

A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors

【作者】 陈绍友

【导师】 段豫川;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“征地农转非人员就业”为研究对象。本文所指的“征地农转非人员”是城市郊区因城市化建设征地而失去农业生产用地而从农村转移到城市的人员。当今世界,城市化是经济社会发展的动力,是现代化的手段和标志;在中国,城市化进程正在快速推进。因此,中国的城市化建设已经并必将带来大量的城郊农民失去土地,走向城市,从事非农产业。由于失地的完全性,征地农转非人员需要在城市重建生产生活的新系统。其中,生产系统的重建、非农就业的实现是关键,因为中国正处在城市下岗职工、农村剩余劳动力、新增劳动力三碰头和经济社会转轨变型的特殊时期,社会就业压力大、就业形势严峻;由于失地的被迫性与急促性,征地农转非人员就业转移的准备不足,因此失地就意味着失业;而中国目前的社会保障和社会福利制度还不健全,失业则意味着失去生活来源、面临生存危机,近年来很多征地农转非人员沦为“种田无地、就业无岗、低保无份”的“三无游民”就是充分的说明。因此,征地农转非人员离开土地走进城市,需要的不仅是身份“农转非”,更重要的是实现就业“农转非”。本文在全面比较分析众多学者的大量调研数据和研究成果(附件1、2、3、4、5)后发现,征地农转非人员非农就业问题既是经济问题更是社会问题,既是局部问题更是全局问题,既是微观问题更是宏观问题。“征地农转非人员非农就业的实现”,既需要征地农转非人员自身作出积极的努力,也需要各级地方政府因地制宜地出台和实施积极的帮扶措施,更需要中央政府实施全面、长期的管理与推动。因此,本文的研究目标是期望寻求一个适合于中央政府和各级地方政府及征地农转非人员自身的非农就业促进的理论模型,其目的是调动最广泛的社会资源积极参与,帮助征地农转非人员较快地实现非农就业,实现从农村到城市的顺利、平稳过渡,进而推动城市化建设和经济社会的进一步发展。本文的研究思路是“从微观入手,从宏观着眼”。即:从征地农转非人员安置的微观实践分析入手,提炼出“非农就业在征地农转非人员安置中居于核心地位”的宏观结论;从征地农转非人员非农就业的微观着力点讨论入手,建构了“征地农转非人员非农就业促进系统框架”;从征地农转非人员非农就业的现实困境与发展取向的微观探索入手,展开非农就业促进系统框架的系列运行与宏观整合。本文在对对象界定、选题背景、文献综述和研究设计进行说明与阐述基础上,着重研究了如下四大问题:一是征地农转非人员的安置现状分析,这是本文立论的微观基础,正是由于各地在安置征地农转非人员时就业问题没有得到足够的重视,于是形成日渐严重的社会问题。尽管其中有诸多的客观因素,但认识的不足与思路的不清是关键原因,因此有必要对征地农转非人员就业问题进行专门的系统研究。二是征地农转非人员非农就业促进的总体框架,这是对各地征地农转非人员非农就业促进的实践总结与理论提炼,是从总体上概括征地农转非人员非农就业的促进路径,包括农转非社区管理与服务、农转非人员就业培训、农转非集体经济发展、地方经济增长与经济发展、农转非人员创业五个方面。三是征地农转非人员非农就业促进路径的具体运行机制及相应管理,这是对第二个问题(即“总体框架”)的展开讨论,文章在剖析五个路径在实践运行中问题基础上,探讨了各自运行的创新与管理的优化,从而使每个路径在帮助征地农转非人员非农就业促进实现上更有效;同时,也使全国各个地区能够从各自的具体条件出发去选择与实施更合适的路径。四是政府的就业促进管理,这是对征地农转非人员非农就业促进责任主体的理论分析,一般地,企业特别是占地企业应该是征地农转非人员非农就业实现的当然主体,但是由于管理机制的缺失,占地企业及其他企业不履行就业促进责任却成为“当然”,因此,政府需要主动承担征地农转非人员非农就业的促进责任,建构相应的机制,使占地企业及其他企业成为征地农转非人员非农就业实现的事实主体,同时调动社会更广泛的力量与资源参与征地农转非人员非农就业促进。通过上述四大问题的研究,本文形成了如下主要研究结论:(1)非农就业是征地农转非人员安置的核心,“就业促进”比“利益补偿”更加重要和必要,就业保障是最大的保障。就业是民生之本,当今世界绝大多数人都是通过劳动就业来改变和提高他们的生活水平和生活质量的。被征地前,城郊农民依靠土地实现就业,土地提供了就业保障,依托土地就业保障,他们生存与发展在自己的轨道上;被征地后,没有了土地,就业便成为一个重大问题,他们的生存与发展问题也便凸显出来。因此,安置征地农转非人员,足够的利益补偿非常重要,而就业促进更加重要,它不仅是征地农转非人员进入城市谋求生存发展的关键所在,也是缓解当前征地农转非人员不稳情绪的理想路径之一。目前,我国理论界和实践界对征地农转非人员“就业促进”的探索才刚刚开始,由于局限在各地的单个讨论,没有从更大范围上看待,因此还不全面、不系统,还没有引起足够的重视。而征地农转非人员进城后已经出现了严重的生存困难与发展难题,征地农转非人员的非农就业问题已经成为一个全社会的重大问题,因此,必须将“征地农转非人员就业促进及其管理”提高到战略高度予以积极的、长期的推进。(2)应该建立“农转非社区管理与服务、农转非人员就业培训、农转非集体经济发展、地区经济增长与经济发展、农转非人员创业发展五条路径相互联系良性互动”的征地农转非人员非农就业促进系统框架。征地农转非人员非农就业促进是一个庞大的系统工程,它需要征地农转非人员自身、各级地方政府及中央政府、社会各方面力量广泛参与,既有微观上的探索与创新,也有宏观上的管理与指导。建立“征地农转非人员非农就业促进五星模型”,以此为依据,中央政府可以实施积极有效的宏观管理与指导,出台相应的政策措施,从而调动最广泛的社会资源与力量,形成征地农转非人员非农就业促进的合力,推进征地农转非人员实现非农就业。同时,各级地方政府也可以从“五星模型”的总体框架中找到适合本地区的征地农转非人员非农就业促进之路,在地方政府的充分关注与大力推动下,或一条路径,或二三条路径结合。因此,“五星模型”又具有较强的现实针对性与实用价值。(3)从拾遗补缺的岗位做起,沿着自己的目标把事业做大,是征地农转非人员非农就业发展的理想路径方向。基于征地农转非人员在非农就业中“素质能力不足”与“社会就业形势严峻”的现实困境,征地农转非人员大多只能从城市拾遗补缺的岗位做起,“等、靠、要”是永远解决不了问题的。只有行动起来,或从业或创业,或先从业后创业,走进城市经济社会发展的大系统中,才能逐渐积累能力、提高素质、转变观念,才能获得新的发展机会、实现新的发展。因此,我们既要着力引导征地农转非人员立足现实,不等不靠,从拾遗补缺的岗位起步,然后发现机会、把握机会,沿着自己的目标把事业做大。这既切合征地农转非人员目前的素质能力现状,又符合他们追求发展的需求,也与社会进步发展相吻合。(4)“集中建设、集中安置”是当前及今后一个相当长时期里仍然征地农转非人员住房安置的主要模式,加强农转非小区建设优化和社区管理与服务内容、模式、机制的创新,是各地促进征地农转非人员非农就业发展的共同任务。征地农转非人员从离开土地走进城市,首先是安定下来,然后是谋求发展,安居与乐业相互促进,住房安置是征地农转非人员安置的首要内容。基于我国征地农转非人员住房安置模式的比较分析,我们看到“集中建设、集中安置”仍然是当前及今后一个相当长时期里的主要模式,因此,农转非小区及社区作为农转非人员进入城市的第一站,其管理与服务对他们具有重要的基石性意义,它不仅应当成为农转非人员的生存基地,更应当成为城市非农就业基地。目前,农转非小区及社区管理与服务还存在诸多的缺陷与不足,应当结合农转非人员的需求和城市社区建设的走势,加强农转非小区及社区管理与服务内容、模式、机制的创新,努力把农转非小区及社区建设成为农转非人员真正的生存基地与非农就业基地。(5)征地农转非人员就业培训应当实施“市场化运行”。就业培训与就业实现高度相关,实施积极有效的就业培训是推进征地农转非人员实现非农就业的重要路径。然而,目前各地对农转非人员的就业培训采取的是相关政府部门干预下的分散运行方式,培训机构的竞争压力不大,培训产品的针对性不足,培训效果不佳,致使许多征地农转非人员不愿意参加政府组织的就业培训。建立健全征地农转非人员就业培训的“市场化运行”机制,既切合市场经济的基本要求,又有利于充分调动培训机构的积极性,实现就业培训资源的优化配置,最大程度地提高就业培训的效果。在“就业培训市场化运行”中,政府在加强培训机构管理的同时,在初期要实施积极的就业培训需求管理与引导,然后逐渐转向就业培训机制建设与完善,推进农转非人员就业培训市场的良性发展与培训资源的优化配置;各级各类培训机构应当主动面对就业培训市场,从自身的组织建设、培训内容与产品开发、市场开拓等方面着力,以针对性、有效性培育“培训产品品牌”与“培训机构品牌”,实现经济效益与社会效益的最大化,实现品牌化发展。(6)发展农转非集体经济,是征地农转非人员增加收入、实现非农就业的有效途径。基于近年米各地对征地农转非人员实施“留地安置”的实践总结与反思,本文发现发展农转非集体经济是征地农转非人员增加收入、实现非农就业的有效途径,是征地农转非人员再组织的有效纽带。