

Preparation of Quantum Dots and Their Applications in Biological Labeling

【作者】 董微

【导师】 徐淑坤;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 分析化学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 对生物体内及生命过程中蛋白质、核酸、多肽等重要生物分子的高灵敏分析检测,是生命科学研究领域的重要难题。探索和发展高灵敏度、高选择性的分析检测方法一直是这一领域研究者的努力方向。荧光分析法是生物学研究中十分重要的方法之一,其检测灵敏度很大程度上取决于标记物的发光强度和光化学稳定性。目前使用的大多数荧光试剂如有机荧光染料等存在着光学稳定性较差、激发光谱范围窄、发射光谱较宽、与生物分子的背景荧光难以区分等不可忽视的弱点,导致应用中灵敏度下降。量子点作为一种新型的荧光纳米材料,弥补了有机染料的上述缺点,引起分析化学和生命科学领域的广泛关注。早期的量子点是在有机体系中制备的,即用金属有机化合物在具有配位性质的有机溶剂环境中生长纳米颗粒。这种方法制备条件比较苛刻、操作复杂,且制得的量子点水溶性不佳,欲获得较理想水溶性,需进行复杂的修饰改性,因而水溶性量子点的制备成为人们研究的热点。但目前报道的水相中合成量子点的一般量子产率较低(10%~30%),荧光发射峰半峰宽较宽。基于上述研究现状,本项研究选用谷胱甘肽作为稳定剂在水相中制备高质量的量子点,并考察它们在生物大分子标记以及细胞的免疫成像等领域中的应用。首先采用水相合成法,以谷胱甘肽(L-glutathione,GSH)作为稳定剂,氯化镉、和碲粉等简单的无机试剂作为合成原料,合成水溶性CdTe量子点。利用CdTe量子点表面的羧基和氨基基团与生物分子(如蛋白质和抗体)中氨基和羧基基团之间的相互作用,直接与生物分子链接并对细胞进行荧光标记。实验中CdTe量子点与牛血清白蛋白成功地链接后,量子点荧光强度明显提高。并在BSA的浓度为2.0-10 mg/L时,溶液的荧光强度与BSA浓度形成良好的线性关系,可以用来进行蛋白的初步定量测定。同时,CdTe量子点能与大鼠抗小鼠CD4抗体连接,制备水溶性CdTe-CD4复合物探针,对鼠的淋巴细胞和脾脏标记成像。结果表明,CdTe量子点与传统的异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)相比,具有更强的荧光强度和光稳定性。其次,将CdTe量子点作为生物荧光探针引入前列腺癌研究中。采用直接和间接标记两种方法检测前列腺癌细胞的特异性抗原(prostate specific antigen,PSA),比较两种方法对细胞的免疫标记效果。结果表明,直接标记方法操作步骤虽然简单,但是量子点在细胞表面有明显的非特异性吸附现象;而间接标记方法利用一抗和二抗之间的结合降低了非特异性吸附,量子点探针在细胞表面呈现出明显的荧光信号。同时,通过对活的前列腺癌细胞进行标记,考察了CdTe量子点的生物毒性。第三,选用谷胱甘肽(GSH)作为稳定剂,首次在水溶液中合成了稳定的CdSe/CdS核/壳结构的量子点。采用CdS无机包覆层对CdSe量子点表面进行修饰,有效地限制对核的激发,消除非辐射驰豫途径和防止光化学褪色,提高了量子点的稳定性和荧光产率。经光学性能表征,制备的CdSe/CdS核/壳结构量子点具有荧光产率较高、半峰宽窄、峰形对称等优良的光谱性能;结构性能表征表明合成的量子点尺寸分布均匀,为近似球形颗粒。同时,将CdSe/CdS量子点和鼠抗人CD3抗体连接,制备水溶性CdSe/CdS-CD3复合物探针,对人血淋巴细胞标记成像。实验结果表明,CdSe/CdS量子点与传统的FITC相比,具有更强的荧光强度和光稳定性。最后,初步研究了量子点与碳纳米管复合物的制备。由于这种纳米复合物具有独特的物理和化学的性质,预期在纳米电学、催化反应、生物感应器等领域具有广泛的应用,尤其在医学和药学上的应用成为众多国际研究者最为关注的热点。实验中碳纳米管经氧化处理后,在端口处会形成羧基,利用羧基与谷胱甘肽包被的CdTe量子点上氨基之间的作用,实现了量子点与单壁碳纳米管的链接。经荧光光谱表征,链接碳纳米管后的量子点荧光强度减弱。总之,本研究工作以谷胱甘肽作为稳定剂,合成了两种高质量的水溶性量子点。利用量子点表面的羧基和氨基基团与生物分子抗体中氨基和羧基基团之间的相互作用,直接与生物分子链接制备了三种免疫探针,成功地用于淋巴细胞及脾组织、前列腺癌细胞和人血淋巴细胞的荧光标记及成像。实验中还考察了CdTe量子点的生物毒性。此外,初步探索了量子点与碳纳米管复合物的制备工艺。

