

The Study on Han Dynasty’s Yuanyou Literature

【作者】 唐景珏

【导师】 方铭;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 两汉远游文学,是指两汉之际以远方游历为创作主题的文学作品,可分为三种类型,其中纪行赋为两汉远游文学之大宗,它通过记叙旅途所见抒发自己的感慨。借神游以抒情的神游赋是两汉远游文学的另一种。最后,两汉远游文学还应包含游仙类作品。本文力图以“纪游”、“神游”、“仙游”为主线,对两汉远游文学作一透彻的分析,在此基础上,探讨两汉远游文学对楚辞远游主题的继承与创新,探讨道家思想对两汉远游文学带来的超越性。绪论部分:先秦时期的远游有四种,一种为主体在现实世界里的实地之旅,第二即为哲学层面上的想象之旅,三、四是两种较为特殊的游历,即巫游与仙游。这四种游历形式在两汉开出三种类型的远游作品,一为纪行之作,二为神游之作,三为仙游之作。考察《远游》与《离骚》的关系,我们发现“仙游”文学是从“神游”文学发展而来的。而两汉远游文学也是在先秦远游文学的基础上发展起来的,正是在以《离骚》为代表的楚辞远游主题文学的基础上,两汉远游文学才得以发展并呈现出五彩纷呈的面貌。道家哲学上的“想象之旅”没有象“仙游”一样开出一种远游文学样式,但是却通过影响士人的心态对两汉远游文学带来超越精神。文章主体部分将分三章对两汉远游文学进行探讨。先来看第一部分,本章讨论两汉纪行文学,主要是纪行赋,分为三节。第一节将结合文本及两汉文献,深入研讨刘歆《遂初赋》、冯衍《显志赋》、班彪《北征赋》、班昭《东征赋》、蔡邕《述行赋》、葛龚《遂初赋》、刘桢《遂志赋》、崔琰的《述初赋》及汉末建安时期的军旅纪行赋。第二节在第一节的基础上,梳理从楚辞到两汉纪行赋的演变。本小节分为四个部分。一是:《涉江》、《哀郢》为汉代纪行赋之滥觞。二:两汉纪行赋对《离骚》愤世嫉俗精神的沿革。三:两汉纪行赋对《楚辞》抒情手法的继承与发展。四:两汉纪行赋对楚辞结构形式的继承。第一小部分将首先解读两汉纪行赋的滥觞《涉江》、《哀郢》,探讨其作为纪行之作所具备的条件及不成熟之处。除了《涉江》、《哀郢》外,《离骚》对两汉纪行赋的影响似乎更为广泛,无论是借古以讽今的抒情手法、愤世嫉俗的创作缘起还是在结构形式上都对后者有影响。第三节将讨论道家思想与两汉纪行赋的关系。两汉纪行赋体现着儒道互补的特点,但总体上来说,述志类纪行赋主要是受道家思想的影响。再来看第二部分,本章讨论两汉神游文学,即两汉神游赋,分为三节。第一节将结合文本及两汉文献,深入研讨扬雄《太玄赋》、班固《幽通赋》、张衡《思玄赋》的创作背景,并对文本进行研读。第二节在第一节的基础上,梳理从《离骚》到两汉神游赋作的演变。本小节分为四个小部分,一:《离骚》神游抒情模式。二:《离骚》愤世嫉俗思想在两汉神游赋中的沿革。三:从诗人气质到哲人思辨。四:《远游》与两汉神游赋。在第一小部分里将首先对《离骚》中的“神游”文本进行分析,并探讨《离骚》远游抒情模式形成的文化背景,探析《离骚》远游抒情模式的开创性意义。与《离骚》远游抒情模式相比,由于时代背景及创作主体的变化,两汉神游赋的神游模式有了新的内容,两汉神游赋呈现出新的面貌。如愤世嫉俗思想的渐趋淡化,越来越浓厚的理性思辨等。另外,两汉神游赋不仅对《离骚》有众多诸如行文结构或者语句上的模仿,与《远游》亦有许多继承。第三节探讨道家思想与两汉神游赋的关系。最后来看第三部分,本章讨论两汉游仙文学,即两汉游仙诗赋,分为四节。第一节将结合文本及两汉文献,研读两汉游仙诗赋文本,主要包括汉乐府游仙诗,刘安、曹操的游仙诗,《大人赋》、《览海赋》、《仙赋》三篇游仙赋,以及《楚辞》中汉人拟骚之作。第二节重点探讨两汉游仙诗赋对楚辞,特别是《远游》的继承。作为游仙诗之祖,《远游》不仅在思想上有开创性意义,在艺术形式上也多为两汉游仙诗赋所继承,如愤世嫉俗的游仙动机,“忽临睨夫故乡”情节的设置、意象类型,空间建构方式、受道家思想的影响等方面。但两汉游仙诗赋对楚辞《远游》又有了许多创新,不仅出现了众多的纯粹吟诵“列仙之趣”的游仙诗赋,那些“坎壈咏怀”之作也表现出愈来愈浓厚的游仙色彩,新的神仙、方术意象,全新的仙界创造等等,这都是两汉神仙思想兴盛发展的结果。第四节,将探讨道家思想与两汉游仙赋的关系。余论部分主要对前文所探讨的楚辞与两汉远游文学的关系、道家思想与两汉远游文学的关系进行总结与补充。在楚辞方面主要探讨了屈原的人格魅力、屈辞的文体感、楚辞的超越意识对两汉远游文学的影响,在道家思想方面,主要以时间为线索探讨道家思想在汉代的发展,及对同时期远游作家及作品的影响,力争清晰地展现道家思想影响下两汉远游文学演变轨迹。