因此,应当从多方面探索农转非集体经济的发展壮大。其中,城市二三产业、现代农业和劳务经济是农转非集体经济值得探索的发展领域;经济基础的建构、带头人的选育是农转非集体经济组织建设的两大关键;可以尝试用“对口支援”的方式帮助农转非集体经济组织的建设与发展,引导农转非集体经济组织按现代企业制度运营。(7)实施经济与就业增长并重战略、创新城市化发展策略,是各级政府在促进征地农转非人员非农就业中应当着力探索的新问题。经济发展是实现就业增长的根本措施。经济发展水平高的地区,征地农转非人员非农就业的水平也较高。促进征地农转非人员非农就业,必须大力发展经济。然而,近20年里,我国经济的快速发展却没有形成就业的快速增长,城市化的快速推进却带来大量的征地农转非人员待业或失业。因此,在各地的经济发展与城市化建设中,应当把就业增长纳入发展战略,成为其中的重要组成部分,一是城市经济发展与城市硬件建设并重,二是经济增长与就业增长并重,这是解决征地农转非人员就业问题及其他人员就业问题的重要基础和根本保障。(8)鼓励征地农转非人员创业发展。创业具有“就业倍增效应”。征地农转菲人员创业发展,不仅有利于他们自身实现就业,还能带动更多的征地农转非人员实现非农就业。发展创业型经济,已经成为许多发达国家促进经济发展和实现就业增长的重要措施;21世纪是创业世纪,我国正在大力推进创业型经济的发展。征地农转非人员确有文化素质不高、非农技能不足等多方面问题,但城郊区位使其对城市市场经济相对熟悉、农民的“可塑性”与“首创精神”、失去土地没有退路的压力形成动力等等,又形成征地农转非人员创业发展的优势。从各地的实践看,创业正在成为征地农转非人员仅次于“到企业应聘”的第二大选择。因此,应当从多方面建构征地农转非人员创业发展支持系统,鼓励征地农转非人员创业,并带动更多的征地农转非人员实现非农就业。(9)在征地农转非人员非农就业促进中,政府是主导和调控者,企业是承担和接纳者。在征地农转非人员非农就业促进中,政府承担着不可推卸的责任,起着主导性作用,政府应在明确自身职责基础上,着力就业促进的体制机制与制度建设和管理思想创新以形成直接推动,引导和鼓励占地企业及最广泛的社会资源与力量参与征地农转非人员非农就业促进工作。企业和更广泛的社会力量是参与和推动者,特别是占地企业,应该把对应的征地农转非人员的非农就业问题纳入自身发展的系统中去考虑与实施,政府应当首先要求占地企业解决对应的征地农转非人员的就业问题,否则当承担更高的用地成本。综合上述研究,本文形成了如下主要创新点:一是建构了一个包含农转非社区管理与服务、农转非人员就业培训、农转非集体经济发展、地方经济增长与经济发展、农转非人员创业五个方面在内的“征地农转非人员非农就业促进的五星模型”。该模型适合中央政府对征地农转非人员非农就业促进的宏观管理与指导,因为征地农转非人员的非农就业问题已经成为一个全社会的重大问题,必须将其提高到战略高度实施宏观管理与指导,进行积极的、长期的推进。五条路径相互联系共同推动,有助于调动最广泛的社会资源与力量,形成征地农转非人员非农就业促进的强大合力,更好地实现征地农转非人员非农就业。同时,该模型也适合各级地方政府及征地农转非人员自身,因为“五星模型”中的五条路径可以相互独立运行,在地方政府的充分关注与大力推动下,各自独立成为一个“星”,不同地方均可以从“五星模型”的总体框架中找到适合本地区的征地农转非人员非农就业促进之路,或一条路径,或二三条路径结合。因此,“五星模型”既具有良好的宏观指导价值与理论启示意义,又具有较强的实用价值。二是农转非社区管理与服务内容、模式、机制的创新。农转非小区及社区作为农转非人员进入城市的第一站,其管理与服务对他们具有重要的基石性意义,它不仅应当成为农转非人员的生存基地,更应当成为城市非农就业基地。在当前各地仅仅把征地农转非人员安置下来使有屋居住的情况下,这是一项观念和思路都大大扩展的创新,其中,关于农转非小区“小集中、大分散,超前规划、渐次到位,优势地段倾斜农转非,方便就业,责权利统一,充分关注亲情”等规划建设原则和农转非社区“实施积极的心理疏导以使农转非人员健康向上的心态去争取就业”的观点,具有良好的实践价值与创新意义。三是征地农转非人员就业培训应当实施“市场化运行”运作。这是对现实分散培训、效果不佳的改进之路,它既有利于就业培训效果的根本改善,也有助于相关政府部门从就业培训的具体操作中解放出来以实施宏观管理与推动。四是发展农转非集体经济,促进征地农转非人员非农就业。这是近年来各地对征地农转非人员实施“留地安置”的实践经验总结,也是对我国当前集体经济逐渐萎缩的新探索。

【Abstract】 The object of this study is the employment and management of land-lost personnel who lived in suburban areas once but now move into the cities in association with the urbanization and the land expropriation. In the contemporary world, urbanization is the driving force of economic and social development, as well as a major means of modernization. Especially in China, the rapid process of urbanization makes a large number of suburban farmers lose their land, move into cities and engage in non-agricultural industries. As a result, they need to rebuild the production system and life system in the cities. However, it is not easy for them to reconstruct the production system and find a new job, as China is experiencing the special period of meeting for urban laid-off workers, rural surplus labor and new labor force and the need for employment is severe. As most suburban farmers are not ready for new jobs due to the passivity and urgency of land losing, the loss of land means unemployment for them. Moreover, because social security and welfare systems are not well developed in China, the loss of land means a crisis of living. It gives rise to a serious problem for land-expropriating-people who want to be a farmer but without land, want to be a worker but without position and need social insurance but without possibility. Therefore, what the land-expropriating-people really need is not only the change of identity from farmers to urban settlers, but securing a job postion in the cities.Based on a comprehensive review of data and literatures(including appendix(1,2,3,4,5), it is safe to conclude that the employment and management of land-lost personnel in non-agriculture economic Sectors is not only an economic but also a social problem, not only related to the original areas but also the country as a whole, not only a micro but also a macro issue. To deal with this problem, efforts should be