、复古观、诗歌的社会功用、诗歌的艺术性之认识四个方面对李、何诗学进行细致缕析。着重讨论李梦阳、何景明诗学观的具体内容和他们文学复古的缘由、持法的本质、礼赞民歌的本意和何景明有所变化的思想观对其诗学思想所造成的影响。第五章具体分析李、何之争。李、何之争既有当时政治、文化等外部环境的原因,也是复古内部响应式交往、散点式呼应、复古运动必然反思等客观因素催化的结果。关注李、何之争,同时也必须注意贯彻复古运动始终的其他许多争论,尤其对与之关系密切的李梦阳与吾瑾之争、李梦阳与李濂之争、李梦阳与周祚之论的分析,有助于撇清笼罩在李、何之争上的许多疑云。对于李、何之争,从论争的内容、论争的实质、刺激论争的因素三方面展开分析。论争的内容归纳为诗法和作品评价两个向度;论争的实质分为复古目标不同、复古道路不同、复古导向不同、复古宗趣不同、诗歌社会功用认识不同五个方面;针对刺激论争的因素,则从政治观、处世观、气质、性情、地域等存在之差异认识李、何之争的必然性。第五章以李、何诗歌为对象,分析李、何诗学的实践情况。二人诗歌的内容实践了他们的诗学主张,对当时主要的社会矛盾、民生疾苦、战争徭役、时政弊端等都有比较全面的揭露。可就某些体裁和题材取向而言,二人明显存在差异。李梦阳的感述诗和时序诗数量较多,而何景明的应酬诗明显在其诗歌中占有主要地位。有所差异的意象选择也彰显了二人不同的诗歌宗趣。何景明主李白,偏爱明月意象,却有异于李白的特质;李梦阳以杜甫为宗祖,诗史意识明显。即使对于同一意象,由于二人诗学观之差异,往往表现出不同的风采。李梦阳谨守诗法,诗歌锤炼之功显然;何景明“以有求似”,不恪守诗法,随着感情的波动自由抒写,四组同题诗歌充分说明这一点。余论部分论述李、何诗学的功过得失。从呼应了当时政治发展之需要、顺应了明代文学发展之走向、集中地探讨了诗歌的地位本质、催成了诗学批评史上一次较大规模的争辩四个角度阐述李、何诗学在历史上的功过得失,同时亦指出其矫枉过正、缺乏理论的系统化、复古目标没有阶段化等缺陷。

【Abstract】 As the heads of the Former Seven Scholars and the leaders of an archaist literary movement, Li Mengyang and He Jingming, the two Middle Ming Dynasty poets, reached a remarkable achievement in poetry and literature thoughts. Tan Qian , a historian in the late Ming Dynasty, commented:”Li and He are generally acknowledged to be the top two of the Four Greatest Litterateurs. Their small defects can not obscure their remarkable achievements.”As well as their virtues, the poetical views of Li & He are revered and warmly discussed by the later generations, which exert a far-reaching influence on the literary theory of Ming and Qing dynasty. The controversy of Li and He typically demonstrated their poetical views and triggered abundant researches by later scholars. But due to various reasons, these researches lack comprehensive and meticulous systematization, causing much inconsistency of many issues. Based on the previous researches, the present thesis carries out a comparative study of the poetical views of Li Mengyang and He Jingming from the perspectives of the family background, life and work, ideological origin, the Controversy of Li and He, poem creation as well as their living era, aiming to bring forth a more clear picture of their poetical views.The introduction of this dissertation presents an overall review of Li & He’s poetics and the related researches. The significance and methodology of the present research is also introduced.Chapter One deals with Li & He’s family background, life and work, as well as their associates. The author makes a longitudinal analysis of their living circumstances, family background and teachers and friends’influence which affect their personal characters and literary thoughts.Chapter Two elaborates on the politics and culture trend of middle Ming Dynasty in the light of the literary criticism view of“making comments on public figures and state affairs”. The author investigates the external causes of the poetics of the Former Seven Scholars as well as Li & He, focusing on the Trend of Classicism, Emotional Theory and Simulation Theory, in an attempt to reveal the objective factors behind the poetics of the Former Seven Scholars as well as Li & He.Chapter Three discusses the thought origin of Li & He. Firstly, the author analyzes Li & He’s grounding in the Confucian school of idealist philosophy from two angles: the Imperial Civil Examinations and their official careers. Then the author makes a contrastive analysis of Li & He’s life philosophy and society philosophy which help to explain their literary thoughts.Chapter Four expounds on Li & He’s poetics from the four points of view: the conception of literary history, the ideology of‘back to the ancients’, the social functions of poetry and the understanding of poetry artistry. The author focuses on the specific contents of Li & He’s poetics, the causes of their literary renaissance, the essence of sticking with doctrine and the original meaning of lauding ballads. The effect of HeJingming’s changing ideology on his poetics is also discussed in this chapter.Chapter Five explores the Controversy of Li & He. The Controversy of Li and He is considered as a result of the responding contact and interspersing echo inside the Literary Archaist Movement The objective causes of this controversy are the political and cultural circumstances of the period. In order to clarify some questionable points concerning the Controversy of Li & He, several closely related debates throughout the Literary Archaist Movement are examined, among which are the debate between Li and Wu, the debate between two Lis and the debate between Li and Zhou. The author examines the content, the essence and the activating factors of the Controversy of Li & He. The content of the controversy concentrates on two sides: the theory of poetry and the interpretation of poetry. The essence of the controversy emphasizes five aspects: different aim of archaism, different path of archaism, different guidance of archaism, different tenet of archaism and different understanding of the social function of poetics. The activating factors involve the differences in people’s political view, life of philosophy, temperament, disposition and living region.Chapter Six examines some poems of Li and He,focusing on the two poets’practice of their poetical views. Generally speaking, both of their poems give a full exposure of the major social contradictions, human suffering, war corvee and political ills of that time. But there are distinct differences in the genre and the theme between their poems. The majority of Li Mengyang’s works are narrative poems and chorological poems; however, poems written at royal command dominates He Jingming’s works. The writing of the two poets also differs in image choosing. He Jingming prefers the image of moonlight, guided by Li Bai’s poetics but varying in its nature. Li Mengyang models Du Fu and his poems are characterized by historical significance. Even for the same image, the two poets exhibit different interpretations. Li Mengyang carefully observes the technique of poetry, emphasizing poem refining; on the other hand, He Jingming seeks similarity only based on his creation, not abiding by the technique of poetry. The four sets of poems are examined to illustrate the above arguments.The last part of the dissertation treats the merits and demerits of Li & He’s poetics from four angles: responding to the political development of the time, conforming to the trend of the literature of Ming dynasty, probing into the status and the essence of poetry and initiating the most large-scale controversy in the history of poetics criticism. The author also points out the limitations of the previous research: overcorrecting, lacking theory systematization and failing to analyze the archaism object into clear phases.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

