

Research on the Function of the Chinese Ancient Styles

【作者】 郗文倩

【导师】 王长华; 詹福瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要以汉代文体为中心来考察中国古代文体及其功能之间的关系。源于功用是中国古代文体生成的基本方式,文体功能遂成为制约文体体制、风格的重要因素,并进而成为辨析、类分文体的主要依据。文体与其特定功能之间复杂的关系变化也直接影响着文体的流变。同时,中国古代文体与礼仪文化制度又有着特别密切的关系,特定的礼仪规范对文体的产生、发展也有着独特的制约和推动作用,文体遂因此有了不同的社会身份并分列在一套独特的价值序列当中。从总的趋向看,文体与其功能之间存在着从紧密结合到逐渐剥离的动态变化过程,但具体到每一种文体,其结合与剥离的方式又有差异,其剥离的程度也是不平衡的,故本文试图在对文体个案的单向突破中,把握这一关系发展变化的总体面貌。汉代文体发展奠定了中国古代文体的基本格局,故本文重点关注了这一时段的文体。

【Abstract】 This paper is the study on the relation between style and its function. The styles in Han Dynasty are the center of attention. Function which interacts with the system and the manner of style is the basic way for the Chinese ancient styles to come from and is also the main foundation to differentiate and classify the style. The complex relationship between style and function has a direct bearing on the transformation of style.Furthermore, Chinese ancient styles are close with the propriety culture in which the particular standards play an important role in the development of style. Every style has a different social identity and is rowed up in a special worth sequence.On the whole, a removal process is occurring in the relations between the style and function which are from intimacy to alienation. However, the variety of each style is different, so the text tempts to grasp the total feature of variety by the study of style case. It is the development of style in Han Dynasty that established the basic structure of the Chinese ancient styles. therefore, the styles at that time are focused on.

【关键词】 文体文体功能汉代礼仪文化
【Key words】 StylefunctionHan Dynastypropriety culture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