made not only by the the land-lost personnel themselves, but also by the local and central government with well-designed policies and long-term strategies. For this general objective, this study is to build a theoretical model to deal with this problem and in practice to motivate all kinds of resources to achieve non-agricultural employment of land-lost personnel, which is important for the future development of the urbanization and economic and social development of China.This study is based on a macro perspective and focuses on a micro subject: (1) it starts with an analysis of the practice in resettling land-lost personnel in the cities; and presents a argument that non-agricultural employment for land-lost personnel is the core of resettlement; (2) it follows to analyze the practice of non-agricultural employment for land-lost personnel and suggest a theoretical framework for the non-agricultural employment system for land-lost personnel; (3) it analyzes the troubles and developing trends in practice and then suggests the operation and macro-integration of the non-agricultural employment system.Based on the introduction of the research objectives, research background, literature review and research design, this study focuses on four main problems as the following: (1) The analysis of the land-expropriating-people’s resettlement status. It is the foundation for this study. Because this problem has not received enough attention, the problem of the land-expropriating-people’s unemployment becomes more serious. It is therefore important to analyze the problme in a systematic way. (2) The general framework for non-agricultural employment for the land-expropriating-people. It is a general summary and refining to employment practice. The framework is named the "Five-Star Model", including five means: namely community management and services, employment training, the collective economy development, local economy development to the land-expropriating-people’s pioneering. (3) The non-agricultural employment mechanism operation and management: it is a discussion about the second issue (the "Five-Star Model"). Based on analysis to the five means in practice, this study explores the innovation and optimization of every means, in order to make them more effective and efficient and help different regions in this country to choose a more appropriate means according to their own situation. (4) The government’s employment promotion management; it is a theoretical analysis of the main agent responsible for the employment promotion. Because of the lack of the management mechanism, the enterprise (specially the occupying-land-enterprise), should be main agent of the employment promotion while actually does not fulfill the responsibility. Therefore, the governments should take the employment promotion responsibility, establish the mechanism, and make the occupying-land-enterprise and other invovled agents the main agent in the land-expropriating-people’s non-agriculture employment promotion, and reassign the most widespread social resources and strength to join the process of the employment promotion.This study has formed the main conclusions as follows:(1) The non-agricultural employment promotion is the core issue in resettling the land-expropriating-people and more important than financial compensation. Securing employment is the most important issue for land-lost farmersEmployment is crutial for most people to change and improve their living quality. The suburban farmers depend on the land to survive before the only survival resource being expropriated. Consequently, employment becomes very difficult after the land expropriation. Therefore, employment is more important than adequate financial compensation, as it is not only the key to surviving and developing in a new urban environment, but also one of the ideal means to alleviate their uneasiness. At present, the theory and practice about the land-expropriating-people’s non-agriculture employment promotion has just begun and has not received enough attention. When their survival and development becomes more and more difficult, it has aroused enough attention in the whole society, the problem should be implemented in a way of comprehensive and long-term management and promotion.