

Study on Modernization of Higher Agricultural Education in China (1897-1937)

【作者】 时赟

【导师】 吴洪成;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国教育史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 以农立国的中华民族,到清朝末年已处于内忧外患经济濒临崩溃的境地,在“农为富国之本”的呼声和重农思潮的推动下,实业学堂之一的农业学堂开始创办。从1897年中国第一所农业学堂的建立起,到1937年,中国高等农业教育在经历了起步、转型、发展三个不同阶段的历史演变之后,基本上完成了近代化的历程。本论文在农业教育史研究相对薄弱的基础上,通过广泛搜集清末民国的相关资料,并借鉴中国农业史、农业科技史的研究成果,运用历史与逻辑相统一的方法、史论结合的方法、综合研究和个案研究相结合的方法,全面地展示出近代高等农业教育发展的脉络:分析了近代高等农业教育产生的动因,划分了高等农业教育近代化的三个历史阶段,总结了其影响因素及其内在联系,专题研究了近代农业教育思想、教育制度、留学生教育对高等农业教育近代化的影响,文章的落脚点放在了高等农业教育为农业农村农民服务的社会职能上。本文还对近代成立最早具有鲜明特色的直隶农务学堂进行了个案研究,从个案分析的角度展示一所高等农业学堂发展变迁的全貌。通过研究,我们得出这样的结论:外国的侵略、农业经济的衰败和中国对农业科技的迫切需求是近代中国高等农业教育兴起的内外动因;农科留学教育为中国高等农业教育近代化准备了高水平的师资和西方农业科学知识的储备;西方教育思想的引入和中国近代农业教育思想不断发展,推动和引导着高等农业教育的改革方向;三次学制的变革是高等农业教育近代化的重要推动力量,同时又成为中国高等农业教育近代化不同阶段的显著标志;农业推广的广泛开展和乡村教育的兴起使高等农业教育的社会服务职能得到确立并付诸实践;农业教育和农业科技的推广,推动了传统农业向近代农业转变,使农业教育的近代化成为农业近代化的先决条件。中国高等农业教育近代化的过程也是学习、借鉴先进国家农业教育经验并不断中国化的过程,这一过程打上了效仿西方的深刻烙印,也成为中国高等农业教育近代化的一个显著特点;中国高等农业教育近代化也是不断寻求高等农业教育如何为改良中国农业服务的过程,从农业推广的开展、社会服务职能的确立到乡村教育与建设运动的开展,高等农业教育在近代中国经济和社会发展中的作用发挥得愈加明显。尽管高等农业教育近代化这一过程曲折而缓慢但是同时也取得了诸多显著的成就。如近代高等农业院校的规模和数量得到较快的发展,高等农业教育学科体系不断完善,具备了科学研究和培养高层次人才的能力;产生了一大批优秀的近代农业教育家和农业科技人才,形成了丰富的近代农业教育思想;近代农业科学成果在农业改良中的应用,促进了农业的近代化转变,提升了高等农业教育的作用和地位,这一切为中国高等农业教育向现代化发展奠定了基础。对中国高等农业教育近代化的研究,不仅可以丰富教育史的研究成果,而且,可以得出指导我国当代农业教育实践的现实启示:第一,应加强对农业教育的重视与投入;第二,高等农业教育应通向农村,加强与“三农”的结合,在为“三农”服务中增长其生命力;第三,农业教育和农业科技应不断创新,才能推动农业的不断进步;第四,进行全方位的农业教育,加强农村基层实用人才的培养;第五,主动吸收和借鉴先进国家的农业教育模式并与中国实际相结合,是快速发展我国农业教育的有效途径。

