

The Study of City Building in Sung Dynasty

【作者】 黄登峰

【导师】 刘秋根; 王菱菱;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 城墙是城市的外围结构,是城市的主要防御体系,是城池建设的中心。有宋一代的城池修筑政策,受内政、外交、经济等多方面因素的影响而处于变动调整之中。宋初,惩五代割据之弊,实行局部毁城、京师修城的“强干弱枝”政策,以太宗时期为最。随着宋与辽、夏关系的紧张,边地修城成为北宋城墙管理政策的主流。南宋时进一步加大了城墙修筑的力度,但对地方中小城市则坚持实际不修城墙的政策。宋代在对修城利弊的争论中,支持者或认为应以城墙对抗骑兵,或认为应加强地方治安防范;反对方则认为“在德不在险”,修城会授敌以口实、加重民众负担、导致兵力分散。城池规划图是修筑城墙的依据,是中央有关部门检查城墙修筑质量以及修筑费用的最重要凭据,是中央了解地方城池规划的重要信息来源。宋代城池修筑牵涉的部门很多,中央机构包括枢密院、户部、工部、兵部等部门,但主要职能部门是工部。地方所有行政机构则几乎都牵涉地方城墙的建设。城墙修筑质量直接关系到城墙的生命年限与防御功能,宋代政府非常重视城墙修筑过程中的质量检查环节。城墙面临着自然灾害和战火两方面的威胁,而热兵器对城墙的破坏程度陡然大增。宋代筑城的资金、劳力和物料采取多种措施进行筹集。就城池修筑所使用的资金和物料而言,中央政府有时候用直接拨付物料和资金的方式,有时候则采用发放度牒和出卖官爵的方式;而地方政府或节省其他费用,或趁丰年向所辖区域民众摊派修城费用。宋政府加强了修筑城池明细帐目的审核。宋代专设了修护城墙的壮城兵。人力不足时,还派遣厢军或其它禁军修筑和维修城池,但招募或征调民力修筑城池,在宋代也很常见。宋代城墙依据建筑材料的不同可分为土城、砖城、石城、竹城等,其物质结构主要由墙身、城门、城楼、敌台(又称马面、行城)、敌楼、雉堞(又称女墙、垛口、俾倪),藏兵洞、羊马墙、瓮城、月城、团楼(又称敌团)、战棚、吊桥、万人敌、登城马道、排水沟、护门墙等部分组成,从而形成完整的防御设施。宋代在城墙本体的修筑上,对高度、厚度和坡度三个主要技术数据设计更为实际而科学。宋代守城的战术理论发展显著,《守城录》是中国历史上第一部守城战专著。宋代在守城战中发明、应用了多种守城的兵器和器械。宋代在德安、顺昌、钓鱼城、襄樊等城池守护战中取得多次胜利。城池的建设与守卫是南宋政府存亡的关键。但宋代的政治腐败极大影响了宋代城墙建设的实战效果。宋代城池的功能较之前代也有明显的变化,其治安防范功能和观赏性功能则日益凸显。

【Abstract】 The circumvallation was the city outer-ring structure,the main defense system of a city and the centre of the city building. Owing to the impact of policy,diplomatism and economy factors,the policy of building circumvallation had been in adjustment in the Sung dynasty. In order to eliminated abuse of Five Dynasties’abruption. Sung effectted the policy of "Qiangganruozhi" --destroied some of wall and builded capital’s, espetically in the "TaiZong’ period. With the tension between Sung and Liao,Xia, border area circumvallationa became main policy of city management in Northern Sung Dynasty. Southern Sung Dynasty have emphasized circumvallation’s building and insisted the policy that didn’t repair the city of middle and small cities. In the argument of repairing city’s advantages and disadvantages, sopporters thaught that should resist a cavalryman by the circumvallation or reinforced local public security; Opponents taught that "it’s more useful in morals than Place steep and strategically important ", repairing a city been liked to gave out secret to enemy,add the burden to the public, lead to armed forces disperse.The plans picture is the basis of building a circumvallation, the most important evidence that central authority department checking on quality and examining building’s cost and the important information source that central authority examin the local city wall plans. Building the circumvallation involved many organs, includes Privy Council, the Ministry of "Hu", "Gong".and "Bing" in the central, main functional departments is the Ministry of "Gong". All of local govement involved local wall construction.The circumvallation quality directly inspected city wall life and defense function. the Sung Dynasty government taking building process seriously.The city wall is confronted with natural calamities and wars,and firearms has destroyed circumvallation.It’s degree increasing abruptly.The fund, labour and material of Sung Dynasty fortification adopt various measures.With regard to fund and materialthe of circumvallation, it’s two facts:The central government sometimes uses the way appropriating material and the fund’s directly.sometimes adopt the way that give out certificate and betraying official rank; But local government may cost other fees,or apported to the public at fastive year. The government has reinforced examinin account of building city wall.Sung Dynasty dispatches the"Xiangjun" or other "Jinjun" build and reapair city, and recruits or calls up financial resources of the people was frequent on Sungdynasty.The Sung Dynasty circumvallation judges by the building material includ the soil city, brick city, rock city, bamboo city and so on, it’s structure contants body,door, city-gate tower,"ditai"(or been called the "Mamian" and "Xingcheng"),"Dilou", crenel("Nvqiang","Duokou","Bini"),"Soldierhole","Sheep-horse-wall", "Wengcheng" "month-city","Tuanlou"("Dituan"),"fightingshed","drawbridge","Wanrendi","Dengchengmada o", "escape canal", "protect wall" and so on,they were forming entire defense. On the building process, altitude, thickness and slope were the three main technology data d esign about the body of circumvallation is more actual and science.The tactics theory about defending the city developed fast in Sung Dynasty."ShouChenglu" is the first book about defend the city in history of our country. Sung Dynasty has invented and applied various arms and apparatus defending the citySung Dynasty gets many victoris in defending such as De An county, Shun Chang county, DiaoYu city, Xiang Fan City. The building and defending of circumvallation is the key to the Southern Sung Dynasty government. But the rottem of politics has affected the actual effection of Sung Dynasty’s city.The function of Sung Dynasty city have obvious changed than before,it’s public security and tourism funcation was obvious day by day.

【关键词】 宋代城池修筑管理
【Key words】 Sung DanastyCircumvallationCityManagement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1034