(2)It should establish a promotion framework for non-agricultural employment, in which the five means help each other to fulfill the task, namely community management and service, job training, the collective economic development, regional economic growth and development, entrepreneurial development.Non-agricultural employment promotion for land-expropriating-people is a significant systematic project, which requires cooperation and participation of various agents in the society. The establishment of the "Five-Star Model" can implement positive and effective macroeconomic management and guidance for the central government, and put the corresponding policy measures in order to mobilize the most extensive social resources and form the joint force in oeder to achieve non-agricultural employment for land-expropriating-people. Meanwhile, some local governments can also find the suitable paths in the overall framework. Therefore, the five-star model has a strong practical and targeted value.(3) It is the ideal path of the land-expropriating-people’s non-agricultural employment development to start from the little posts to developing better along their own goals.Because of the lack of ability and the serious employment situation, they can only do the jobs that the urban citizens are not willing to do. Thinking and waiting without any actual actions can’t solve the problems. Only with actual actions, could they gradually get involoved in urban economy and social development system, and find a solution through accumulating capacity, improving quality and changing concepts. Therefore, we need to guide them to recognize the reality, depend on themselves and start from low-paid job positions, and gradually find and grasp opportunities to achieve their own goals. This will meet present status of the land-expropriating-people’s quality and ability, and also meet their pursuit of development, as well as be consistent with the social progress and development.(4) The model of concentrated construction houses to settle the land-expropriating-people is the main housing settlementone in the current and coming years. It is the common task to strengthen the innovation in construction and community management and service so as to promote the non-agricultural employment development.After the land-expropriating-people leave the rural area, settlement is the primary need to survive, they must settle down and then pursue further development. Based on the comparative analysis of China’s housing resettlement model for the land-expropriating-people, the study argues that the model of "concentrated construction houses to settle the land-expropriating-people " is still the main trend in current and a very long period of future. As the first station entering into the city, land-expropriating-people’s community has an important significance for their survival and development in the city. At present, there are many deficiencies in community management and services, it should combine with their needs and the trend of urban community building, innovate models and mechanisms, then strive to build the community to survival and non-agricultural employment base.