

The Research on the Relationship between the Spreading of Qing Dynasty’s Notes and Commentaries on Ci Poetry and Ci Poetry

【作者】 李世前

【导师】 白贵;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要论述清代词话与词的传播之间的关系。词的传播方式主要有歌唱、传抄、词集、唱和等,他们有其优势但也有其不足,而词话由于可自由选择记述的内容,形式上也灵活多样,而且可以综合利用各种传播方法传播作品,还可以将收集、品评传播作品与记述、考证词人、词作,以及阐述、宣传词学理论结合起来进行,故较词集、传抄、歌唱、唱和等单一的传播方式更具特点和优势,这些特点恰恰可以弥补词集等传播方式的不足。因而词话与词集等各种传播词的方式相互配合相互补充从而更好地促进了词的传播。从传播意识方面说,清词话作者传播作品时包括有意识主观传播作品和无意识传播但取得客观传播效果两种情况。词话作者在记述自己和亲友作品时一般以有意识传播为主,并且为了更好地传播这些作品,在其中运用了各种传播方法、技巧以促进其传播。而传播与己无关词人、词作时则以无意识传播为主,但其中也有少数词话作者具有较好的传播理念,在传播与己无关作家、作品时也能够有意识地运用一些传播方法取得了非常好的传播效果。清词话中的翻新传播、修改传播、理论传播、趣味传播等一些传播途径也值得我们关注。翻新作为诗词创作的主要手段之一,在创作出大量名篇佳句的同时也由于其具有适合传播的一些因素而促进了词的更广泛传播。与此相似,清词话中记载的很多修改作品之事也因其多由名家进行或修改的是名家名作,抑或修改者修改的巧妙新奇,再加上详细阐述了修改的理由,因而得到人们广泛关注,取得了较好传播效果。清词话中阐释的众多理论,也由于其提高了广大创作和阅读者的理论水平,再加上其中大量详细而又精辟的例证分析,以及形成的某些理论热点而使人们随着创作和欣赏水平的提高,以及对众多例证和热点的关注而促进了词的传播。清词话中还记述了大量有关词的故事、谑谈以及神秘事件,它们和词结合在一起从而使词话具有很强的趣味性、可阅读性,从而促进了词的传播。另外,清词话还在收集保存词集未收的散佚词作、俗词、谐谑词,以及女性词方面发挥了重要作用。同时,清词话保存了大量有关词人、词的写作背景以及词调的产生、演变等方面的资料,而且在注释解读词作和纠正对于词的各种错误信息传播方面也发挥了重要作用。

【Abstract】 The paper mainly expounds the relationship between the spreading of Qing Dynasty’s notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry and Ci Poetry. The methods of spreading Ci Poetry are singing, copying, collection of Ci Poetry and responding in pairs, etc.. They have advantages and shortcomings as well. Meanwhile notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry have various types and they can record literary works freely, and can spread the works with many methods in use together, therefore no matter whether in collecting, commenting and spreading works or in recording, criticizing the author and his works and in illustrating, spreading the theories on Ci Poetry, the notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry have relatively advantages over the single method, i.e.:the collection, copying, singing and responding. These advantages can make up for the loss of those single methods such as collection. Thus the complement of all those methods helped the rapid spreading of Ci Poetry. In the term of spreading consciousness, the authors of Qing Dynasty’s notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry can be divided into two groups, consciously and unconsciously but obtaining the effect of spreading in fact. When they record the works of themselves or their relatives and friends, they usually spread the works consciously; meanwhile they used various methods and skills in spreading in order to get a better spreading effect. When they spread the works of others who had no relationship with them, they usually did it unconsciously, but there were some exceptions. Some of them spread the works of others consciously and made use of some methods and skills and got a better result. The recreation spreading, modification spreading, theory spreading and interest spreading were also worthwhile paying attention to. Recreation is a main method in producing Ci Poetries. The authors produced many famous works and there were some elements in quickening spread in those works, therefore Ci Poetries spread more widely. Similarly, in Qing Dynasty’s notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry, many modification works caught the wide attention from readers and got very good spreading effect, in that those works were famous ones or modified by great authors, or modified freshening and modified with detailed reasons. Many theories expounded in Qing Dynasty’s notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry as well promoted the spreading of those works in that they increased the level of producing and reading with many detailed and penetrating case analysis, and formed some theoretical focuses which caught the people’s attention and promoted the level of producing and admiring works. In the Qing Dynasty’s notes and commentaries there recorded many storied about Ci Poetries, jokes and mysterious cases which combined with Ci Poetries. It brought more interest to the notes and commentaries, and became more readable, which promoted the spreading of Ci Poetries. Moreover, Qing Dynasty’s notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry played a big role in collecting those fragmentary Ci, common ones Dynasty’s and joking ones and in documenting, spreading the female Ci Poetries. Meanwhile Qing notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry documented a lot of information about the Ci authors, the writing backgrounds, the emerging and developing of tonal patterns. And Qing Dynasty’s notes and commentaries on Ci Poetry also played a big role in explaining Ci Poetries and correcting the mistakes raised in spreading.

【关键词】 清代词话传播
【Key words】 Qing Dynastynotes and commentaries on Ci PoetryCi Poetryspreading
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