【Abstract】 The sensitive and selective detection of proteins,nucleic acid,peptides and other important biological molecules in organism or life process is an important field of life science. To explore and develop effective bio-analysis methods has been being the goal of analytical chemists.Fluorimetry is one kind of important methods for the life science studies,in which the detection sensitivity depends largely on their marker’s luminous intensity and the photochemistry stability.Conventional organic dyes show some shortcomings such as narrower excitation and broader emission spectra,lower sensitivity and poor stability,making it to be difficult to distinguish the detection signals from self fluorescence of bio-molecules in bio-analytical applications.Quantum dots(QDs)just come to overcome these limitations of organic dyes and attract much attention in analytical and biological chemistry fields.QDs were early prepared mainly through organometallic synthesis.Although the QDs prepared by this kind of methods possess higher photoluminescence quantum efficiency (QYs),it is,however,harsh,complicated to operate and water insoluble.Therefore,QDs preparation directly in aqueous solution has become the research hotspot,eventhough the lower QYs of 10-30%were typically obtained.In this work,L-Glutathione(GSH) stabilized CdTe and CdSe/CdS QDs were directly prepared in aqueous media and used as fluorescent labels in the domain of biological macromolecules probe and immuno-imagings.Firstly,GSH capped highly fluorescent CdTe QDs were prepared by an aqueous approach.Based on interaction of the carboxylic and amino groups on the surface of QDs with the amino and carboxylic groups of antibody,the as prepared CdTe QDs were used as fluorescent labels of biological macro-molecules for cells targeting and imaging.The experimental results showed that CdTe QDs could be conjugated to BSA with the obvious enhancement of photoluminescence intensity and the enhanced fluorescence intensity was proportional to the concentration of BSA in the range 2.0-10 mg/l.Meanwhile the as prepared CdTe QDs were conjugated with CD4 antibody to be the fluorescent labels of mouse T lymphocyte and spleen tissues for immuno imaging.It was demonstrated that CdTe QDs exhibited much better photo stability and stronger fluorescence intensity than FITC,showing a good application potential in the immuno-labeling of cells and tissues.Secondly,the water soluable CdTe QDs were applied as fluorescent markers in prostate cancer research.The as prepared QDs were linked with prostate-specific antigen(PSA) for the direct labeling and linked to immunoglobulin G(IgG) for the indirect labeling of fixed prostate cancer cells.In comparison,the direct labeling procedure was relatively simpler, unfortunately,showing some non-specificity;whereas indirect labeling method eliminated non-specific adsorption by linking of second antibody with QDs,primary antibody with cell or tissues and then the two conjugates,consequently exhibited excellent fluorescence microscopic images.Simultaneously,the prepared QDs were also used to label live prostate cancer cell,to inspect its biological toxicity.Thirdly,GSH capped highly fluorescent CdSe/CdS core-shell quantum dots were firstly prepared by an aqueous approach.Fluorescence emission spectra of as-prepared CdSe/CdS core-shell QDs showed a remarkable enhancement in the emission intensity than that of node CdSe QDs.The TEM results showed that the as prepared CdSe/CdS QDs were approximately spherical in shape with the Size of 5 nm,and monodisperse in aqueous solution.The CdSe/CdS QDs were linked with mouse anti-human CD3 to image human T-lymphocyte.It was demonstrated that the fluorescent CdSe/CdS QDs exhibited much better photo stability and stronger fluorescence intensity than FITC,showing a good application potential in the immuno-labeling of cells.At last,a new kind of materials,the QDs-CNTs nanocomposites were prepared.The nanocomposites are expected to be applied in nano-electrical chemistry,catalytic reaction and biological sensors especially in medical and pharmiceutical science due to its unique physical and chemical properties,and have attracted great attention of the world.In this study,the carboxyl group in the CNTs was linked with the amine group on the QDs after the carbon nanotubes were oxidized,the QDs-CNTs nanocomposites were characterized by fluorescence spectra,showing that after linked with each other,the fluorescence intensity was weakened markedly.In conclusion,two kinds of L-glutathiones stabilized highly fluorescent CdTe and CdSe/CdS quantum dots were prepared by aqueous approach.The as prepared QDs were successfully used as fluorescent labels of biological macro-molecules,such as BSA,CD4 and CD3 antibody,for cells(and tissues) labeling and imaging through the interaction of carboxylic and/or amino groups on the surface of QDs and the amino and/or carboxylic groups on antibody,.The primary experiments about biological toxicity of QDs were also carried out.In addition,the preparation of QDs-CNTs nanocomposites was tried with the preliminary results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