(5) The professional training should be market-oriented.Because professional training and employment are integrated, effective professional training is important for the non-agricultural employment. However, at present some obstacles blocked the professional training; the land-expropriating-people do not want to participate in the professional training. Constructing and improving market-oriented professional training, will not only meet the basic requirements of market economy, but also help mobilize the professional training organization’s enthusiasm, and finally achieve the optimum allocation of training resources. During the process, the government should strengthen the management and implement the guidance in initial stage, then gradually construct and improve the new professional training system. At the same time, training institutions should focus on the self-organization construction and development, develop and explore more training programs, so as to achieve the maximum economy and social benefits by cultivating "training brand" and "training institutions brand".(6) To develop the land-expropriating-people’s collective economy is an effective way to achieve non-agricultural employment and increase incomes.Based on the summary and reflection to the practice of Settlement of Reserved Land, we find the development of the collective economy is an effective way to achieve non-agricultural employment and increase incomes, also is an effective link between staffs. Therefore, it should be explored in many ways so as to develop the collective economy. Among them, the secondary and tertiary industries, modern agriculture and services economy are worthy of exploring. The construction of economic base and the selection of leaders are crucial. The way of responsive support could be used to construct and develop collective economic organizations and guide collective economy organizations operation according to the modern enterprise system.(7) Those are new problems for all levels of government in promoting non-agricultural employment to implement the equal importance of economic and employment growth strategies and to innovate urbanization development strategy. Economic development is a fundamental measure to achieve employment growth. The areas with high levels of economic development will have a higher level of non-agricultural employment for land-expropriating-people as well. So, in order to improve the non-agricultural employment level, we must develop the economy vigorously. However, the economic development in nearly 20 years has not brought forth the rapid employment growth, and rapid urbanization has brought forward a lot of unemployment for land-expropriating-people. Thus, during the economic development and urbanization, employment growth should be incorporated into development strategies and as an important part in various regions. Those are important employment base and fundamental guarantee for land-expropriating-people and others to put urban economic development and urban hardware construction into the equal emphasis and put forward economic growth and employment growth simultaneously.(8) It is necessary to encourage the entrepreneurship development of land-expropriating-people.Entrepreneurship can produce employment multiplier effect. The pioneering may not only provide jobs for those pioneers, but also offer more job oppertunities for others. The development of entrepreneurial-based economy has become an important appraoch for employment growth and economic development. The 21st century is a venture-growing century. China is promoting the entrepreneurial economy in a positive way. Despite many disadvantages of the land-expropriating-people, their relatively familiar with the urban market, plasticity of employment need, pioneering spirit and pressures of living, also form advantages in certain extent. From the practice of different regions, entrepreneurship has becoming second-largest choice except working for enterprises. Therefore, it should be construct entrepreneurship developing support system from the various aspects, encourage land-expropriating-people to build business, and bring more chance to achieve non-agricultural employment.