

Research on Development of Appropriate Technology in West China

【作者】 苏振锋

【导师】 王礼力;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 科学技术是第一生产力,西部地区要发挥后发优势,实现可持续发展就必须依靠科学技术。经过半个世纪的努力,西部地区科学技术已经取得了很大的成就,但科技发展总体水平与发达省份相比,差距明显,特别是科技进步对经济社会发展的促进作用十分有限,均低于全国平均水平。而且,在技术发展应用的过程中导致了一系列经济、社会和自然环境问题。因此,本文旨在探索西部地区如何因地制宜发展适用技术,实现可持续发展。本文首先在分析适用技术的历史发展,总结前人研究成果的基础上,从可持续发展的角度出发,论述了适用技术的科学理论。其后,从经济、社会、自然和技术四个方面系统分析了西部地区发展适用技术的条件,接着,分析了西部地区可持续发展的本质要求,提出了发展适用技术是西部地区实现可持续发展的契入点。在此基础上,构建了适用技术与西部地区可持续发展的互动模型,并以广西瑶族恭城自治县生态农业发展为例进行了实证。最后在分析总结国外发展适用技术成功经验的基础上,论述了西部地区发展适用技术的途径和社会支撑系统。论文的主要研究内容和重要观点如下:第一章导论。本章简要介绍了论文的选题背景、研究的目的和意义、国内外研究动态、研究思路与研究方法以及论文的创新之处。第二章适用技术的科学理论。本章首先在对适用技术理论演进系统分析的基础上,提出了适用技术的科学内涵、特征和功能。其次,从技术的三维角度,运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,分析了现代技术观的演变和未来趋势,提出了适用技术理论的产生是现代技术发展、现代技术观演进的必然结果。最后从两个层面分析了适用技术概念与其他技术概念的异同:一是作为一种技术发展战略,适用技术理论与梯度理论、反梯度理论、“蛙跳”技术理论的异同;二是作为一种具体的技术,适用技术与先进技术、优势技术、高新技术、劳动密集型技术、资金密集型技术、技术密集型技术、知识密集型技术、“短平快”技术、“傻瓜”技术的异同。第三章西部地区发展适用技术的因素分析。西部地区要发展适用技术首先必须了解发展适用技术的条件。本章系统分析了西部地区发展适用技术的外部环境、经济系统、社会系统、自然系统和科技系统等因素,这些因素决定了西部地区发展适用技术的方向和途径。第四章适用技术与西部地区可持续发展的互动关系分析。本章在系统分析现代发展观的演进和总结西部地区传统发展模式产生的缺陷的基础上,提出了发展适用技术是西部地区实现可持续发展的契入点。在此基础上,构建了适用技术与西部地区可持续发展的互动模型,并以广西瑶族恭城自治县生态农业发展为例进行了实证。第五章国外发展适用技术的成功经验。本章先后分析了日本引进适用技术的成功经验、印度发展适用技术的成功经验、新加坡以职业技术教育促进适用技术发展的成功经验,从发展适用技术的途径和社会支撑系统两个方面,为西部地区提供有益借鉴。第六章西部地区发展适用技术的途径。本章分析、总结出西部地区发展适用技术,实现可持续发展的四条有效途径。一是大力推广已有的适用技术;二是改造传统技术;三是引进适用技术;四是开发适用技术。第七章西部地区发展适用技术的社会支撑系统。发展适用技术是集科技、经济、社会、自然环境于一体的广泛而复杂的系统工程。西部地区要实现适用技术与可持续发展的良性互动,必须具备以下社会支撑系统:宏观管理支撑系统、技术市场支撑系统、科技体制支撑系统、科技教育支撑系统和人力资源支撑系统。

