

【作者】 冯莉

【导师】 方铭;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《文选》由南朝梁太子萧统主持编纂,是我国现存最早一部以文体聚类区分的诗文总集,选录上自东周,下迄梁代的作品逾七百篇。《文选》将赋体按照题材分为十五个子目,即京都、郊祀、耕藉、畋猎、纪行、游览、宫殿、江海、物色、鸟兽、志、哀伤、论文、音乐、情。本文以类型学的方法,对《文选》赋体的十五个子目进行全面、系统的研究,是《文选》分体研究的扩展。绪论部分:一是《文选》赋的特殊意义及其在《文选》中的地位;二是《文选》赋在赋史中的价值及其在中国文学史中的地位,并对《文选》赋研究的历史和现状作了简要介绍。第一章《文选》赋分类及编次考辨:第一节在考察《文选》之前文体分类情况的基础上,具体论述了《文选》文体分类的时代意义及对后世的积极影响。《文选》集前代之大成,将文体分为三十九类,细密而周全,其对诗、赋二体内部按照题材进行的若干子目的划分,对后世总集的编纂以及从题材归类的角度研究文学提供了先例和启示。第二节主要针对《文选》赋的两则义例和分类编次问题进行考辨。《文选》始将骚、赋分体,不仅具有重要的首创意义,而且纠正了前代骚赋混淆的做法,恢复了文学史的真实面貌,体现出萧统正确的文体辨析观念。《文选》于全部文体中列赋体为首位,既是萧统自身赋学观念的反映,亦是受前人影响的结果,同时与赋在当时的特殊地位和作用也不无关系。《文选》首次将赋体按照题材细致地划分为十五类目,其设目和编次反映出萧统的赋学观。前四类内容上与国家政治典礼有关,可统称为政治讽谕赋,其中又以“京都”类居首,体现出萧统正统的赋学观及对京都赋辉煌成就的认同。中间六类侧重抒写对社会人生的体认感触,可归并为观览咏物赋,此类在汉魏六朝赋史中比重很大,萧统使之位列第二。其中“宫殿”一目的编次反映出萧统的一定用意。最后五类是情志艺文赋,内容上与人类情感精神有关。其中萧统将志、情分离,使其各有所指,体现出明晰的辨体意识。“论文”一目的设立,显现出萧统对赋体分类力求全面系统的努力尝试,萧统将其置于“音乐”类之前,体现出他在文艺赋范畴中对文赋的偏重。萧统设立“情”目并使其居于最末,既是受时代文学风气的影响,又是其儒家雅正思想观念的反映,从中亦可显出其对文学的包容态度。第二、三、四章共分十五小节,按照统一体例和思路分别对《文选》十五类赋进行了系统考论。一、探究该类赋的类名及题材溯源;二、全面探析《文选》所录该类赋的文本特色,包括思想内涵及其结构体式、表现手法、语言句式等方面的艺术成就,从而展现《文选》所录该类赋的意义和价值;三、考察整个汉魏六朝时期未被《文选》收录的该类赋的其他作品,并将之与《文选》所录的该类赋作进行比较,一方面凸显《文选》选文的合理性,另一方面廓清该类赋在汉魏六朝时期的发展流变,总结其在不同时代的创作特征,力图在大的创作背景中寻绎《文选》赋的立目意旨。与此同时,论文于各类赋中列有存目表,以便更加精确地掌握各类赋在不同时代的存佚选录情况。最后以《文选》该类赋的立目意旨为中心,系统总结对该类赋进行的考论。余论从《文选》赋看萧统的赋学观,主要有三方面内容:一是从《文选》赋十五类目的编排顺序考察萧统的赋学观。二是从《文选》赋选录作家作品情况考察萧统的赋学观,萧统选赋具有详远略近的特点;对汉赋而言,萧统不仅选录汉代讽谕大赋,而且兼选抒情之赋,呈现出汉赋的完整面貌。三是从《文选》赋未录有定评赋作考察萧统的赋学观,萧统不录其他一些名作,体现出他在“沉思”、“翰藻”选文标准的基础之上,对典雅高古风格的崇尚和追求。