【Abstract】 With the internal disorder and foreign invasions, Chinese economy based on the agriculture was at the edge of the collapse in the last years of Qing Dynasty. Under the voice "agriculture is the foundation of enriching the country" and the impetus of ideological trend of attaching importance to agriculture, the agricultural school, one type of industry school, was started. Since the first agricultural school in China was established in 1897, the higher agricultural education has gone through three different stages - starting, reforming and developing- and basically completed its modernizing process in 1937.Based on the relatively weak study on the history of agricultural education, through widely searching for the material related to the last years of Qing dynasty, the Republic of China, drawing lessons from the research results of the history of Chinese agriculture, agricultural science and technology, applying the method of unifying the history and logic, combining history with theory and comprehensive study with case study, this dissertation demonstrates comprehensively the skeleton of the development of higher agricultural education in modern times, analyzes the factors of the rise of higher agricultural education in modern times, divides the higher agricultural education in modern times into three historical stages, summarizes the affecting factors and their inner relations, studies especially the influences of educational thoughts and system in modern agriculture, the overseas students to the modernization of higher agricultural education. The dissertation takes as the center the social functions that the higher agricultural education serves "agriculture, countryside and farmers", and also makes the case study to the Zhili Agricultural School set up earliest and had the clearest characteristics. With the case study, the dissertation demonstrates a complete picture of the development of a higher agricultural school.Through the study, we come to the conclusion that the foreign invasions, the deterioration of agricultural economy and urgent needs of agricultural science and technology is the inner motive of the development of Chinese higher agricultural education. Studying agriculture abroad prepares high level teachers and the knowledge of Western agricultural science for the Chinese higher agricultural education. The introduction of the Western educational thoughts and the instant development of the Chinese modern agricultural educational thoughts impel and guide the reforming direction of the higher agricultural education. Three reforms of educational system are important driving forces to the modernization of higher agricultural education. At the same time, they become the remarkable symbols in different stages of Chinese higher agricultural education. The wide expansion of the agriculture and the upsurge of the rural education make the social service function of higher agricultural education established and applied to practice. The expansion of agricultural education and agricultural science and technology impels the transformation of the traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and make the modernization of agricultural education the precondition of the agricultural modernization. The process of the modernization of Chinese higher agricultural education is also the course of studying and learning from the agricultural education experience in advanced countries and making it Chinese. This process has the brand of imitating the West and becomes a distinctive feature of the modernization of Chinese higher agricultural education. The modernization of Chinese higher agricultural education is also a process of exploring the way to serve Chinese agricultural improvement. From making the agricultural expansion and establishing of the social service function to carrying on the campaign of rural education and development, the higher agricultural education plays a more and more remarkable role in the development of Chinese economy and society in modern times.Although the process of the modernization of higher agricultural education is winding and slow, it has simultaneously obtained many remarkable achievements. For example, the scale and quantity of modern higher agricultural colleges and universities obtain a quicker development. The higher agricultural education discipline system gets constant perfection, and is qualified to carry out scientific research and raise the higher level talented persons. A large quantity of outstanding modern agriculture educationalist and the agriculture scientists and technicians have been produced and rich modern agricultural educational thoughts have been formed. The application of modern agricultural scientific achievements to the agricultural reform has stimulated the transformation of the agricultural modernization, and also promoted the role and status of higher agricultural education. All these have laid the foundation for the modernization of Chinese higher agricultural education.Study on the modernization of Chinese higher agricultural education can not only enrich the research accomplishments of educational history, but it can also get the practical inspirations which instruct our present agricultural education practice. First, agricultural education should be given more attention and investment. Second, higher agricultural education should be used in the countryside, and strengthen its combination with "Agriculture, countryside, farmer" and increase its vitality through serving them. Third, the agricultural education and the agricultural science and technology should be unceasingly innovated, so that they can push the agriculture to make constant progress. Forth, we should carry on all-round agricultural education and strengthen the raising of grass-roots practical talents. Fifth, absorbing and learning positively from the agricultural education mode in advanced countries and combing them with china’s reality is an effective way of developing our agricultural education.

【关键词】 高等农业教育近代化研究
【Key words】 higher agricultural educationmodernizationstudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

