

Events Construing and Resultative Object Constructions in Mandarin Chinese

【作者】 孟艳华

【导师】 张旺熹;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文从语言表征事件建构并对事件建构具有规约作用这一研究理念出发,结合词汇语义学与认知语义学的相关理论,对现代汉语结果宾语句的相关现象进行研究。本文提出结果宾语句表征完成事件,它可分为两类:简单结果宾语句与复杂结果宾语句。简单结果宾语句中的动词是完成动词,句法结构简单,具有跨语言普遍性;复杂结果宾语句中的动词是“活动/达成/状态”动词,通过在主要动词后添加补语“成/出”或者在宾语名词前添加“形容词/量词”实现句子情状类型转变,句法结构相对复杂,是语言使用者把具有因果关系、顺时关系的两个简单事件建构为一个复杂事件的句法手段。对于这两类结果宾语句,本文从动词语义、事件建构过程中的认知运作两方面进行考察,提出:简单结果宾语句中的补语体现出说话者在事件建构过程中对动作内部过程终结点的凸显,不同的补语体现出不同的观察视角;“V+成/出”结果宾语句用于表征不同的“结果”;“V+定语”结果宾语句中定语必须出现的原因在于宾语名词的非结果性与定语的“结果性”;“V+量词”结果宾语句中量词的作用是激活或增强宾语名词的空间性及空间量特征。最后,本文分析两类同义现象:动宾同义表达与结果性定语与状语换位现象。前者如“洗照片—洗胶卷”,本文提出它们同义的原因是:结果事物、结果形状/形态、结果属性是动词所激活的事件场景中的典型参与者,即使不被语言表达,也会与事件场景一起被激活。后者如“沏了一壶热热的茶”与“热热地沏了一壶茶”,本文提出事件建构的顺时观察规约,并认为造成两种不同表达的原因在于说话者所建构的事件不同,在对非现实事件进行建构时,事件建构顺序与虚拟扫描顺序一致。

【Abstract】 This dissertation studies the resultative object constructions in Mandarin Chinese from the perspective of event construing within the frameworks of cognitive semantics and lexical semantics.The resultative object constructions in Mandarin are classified into two major groups:the simple resultative object constructions and the complex resultative object constructions.Simple resultative object constructions are rendered as a "V+N" structure on the syntactic surface,the main verbs of the expressions feature "accomplishment" in their temporal meaning in the sense of Vendler’s(1957) quartation,and the constructions as a whole denote "accomplishment" events as well.The simple resultative object constructions are cross-linguistically available and thus are regarded as a language universal(Levin 1999).The complex resultative object constructions in Mandarin comprise two types in form:"V+成cheng/出chu+N" and "V+Classifier+N." Semantically the main verbs in the complex resultative object constructions express either "activity",or "achievement",or "state" in Vendler’s(1957) system, and the whole constructions render "accomplishment" events.In cognition,the complex resultative object constructions represent a semantic blending of two causally related simple events.They are realized as a grammatical integration on the language surface.These properties are specific for a language like Chinese as they are not observed in languages like English or Spanish.Certain simple resultative object expressions in Mandarin demonstrate a synonymic relationship to non- resultative "V+N" expressions in the sense that they are conventionally understood as referring to the same events,such as洗照片xi zhaopian "develop photos" and洗胶卷xi jiaojuan "develop the film." This is an effect of prototypical cognition triggered by the specific types of verbs used in the expressions that conventionally suggest unique results of the actions denoted by the verbs.In certain resultative object expressions,descriptive phrases can appear as either the adverbial of the main verb or the modifier to the noun object without changing the referential meaning of the expressions,such as in热热de沏了一壶茶rerede qile yihucha and沏了一壶热热de茶qile yihu rerede cha("brewed a hot pot of tea").The difference in the word ordering of the expressions is a reflection of different deployment of the speaker’s perspective in construing the events.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】609