【Abstract】 "Literary selections" compilde by Southern Dynasty Liang crown prince Xiao Tong,is selected according to various articles style sweetheart of the poems collected,it selects and includes from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, gets down up to Liang generation of works exceeding 700."Literary selections" divides Fu style into 15 categories according to the theme,namely Jingdu Jiaosi Gengjie Tianlie Jixing Youlan Gongdian Jianghai Wuse Niaoshou Zhi Aishang Lunwen Yinyue Qing. This article will carry on the comprehensive system the research on the 15 categories of "Literary selections" Fu style by typology method,it is to "Literaryselections" the fission research expansion.Introduction part: Firstly,the specil significance of "Literary selections" Fu style and its status in "Literary selections";secondly,the value of Literary selections" Fu style in the history and its status in the Chinese history of literature, and to "Literary selections" Fu style with history and present condition of research to make synopsis introduction.Chapter one is to test distinguishes the classification and arrangement order of "Literary selections"Fu style: First section,in inspects "Literary selections" before in the literary style classified situation foundation, elaborated "Literary selections" specifically the literary style classification time significance and to later generation’s positive influence."Literary selections""in front of the collection generation of accomplishing, divides into the literary style 39 kinds, is close and complete, it to the poem, the Fu two body interior certain index division which carries on according to the theme, has provided the precedent and the enlightenment to later generation total collection compiling as well as from the theme classification angle research literature. Second section mainly aims at two piece of purport and styles of a literary work and the classification which "Literary selections" Fu style on arranges in order the question to carry on tests distinguishes. "Literary selections" beginning to distinguish Sao style and Fu style, not only has the important origination significance, moreover corrected front a generation of the Sao and the Fu on the confusion the procedure, restored the history of literature original appearance, manifested Xiao Tong the correct literary style discrimination idea."Literary selections" in the complete literary style the row Fu style ia a first place, since dreary series oneself Fu style idea reflection, also is the result which is affected the predecessor, simultaneously with Fu style is also related in special status and the function then. "Literary selections" classifies Fu style into 15 categories according to the theme carefully for the first time, it will suppose item and arranges in order reflects Xiao Tong the Fu style idea.In first four kind of contents with national politics ceremony related, may be called for politics satirizes the edict Fu, in which the kind ranks first by Jingdu Fu, manifests the dreary series legitimate Fu study view and bestows on the magnificent achievement to Jingdu the approval.The middle six kind of stresses expresses in writing to the social life realizes the feelings, may combine for looks at chants Fu, this kind bestows on in the history in the Han Wei the Six Dynasties the proportion to be very big, Xiao Tong makes it position row second.Finally five kinds are the sentiment will literary arts Fu, in the content and the human emotion spirit related.Xiao Tong separats the ambition and the sentiment, enable them to have respectively refers, manifests defined distinguishes the style consciousness.Lunwen Fu being setting up, appears Xiao Tong to bestow on the style classification to make every effort the comprehensive system the diligently attempt, Xiao Tong puts it in front of Yinyue Fu, manifests he in the literary arts to bestow on in the category the imbalance which bestows on to the article.Xiao Tong sets up Qing Fu and causes it to the end, not only by time literature atmosphere influence, but also its Confucianist standard thought idea reflection, also may appear it to the literature containing manner.The second, three, four chapters altogether divide 15 sections, respectively 15 kind of Fu has carried on according to the unification style and the mentality to "Literary selections" is the nationwide elaboration.Firstly,inquires into this kind of Fu a kind of name and the theme tracing; Secondly,searches comprehensively analyzes "Literary selections" to record this kind of Fu the text characteristic, including aspect and so on thought connotation and structure writing style, expression means, language sentence type artistic achievements, thus unfolds "Literary selections" to record this kind of Fu the significance and the value; Thirdly,inspects the entire the Han Wei the Six Dynasties time not this kind of Fu other works which is included by "Literary selections", and this kind of Fu which will record with "Literary selections" does carries on the comparison, on the one hand will highlight "Literary selections" to choose the article the rationality, on the other hand will clean up this kind of Fu in the Han Wei the Six Dynasties time development changing, will summarize it in the different time creation characteristic, will try hard to inquire into "Literary selections" in the big creation background to bestow on sets up an item meaningYu Lun: From "Literary selections" Fu looks Xiao Tong the Fu style idea, mainly has three aspect contents: One, bestows on 15 categories from "Literary selections" the arrangement orders to inspect Xiao Tong the Fu style idea.Two, from "Literary selections" Fu selecting the writers and the works inspects Xiao Tong the Fu style idea, Xiao Tong chooses the Fu to have the detailed far slightly near characteristic; Bestows on speaking of the Han Fu, not only Xiao Tong selects and includes the Han Dynasty to satirize the edict big Fu, moreover concurrently elects to express feelings the Fu, presents complete appearance which the Han Fu bestows on. Three, bestows on from "Literary selections" has not recorded the Fu being commented inspects Xiao Tong the Fu style idea, Xiao Tong does not record other some celebrated works, manifests him in the foundation of "Chen si"and "Han zao" to elegant high ancient style advocation and pursue.


