

The Study on the Separable Words’ Separated Form Function of Mandarin Chinese

【作者】 王海峰

【导师】 赵金铭;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过大型语料库对《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中的离合词及其离析形式进行了详尽考察,获得了大量第一手数据,发现了一些重要的现象。在此基础上运用功能主义理论和方法深入探讨了离合词及其离析形式的语义、语法、篇章及语用功能。本文主要关注的问题是:实际语料中哪些双音结构出现离析现象,哪些不出现离析现象?出现离析现象的离合词,其离析情况(离析频率、插入方式等)是否相同?离合词共有多少种离析方式?这些离析方式地位是否相同?离合词离析结构的功能是什么?汉语中一些双音结构为什么会产生离析现象?这些纷繁复杂的现象背后是否有一个统一支配的规律?在此基础上我们如何进行离合词教学?我们发现,在实际语言中绝大部分离合词“合”大于“离”。离合词中,大部分是表示普通的日常生活行为的词和个人自身动作的行为词,而且越是表现日常行为的离合词,其离析频率越高,其离析形式越丰富。实际语料中,离合词离析形式可以大致归纳为13种。统计发现,离合词插入“了”的离析方式最多,而插入动词性成分的情况最少。离合词离析形式的出现种类与以这些形式离析的离合词的数量和所占比例成反比:越是离析形式种类少的离合词,其数量和所占比例就越大;反之亦然。大部分高离析频率离合词常常也是现实生活中高使用频率的词语。低使用频率离合词也常常是低离析频率离合词。汉语的离合词是熟语化程度很高的形式,离合词离析形式具有低及物性的特点。篇章中离合词的离析形式AXB中B属于偶现信息,B仅具有弱有指性,离析形式倾向于做背景。离合词离析结构是一种构式,功能上表现说话人的主观倾向,这是支配离合词离析现象的内在规律。离析形式出现类型及出现频率、离析形式次类的选择、离合词语义语用篇章表现等都受该规律的支配。离析构式的主观性倾向这一规律可以理清许多相关现象。如离析结构句的低及物性问题、离析结构句的背景化问题、离析结构偏爱的句式问题、离析结构句出现的语体问题以及离合词熟语化和离合词离析动因等一系列问题。根据离合词的这些特点我们还可以确定离合词的教学原则和方法,有效地解决离合词教学中的一些难题。本文通过对离合词离析形式的考察发现,离合词“合”是其常态,“离”是“异态”。我们认识到语言中异态形式一般具有主观性倾向,这对丰富语言学理论和指导语言学实践具有一定的意义。

【Abstract】 Based on the large-scale corpus and making an absolute and complete study of the Chinese separable words and their separated forms in "A General Outline of Chinese Level Words and Chinese Character Grade", this paper obtains abundant and first-hand data and discovers some important language phenomena, on the basis of which, by using the functionalism theories and methods, the paper has a thorough discussion on the semantics, grammar, discourse, and pragmatics function of the separable words and their separated forms.This paper focuses on the following questions: in practical language materials, which disyllabic structures engender the separated forms? Which not? The separated forms of the separable words have the same separating forms (such as the separating frequency, inserting modes)? How many separating forms do the separable words have? Whether the separating forms have the same status? What functions do the separable words with separating form have? Why some Chinese disyllabic structures engender the separated forms? Is there a unification rule hidden behind the numerous and complicated phenomena? How should we carry through the Chinese separable words teaching?We discover that in practical language materials, the separable words have more joint forms than separation forms. Most of the separable words are those action words that express people’s self behavior in ordinary daily life. And the more common the action words are, the greater separating frequency and greater variety of separating forms the separable words have.In practical language materials, the separating forms can generally be reduced to 13 categories. Statistic shows that the most frequent separating form is "le", and the least separating form is verb components. The separating categories and the numbers of the separable words with the separating forms form an inverse ratio: the less the categories of the separating forms are, the greater number and higher ratio the separable words have, and vice versa. Most of the separable words with higher frequency are those used more frequently in daily life. The separable words with lower frequency are those used less frequently in daily life.Chinese separable words are highly- conventionalization forms, and the separable words when separated possess a lower transitive character. In discourse, B in the separated form (AXB) belongs to the incidental/trivial information and bears an infirmness reference, and the separated form tends to provide the background information.The separated forms of the separable words are constructions, the functions of which are to express the speaker’s subjective tendency, which is the inner rule that dominates the separated phenomenon. The separating categories, separating frequency, the choice of hypo- separating form, the semantics, grammar, discourse, and pragmatics function of the separable words are all dominated by this inner rule.The conclusion that the separated structure expresses the speaker’s subjective tendency makes clear many other related phenomena, like the question of lower transitive character, the question of the separated form tending to provide the background information, the question of the separated form preferring certain sentence structures, the question of the separated form tending to appear in certain types of writing, the question of the conventionalization of the separable words , and the causes of the separated structure. According to these mentioned above, certain teaching principles and teaching methods on the separable words teaching can be set up, thus some difficulties and problems in the separable words teaching can be effectively solved.By means of close study of separated forms and the inserting modes of the separable words, we draw a conclusion that the joint forms of the separable words are "normal" while the separated forms are "abnormal". We also get to realize that the abnormal forms in language generally process a subjective tendency. We think this conclusion will benefit the linguistic theory and guide the linguistic practice.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】24
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