

A Comparative Study on Classifiers of Chinese and Thai

【作者】 番秀英

【导师】 赵金铭;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 量词一般分为名量词和动量词两类。名量词又分为个体量词和非个体量词(指度量衡量词、临时量词、不定量词等)。非个体量词是世界各语言共有的,而个体量词才是汉藏语系中特有的语言现象之一。近几十年来,随着语言类型学、认知语言学理论的兴起,以及语法化理论等研究理论的深入,个体量词特有的研究价值逐渐显现出来,成为研究的热点之一。汉语和泰语都属于汉藏语系量词丰富的语言,运用语言学相关理论来研究两种语言个体量词的共性和个性特征,有助于进一步了解个体量词的本质特征,对量词教学也有一定的参考价值。本论文从汉语和泰语个体量词的基本功能对比入手,考察汉、泰语个体量词在来源、分类和句法功能等方面的共性与个性特征。借助认知语言学理论来探讨量词的语义范畴与民族思维和认知方式的关系,考察两种语言个体量词的语法化过程,最后通过《汉语中介语语料库系统》和问卷调查,来考察泰国学生学习汉语个体量词的偏误情况,并借助第二语言习得的相关理论来揭示造成偏误的原因,针对泰国学生量词教学提出几点行之有效的教学对策。本论文的主要工作(创新点)归纳为以下五个方面:(1)开阔汉、泰语量词对比研究的新思路。本论文从共时和历时角度,运用认知语言学理论,对汉、泰语个体量词进行动态研究。尽量发掘出单一语言研究观察不到的新问题,并进一步认识到个体量词的本质特征。(2)从共时和历时的角度出发,根据语源资料,考察了泰语特有的“拷贝型量词”的形成及发展过程。证明了“拷贝型量词”不是泰语系统中的原始形式,而是有了通用量词之后才逐渐发展起来的。(3)借助认知语言学的“原型理论”和“隐喻、转喻理论”来揭示泰语和汉语个体量词语义范畴的发展过程,以及所反映的民族思维与认知方式。(4)借助认知语言学的“有界”、“无界”理论来揭示汉语和泰语个体量词语法化的历程,以及最终演变为助词的路径和动因。(5)通过《汉语中介语语料库系统》和问卷调查,考察泰国学生学习汉语个体量词的偏误情况(分别为:语义、认知、语法三大类偏误),并借助第二语言习得的相关理论来揭示产生偏误的原因。同时提醒对外汉语教师注意学生可能出现的偏误,并提出了几点效的有关量词的教学对策。

【Abstract】 Classifiers are generally categorized into noun classifiers and verb classifiers. The former group is subdivided into individual classifiers and measure words. Measure words are available in nearly every language whereas individual classifiers only exist in Sino-Tibetan languages. With the emergence of linguistic typology and cognitive linguistics, including the deepened study on grammaticalization, the uniqueness of individual classifiers has made them one of the hot research topics in recent decades. As Chinese and Thai are both Sino-Tibetan languages which contain plenty of classifiers, a linguistic study on similarities and differences of individual classifiers in both languages may linguistically reveal their substantive characteristics and provide references for teaching application. This study was mainly on the comparison and contrast of the functions of individual classifiers in both Chinese and Thai with the exploration of their original, classification and syntactic functions. Cognitive linguistics was applied to: explore the relationship between their semantic categories and national ways of thinking and cognition in the framework of cognitive linguistics; investigate the grammaticalization processes of individual classifiers of the two languages; and finally analyze the errors that are made in the use of Chinese individual classifiers by Thai students based on questionnaire survey and the Database System of Chinese Interlanguage. Moreover, the study also revealed the causes of errors through the application of second language acquisition theories, and at the same time, put forwards some effective strategies in teaching Chinese classifiers to Thai students. The study revealed five innovative findings as in follows.1. New ways in comparative study of classifiers in Chinese and Thai were introduced. Synchronically and diachronically, this study applied theories of cognitive linguistics to conduct a dynamic study on the individual classifiers in both Chinese and Thai languages. The new issues that are not available in a single language were discovered and the substantive characteristics of individual classifiers were also revealed.2. Based on synchronical, diachronical and Zhuang-Tai etymological materials, the formation and development of "copy noun classifiers", or "echo classifiers" were explored, showing that "copy noun classifiers" are not originally emerged in Thai language but were later developed after the usage of "general classifiers".3. This examination applied prototype theory and theories of metaphor and metonymy to illustrate the development of semantic categories of Chinese and Thai classifiers and their relevant national ways of thinking and cognition reflected therein.4. This study applied the concept of "bounded / unbounded" in the cognitive linguistics to discover the grammaticalization processes of the general noun classifiers of Chinese and Thai, as well as the path and motivation to develop them into structural auxiliary words.5. Based on questionnaire survey and the Database System of Chinese Interlanguage, errors made in the use of Chinese individual classifiers by the Thai students had been analyzed and the causes of those errors were identified through the application of relevant theories on second language acquisition. Simultaneously, some effective strategies in teaching Chinese classifiers to the Thai students are suggested.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2195

