

Research on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Social Network Embeddedness and Performance

【作者】 张荣祥

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,伴随着中国创业型经济的发展和国家创新创业战略的实施,企业间的创业合作现象日益增多,形成了以企业创业社会网络为主要形态的新型合作关系。在学术界,越来越多的学者开始关注嵌入于社会网络中的合作机制对企业创业行为的影响,日益重视社会网络和嵌入理论在创业研究中的应用,并且取得了显著的研究进展。然而,以往研究较少从关系嵌入的视角来分层考察嵌入于个体和组织创业社会网络中支持企业创业行为实现的主体间联结关系的主要特征与机制要素。本文试图运用关系嵌入的研究思路对创业社会网络嵌入的概念构思、结构模型与绩效关系,以及市场竞争环境的影响作用等问题进行深入的探索。研究一是关于创业社会网络嵌入概念构思的访谈研究。本文运用关系嵌入的研究思路,对浙江省内32家不同阶段、不同所有制、不同经营规模企业的43位中高层管理人员进行了半结构化访谈,旨在了解与识别中国文化背景下创业社会网络嵌入的概念特质和典型事例。在半结构化访谈的基础上,本文对访谈素材进行材料筛选和内容分类,通过编码分析,初步提炼出创业社会网络嵌入的关键要素和理论构思。研究结果表明,中国文化背景下,个体创业社会网络嵌入包括情感承诺、人际信任、互惠交往三个要素,组织创业社会网络嵌入包括制度信任、信息共享、问题解决、和谐共赢四个要素。在研究一基础上,研究二根据构思关联性、信息真实性、地域便利性原则,选择处于创业阶段的杭州格林蓝德信息技术有限公司作为案例研究对象,运用基于关键事件分析技术的案例研究方法,对组织创业社会网络嵌入的理论构思,及其与公司绩效的关系做进一步的探索性研究,为下步建构创业社会网络嵌入特征模型,验证创业社会网络嵌入与绩效关系提供必要的理论准备。通过深度访谈、查阅公司档案记录、资料分析、结构提炼等方法,对格林蓝德公司创业过程中的三个关键性合作事件从多特征多方法的思路进行了深度分析。研究发现,制度信任、信息共享、问题解决、和谐共赢四个要素是格林蓝德公司组织创业社会网络嵌入的构成维度,对公司的绩效有显著影响作用。此外,案例研究还发现,在创业实践中上述要素并不是单独发挥作用,而是存在协同交互作用。研究三在研究一和研究二的基础上,结合以往研究和三次问卷试测的结果编制了创业社会网络嵌入测量问卷,在浙江省内205家创业企业中进行调查取样,分别对其中的118份和118份有效问卷进行了探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。结果表明,包含情感承诺、人际信任和互惠交往的个体创业社会网络嵌入三维度模型最为稳定,包含制度信任、信息共享、问题解决与和谐共赢的组织创业社会网络嵌入四维度模型最为稳定,而且两个模型都具有较好的聚合效度和辨别效度。研究表明,个体创业社会网络嵌入在组织因素和行业因素上没有显著差异,但在个体工作年限上存在显著差异;组织创业社会网络嵌入的个别维度在组织因素上具有显著差异。研究四在研究三验证的创业社会网络嵌入模型的基础上,对235份有效问卷运用相关分析、多元回归分析和结构方程建模技术等方法,检验了企业创业社会网络嵌入与绩效的关系,并考察了竞争强度变量和组织特征变量的影响作用。研究结果表明:(1)个体创业社会网络嵌入中,情感承诺和人际信任两个维度对成长绩效和合作绩效具有显著影响作用,互惠交往对合作绩效具有显著影响作用;(2)组织创业社会网络嵌入中,制度信任和信息共享对成长绩效具有显著影响作用,制度信任、问题解决、和谐共赢对合作绩效具有显著影响作用;(3)竞争强度变量与创业社会网络嵌入对绩效有显著的交互影响作用;(4)组织特征变量与创业社会网络嵌入对绩效有显著的交互影响作用。与此同时,本研究还运用结构方程建模技术考察了创业社会网络嵌入影响绩效的中介作用机制。研究结果显示:(1)组织创业社会网络嵌入要素是个体创业社会网络嵌入影响绩效的中介变量;(2)组织创业社会网络嵌入在情感承诺-绩效关系中起部分中介作用,在人际信任-绩效关系中起部分中介作用,在互惠交往-绩效关系中起部分中介作用;(3)在个体创业社会网络嵌入-绩效关系中,组织创业社会网络嵌入的完全中介模型优于部分中介模型。最后,本文总结了研究的主要结论,探讨了本研究取得的理论进展和实践意义,指出了本研究的不足之处和有待进一步解决的问题。