【Abstract】 Science and technology is the first productive forces, so the western area with its advantages of being latecomers, must depend upon science and technology to realize its sustainable development. Although the science and technology of the western area have already achieved great achievement in the past five decades, the disparity of the general standard between it and developed province is evident, particularly its promotion to the economic development is very limited, all of which is lower than the national average. Moreover, a series of economic, social and environmental problems have appeared in the process of application of technological development. Therefore, this thesis is for the purpose of exploring how the western area develops appropriate technology in accordance with local conditions to realize the sustainable development.First of all, on the basis of analysis of the historical development of appropriate technology, and the results of previous studies, this thesis discusses the scientific theories of appropriate technology under the instructions of sustainable development view. Next is the analysis of the condition of development of appropriate technology in west China from four aspects of the economy, society, the nature and the technology. Then the thesis proposes that appropriate technology be the breakthrough point to realize the sustainable development in west China on the analysis of the essence of sustainable development in west China. Based on this, the model of interaction between the appropriate technology and the sustainable development is constructed in west China, with the example of ecological agriculture in Yao Nationality Autonomous County in Gong Cheng,Guang Xi; Finally, this thesis puts forward means and social support systems of the appropriate technology, on the basis of analysis and summary of the successful experience of the development of appropriate technology overseas.This thesis consists of seven chapters. The main content of each chapter is as follows:Chapter 1 is introduction, which introduces briefly the thesis background, the purpose and significance, inland and overseas research trends, research areas, research methods and the possibility of innovation.Chapter 2 is the scientific theories of appropriate technology. First of all, this chapter puts forward the scientific connotation, characteristics and functions, based on analysis of the evolution of appropriate technology theory. Secondly, the evolution and future trend of modern technology is analyzed by using the standpoint, the viewpoint and the method of Marxism and the three-dimensional angle of technology. Then the idea that the appropriate technology is the inevitable result of the evolution of modern technology is brought forward. Finally analyzes similarities and differences between appropriate technical concept and other technical concepts from two stratification planes: on one hand, the similarities and differences between appropriate technology—as a technology development strategy—and gradient theory, the anti-gradient theory,“leapfrog”technology theory; on the other hand, the similarities and differences between appropriate technology—as a specific technology—and the advanced technology, the superiority technology, the high and new technology, the labor intensive technology, the fund intensive technology, the skill-intensive technology, the knowledge concentrated intensive technology, the“instant effective”technology and“the fool”technology.Chapter 3 is the condition appraisal of appropriate technology in west China. The condition must be learned if the appropriate technology is to develop in west China. The systematic analysis of the factors of external environment, economic system, social system, natural system and technical system of the western area are given in this part, which decide the direction and the way of appropriate technology in west China.Chapter 4 is about the interactive relationship between appropriate technology and sustainable development of the western areas. This chapter firstly proposes that appropriate technology be the breakthrough point to realize the sustainable development in west China, on the basis of the systematic analysis of evolution concept and the limitation of tradition development model in west China. Based on this, the model of interaction between the appropriate technology and the sustainable development is constructed in west China, with the example of ecological agriculture in Yao Nationality Autonomous County in Gong Cheng, Guang Xi.Chapter 5 is the successful experience of the development of appropriate technology in foreign countries. This chapter analyzes the successful experience of the introduction of appropriate technology in Japan and the development of appropriate technologies in India and the promotion of appropriate technologies by the vocational and technical education in Singapore.Chapter 6 focuses on the means by which the appropriate technology is developed in west China. This chapter analyzes and summarizes four effective means by which the appropriate technology can be developed and the sustainable development can be achieved in west China: First is to promote the existing appropriate technology; The second is the transformation of traditional technologies; The third is the introduction of appropriate technologies; the Fourth, the development of appropriate technology.Chapter 7 is about the social supporting systems of the appropriate technology in west China. The development of appropriate technology is an integration of wide-ranging and complex systems engineering, including science and technology, economy, society, environment, reform and development. If western areas want to realize this positive interaction, they must have the following social support systems from macro-management, technical market, science and technology institution, technical education and human resources.

【关键词】 西部地区适用技术互动模型
【Key words】 west Chinaappropriate technologyinteractive model