(9) The government is the leader and regulator while enterprise is the bearer in the non-agricultural employment promotion,In the process of non-agricultural employment promotion, the government plays a leading role. Based on its clearly defined responsibilities, the government should focus on employment promotion and innovations for institutional mechanisms and guide or encourage various social resources to participate in non-agricultural employment. Business and the other social agents involved should integrate non-agricultural employment in their own development plan. The government should urge enterprises to deal with the problem of employment of land-expropriating-people, if not, land needed unit must bear higher land cost.Based on the above research, this study has formed the following main innovation spots: Firstly, the study presents the "Five-Star Model" for the land-expropriating-people’s non-agricultural employment, including five promotion means: namely community management and services, employment training, the land-expropriating-people’s collective economy development, local economy development to the land-expropriating-people’s pioneering. This model can be suitable for the central government to macro-manage and guide non-agricultural employment promotion. Because this has become a major problem of the whole society, it must be acknowledged at a high degree of macro-management implementation to active and long-term furtherance. It helps mobilize the most widespread social resources and strength to join in the employment promotion and achieving employment well by five paths connecting and interacting. As the sane time, this model can also be suitable for all levels of local governments and the land-expropriating-people themselves because every one of the five means in the "Five-Star Model" can run independently and becomes one "star" independently. Different regional government may find the suitable employment promotion measures from the "Five-Star Model", such as one means, or a combination of more than one means. Therefore, the "Five-Star Model" has not only good macro-guidance value and the theoretical significance but also has a strong practical value in different places of our country.Secondly, the study emphasizes that it is necessary and important to reform the content, pattern, mechanism of land-expropriating-people’s community management and services. The management and services of land-expropriating-people’s community is of significance, which would not only be where they live but also where they work. This is an idea and mentality innovation in which each region places merely house the land-expropriating-people at present. The idea has the good practice value and the innovation significance about land-expropriating-people’s community constructing principles including "the small centralism, the big dispersion", "plan in advance, arrive gradually", "the superiority land sector incline the land-expropriating-people", "facilitates the employment", "the responsibilities and rights and benefits is unified", "pays attention to the dear ones fully"and so on and the community implementing positive psychology unblocking.Thirdly, the professional training to the land-expropriating-people should be market-oriented. It is proved a better solution, which will not only help make the training program more effective but also help the involved government departments being released from the direct operation of the training programs and focus on the macroscopic management.Fourthly, the study emphasizes that it is necessary to develop the land-expropriating-people’s collective economy to secure non-agricultural employment. This is a summary and reflection to the practice of "Settling in Reserved Land", and also is a new development of collective economy in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