【Abstract】 In recent years, along with China’s entrepreneurial economic development and national implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship strategy, entrepreneurial cooperation has become a growing phenomenon between firms, forming new cooperative relationship with its main form as entrepreneurial enterprises social network as. In academia, more and more scholars have begun to pay attention to social networks embedded in the mechanisms of cooperation in entrepreneurial enterprises behavior, attaching greater importance to social network embeddedness theory and its implications, and significant progress has been made in the research. However, from the perspective of relational embeddedness, few previous studies have focused on the main features and mechanisms of linking relationship between the main body in entrepreneurship supported by individuals and organizations. This dissertation attempts to, from the perspective of relational embeddedness, carry out an in-depth exploration of the concept, structure and performance embedded in entrepreneurial enterprises social network, as well as the impact of competitive environment in the market.The first research is an interview research on the concepts and ideas embedded in entrepreneurial social network embeddedness. From the perspective of relational embeddedness, this dissertation carries out 43 semi-structured interviews of senior management personnel from 32 enterprises of different stages, different ownerships, and different scales of operations in Zhejiang Province, in order to understand and identify the characteristics and typical examples of entrepreneurial social network embeddedness in the context of Chinese culture. Based on the semi-structured interviews, this dissertation makes material selection and content classification, and extracts the key elements and ideas embedded in entrepreneurial social network through the coding analysis. The results show that, in the context of Chinese culture, individual entrepreneurial social network embeddedness consists of three elements--affective commitment, interpersonal trust and reciprocity; while organizational entrepreneurial social network embeddedness consists of four elements-- institution trust, information sharing, joint problem solving and harmony for all winners.Base on the first research, on the principle of geographical convenience, data analysis and structure extraction, this second research of the dissertation chooses Hangzhou Greenlander Information Technology Co., Ltd. at its start-up phase as a case study. It further explores the use of critical incident analysis technique, the theory of entrepreneurial social network embeddedness and its relationship with corporate performance, providing necessary theoretical preparation for establishing social network embedded in business models and verifying the relationship between entrepreneurial social network embeddedness and corporation performance. Through in-depth interviews, access to company records, data analysis and structure extraction, this dissertation carries out in-depth analysis on three key co-operations in Greenlander. It finds out that the four elements-- institution trust, information sharing, joint problem solving and harmony for all winners-- constitute individual entrepreneurial social network embeddedness in Greenlander and have a significant impact on corporate performance. In addition, the case study also finds that instead of being four separate elements, the above four play interactive effects in business practice.The third research, based on the previous researches and the results of three questionnaires, carries out entrepreneurial social network embeddedness questionnaire in 205 entrepreneurial firms in Zhejiang province, and carries out explorative factor analysis and confirmative factor analysis among 118 valid questionnaires respectively. The results show that the three-dimension model of individual organizational entrepreneurial social network embeddedness and four-dimension model of organizational entrepreneurial social network embeddedness is the most stable, and both of the models have good convergent validities and discriminate validities. Research has shown that individual organizational entrepreneurial social network differs significantly in the length of work seniority, but differs little in organization and business factors; however, four-dimension model of organizational entrepreneurial social network embeddedness has a significant difference on organizational factors. Based on the model of entrepreneurial social network embeddedness, the fourth research uses correlation analysis, multi-regression analysis, and structural equation model on 235 valid questionnaires, in order to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial social network embeddedness and business performance as well as the impact of competition intensity variable and organizational variable. The results show that: (1) in individual entrepreneurial social network embeddedness, affective commitment and personal trust have a significant impact on growth performance and cooperation performance; reciprocity has a significant impact on cooperation performance; (2) In organizational entrepreneurial social network embeddedness, institution trust and information sharing have a significant impact on growth performance; institution trust, joint problem solving and harmony for all winners have a significant impact on cooperation performance; (3) Competition strength variable and entrepreneurial social network embeddedness have strong interactive effects; (4) Organizational variable and entrepreneurial social network embeddedness have strong interactive effects. At the same time, this research uses a structural equation model to study the mediation effect mechanism in entrepreneurial social network embeddedness. The results show that: (1) organizational entrepreneurial social network embeddedness is a meditative variable in corporate performance of individual entrepreneurial social network embeddedness; (2) organizational entrepreneurial social network embeddedness has partial mediative effect on the relationship between affective commitment and corporate performance, between personal trust and corporate performance, and between reciprocity and corporate performance; (3) in the relationship between corporate performance and individual entrepreneurial social network embeddedness, full meditative model organizational entrepreneurial social network embeddedness plays a better role than partial meditative model.The last part of this dissertation summarizes the main conclusions of this research, explores the theoretical progress and practical implication, as well as limitations and issues to be further solved.

【关键词】 企业创业社会网络嵌入绩效
【Key words】 entrepreneurshipsocial networkembeddednessperformance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

