

The Study on the Function of Judicial Officials Subordinate to the State Chief in the Sung Dynasty

【作者】 贾文龙

【导师】 郭东旭; 汪圣铎;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 宋朝的开国形势与秦、汉、隋、唐、元、明、清各代不同,其一为以兵变方式夺取政权,其二没有实现全国性统一。宋朝的建立没有借用暴力来开辟道路,因而未能摧毁前代混乱、垂死的政治形式,宋朝的政治制度不能推倒重建而只能沿革改良,注定要经历旧东西未经死亡而必须用新东西替代的复杂的痛苦过程。宋朝历史承继条件对其州级属官体制也产生了深远影响。唐末五代以来,州级行政中出现事实上的双系统属官制,一是中央任命的州级属官,二是藩镇军使属官,在当时中央失去权威的前提下,前者称为州县官,为事务官;后者称为幕职官,为政务官。这种局势造成了地方行政中名实不符的紊乱状况。宋初接受了州级属官的双系统官称,纳入了判官、推官、掌书记等职,并承认了幕职官的上层僚属地位,但是属官的任免权统一收回中央。宋朝形成在中国历史上独具特色、最为复杂的州级政区体制,共包括府、州、军、监四种形式,府分为京府、次府,又有藩府称号。州分为节度(节镇)州和防御州、团练州、军事(刺史)州四个等级。军分为军和军使两种,监分为三等,部分军、监与等同下州,又都有隶属州、府的情况。宋朝正是以州的等格制度为根据来设计州级政府属官体制的。宋初为改变唐末五代以来军人司法的弊端,整合地方行政僚属,在宋太祖开宝六年(973)设司寇参军,太宗太平兴国四年(979)改为司理参军,其设置是宋朝改造旧的州级属官体系的重要措施。司理参军与录事参军、司理参军、司法参军、司户参军并称诸曹官,签判、节度(或观察、防御、团练、军事)判官及推官、节度掌书记、观察支使则称为幕职官,二者合称幕职州县官。司法事务是地方行政中的重要方面,审判是司法活动的中心,侦查程序是刑事审判的核心。宋朝州级属官是州级审判中的主体人员,在侦查、审讯、判决、覆审等各个环节都有重要作用。宋朝州级属官的双系统制,促成了幕职官拟判权与诸曹官审讯权的分离。而在曹官系统内部,则由于司理参军的审前侦查权与司法参军的检法权相互独立及专职化,形成鞫谳分司制度。在此基础上,对犯人翻异案件又发展出移司别勘和差官别勘两种覆审形式。在州级司法运行中,加强了后一环节对前一程序的再查力度,在严格的回避规定下则存在人员变通的情况。宋朝州级审判模式在中国历史上是独特的。宋朝对地方司法中审前侦查权的强调及州级属官群体文化素质与行政能力的提高,在犯罪事实的认定技术、判罪量刑的科学水平都有相当提高,宋朝是中国古代证据制度显著发展时期。但是宋朝州级审判制度中,长官仍掌握着终审权,因而宋朝州级审判制度并没有脱离司法从属于行政的框架,其权力划分仍是行政性分权性质。宋朝州级司法中程序增加较多,致使司法成本提高,司法效率下降,各个环节也存在着司法腐败现象。宋朝以鞫谳分司制度为代表的州级审判制度创造了中国古代地方司法制度的顶峰,但其司法分权与司法分工模式相比,尽管运作方式更为科学,但并不为专制统治所需要,因而在中国封建社会中失去了存在条件,在新的改朝换代的历史中,随着地方单一系统属官制度的恢复而被新的封建统治者弃用。

【Abstract】 Different from Qin, Han, Sui,Tang, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty, the Sung Dynasty faced two kinds of political conditions:the first is the dynasty:that had been seized political power by army’s coup; the second is whole country never finished unification.The Sung Dynasty didn’t use violence to builded the new dynasty, so can’t destroy the old political form that disordered and moribund form.The Sung Dynasty can’t push over all political system to come to re-constuct, but pass a reformative way to reach perfect. Sung Dynasty must experience the process that old things replayed by the new,it’s a complicated and pain process.The history situation that the Sung Dynasty just built up also produced profound influence to the state’s subordinate officials’ system.Since last years of the Tang period and Wudai dynasty, the state government established two systems of subordinate officials:one is subordinate officials appointed by central and states govement; the other is appointed by Fanzhen troops chiefs. Once the central govement lose it’s power, the former was called "state county officer" and belonged to the property of the business officer’s;The latter was called "act job officer" and belong to the property. of the governmental affairs.This kind of system made a confusion condition. that the local administration’s name didn’t agree with the fact.In the beganing of The Sung dynasty, the government accepted dual systems of states subordinate official.and admit "Pan guan","Tui guan" ",Zhang shuji"and so on. And government accepted Mu zhiguan as underling official political status.,But central authority unites appointment having called back the subordinate official’s right and dispense with Ren Quan. The Sung dynasty developed full of characteristic and most complicated administrative divisions system.It included four kinds forms of "mansion" ", "prefecture" ", the "army" ", "supervise".The "mansion" title having mark of "Mufu"and itcontant"Jingfu","Cifu".The"state"includfourclasses:"Jiedu","Fangyu","Tuanlian","Junshi.Th e "Jun" includ the "Jun" and the "Junshi " two kinds "Jian"includ three kinds:"Jun","Jian" and "Xiazhou"all have "Zhou"or "Fu". The number and name of the subordinate of government officials decided by it’s grade. The "Jun" included the "Jun" and "Junshi"; "Jian" included three grades, Part of "Jun" "Jian"and"Xiazhou"all contanted "Zhou" and "Fu" The goverment decided the number and name of state government official by the state’s gradeIn order to cut off the fault - judicial abuse of soldier since last years of Tang and WuDai Dynasty, and develop state’s offcial, Emperor Tai Zu of Sung dynasty setted up "Sikoucanjun" in 973 years, Song Tai Zong changed it into "Silicanjun" in 979.It’s a important measure that changed the old system about the grade offciall. Silicanjun, "Lushicanjun", "Silicanjun","Sifacanjun"and"Sihucanjun"named"Zhucaoguan";"Jianpan",""Jiedupanguan","T uiguan","Jieduzhangshuji"and"Guanchazhishi"named "Muzhiguan",Both of them been named "Muzhizhouxianguan".Judiciary affair is important aspect in local administration, adjudgement is the centre of judiciary activity, investigating procedure is the criminal trial core. The subordinate official is body in adjudgement in the Sung dynasty,and all has the important effect one investigating, interrogating, adjudging, retrial and so on. Dual systems of subordinate official bring about "the curtain duty government official" intending to sentence right and "all Cao Guan " to the separation interrogating right’s.But the interior of "Cao Guan " system,finished the system of "Juxianfensi",for the detective right of "Silicanju" and investigates right and "Sifacanjun" independence and professionalization.On this basis, to the criminal law case develops out two kinds of Yisibiekan" and "Chaiguanbiekan. In judiciary operation, the goverment strengh censor about step to it’s former.,and there exists the condition that the personnel adapts to circumstances in under strict evite regulation. The state’s adjudgement of Sung dynasty is unique in ancient of China.Because of government paying attention to adjudge before investigate in local judiciary,and subordinate official group’s culture quality and administrative ability all have rise, therefore it have advancement in committing a crime fact’s by technology, measurement of penalty,the Sung dynasty is notable in develop a period of Chinese evidence of the ancient times system. In the state’s adjudgement of Sung dynasty, the commanding officer is still grasping a power of final adjudication, as a result, the stete’s adjudgement is not having the frame isolating from a measure of judiciary belonging to administration.And it belongs politics. The state’s judicature of song became more intracate,this made judicature’s cost much higher and judiciary efficiency to come down, each steps had judiciary corruption.The Sung dynasty has created the judicial peak of the ancient Chinese localjudiciary by"Juxianfensi", in spite of it’s measure more scientific, judiciary decentralization has been compared with judiciary division,always not been needed by ruler. So it lost existence condition in Chinese feudalist society condition,and in new dynastic changes history,it been abandoned by new feudalism, with unitary local system subordinate official system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】684