【Abstract】 Introduction: There are four kinds of travel in Pre-Qin Dynasty, one is the travel in a real world, the second is the travel on the philosophy and imagination level. That is Wuyou and Xianyou . The four kinds of travel developed three types of Yuanyou works , one is the works for Jixing, two for Shenyou, and three for Xianyou.Chapter one focused on Han Dynasty’s Jixing works, mainly Jixing Fu. This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section will combine the works with Han Dynasty’s literature ,deeply expore LiuXin’s SuiChuFu, FengYan’s XianZhiFu, BanBiao’s BeiZhengFu, BanZhao’s DongZhengFu, CaiYong’s ShuXingFu, GeGong’s SuiChuFu, LiuZhen’s SuiZhiFu, CuiYan’s ShuChuFu, and the military JiXingFu in the late Han Dynasty and Jian’an Period’s. Section two will research the evolution from the Songs of South to HanDynasty’s JiXingFu . This section is divided into four parts. First, SheJiang and AiYing are the JiXingFu’s beginning. Second, Han Dynasty’s JiXingFu inherited and developed LiSao’s cynical spirit. Third, Han Dynasty’s JiXingFu inherited and developed the Songs of South’s lyrical way. Fourth, Han Dynasty’s JiXingFu inherited The Songs of the South’s form of art. The first part will firstly interpret SheJiang and AiYing, study its role as the pionner of JiXingFu’s necessity and immaturity. Apart from SheJiang, AiYing, LiSao give more extensive impact to Han Dynasty’s JiXingFu , from it’s lyrical mode, the cynical creative move to the structure of the works. The third section will discuss the relationship between Taoism and Han Dynasty’s JiXingFu.Chapter two focused on Han Fu, will divided into three sections. Section one will combine the works with Han Dynasty’s literature, deeply expore YangXiong’s TaiXuanFu, BanGu’s YouTongFu, and ZhangHeng’s SiXuanFu. Section Two will comb the evolution from LiSao to Han Dynasty’s ShenYouFu . This section is divided into three small parts. Part one: LiSao’s lyrical mode. Part two: Lisao’s cynical thought’s evolution and development in Han Dynasty’s ShenYouFu. Part three: from poet to philosopher speculative temperament. Part four: YuanYou and Han Dynasty’s ShenYouFu. In the first part ,will deeply analyze Lisao’s text and explore the cultural backgrounds that formed Lisao’s Yuanyou lyrical mode. ShenYouFu’s lyrical mode has new content compared with LiSao due to the historical background and writers’ changes. For example, the cynical thinking becoming watered down, the more and more strong rational spirit, and Taoist ideas have surfaced. Apart from LiSao, ShenYouFu also inherited a lot from YuanYou. The third section will expore the relationship between Han Dynasty’s ShenYouFu and Taoism.Chapter three mainly research the poetry and Fu about immortals in Han Dynasty, it will be divided into four sections. Section one will combine the works and Han Dynasty’s literature, deeply study the text about Han Dynasty’s poetry and Fu about immortals, including HanYueFu poetry about immortals, Liu’an, CaoCao’s poetry about immortals, three HanFu about immorals, and The Songs of South written by Han Dynasty’s writers. Section two focused on Han Dynasty’s poetry and Fu about immortals, research their’s inheritance from the Songs of South , especially from Yuanyou. As the ancestor of poetry about immortals , YuanYou not only in the ideological sense have ground-breaking significance, but also modeled by Han Dynasty’s poetry and Fu about immortals in artistic fashion, such as the cynical motive, the far travel’s plot settings, the image type, the way of space building and so on. But on the other hand, Han Dynasty’s poetry and Fu about immortals have a lot of innovation, many purely immortal poems appeared, new immortal space, that’s the result of Han Dynasty’s immortal thought’s flourishing. Section Four will explore the relationship between Taoism and Han Dynasty’s poetry and Fu about immortals.Conclusions: Han Dynasty’s scholars recorded their whereabouts , or express their feelings about life by means of Yuanyou, wrote a series of Yuanyou literary works .This article seeks to make a more thorough analysis on the above-mentioned works. QuYuan’s SheJiang, AiYing, LiSao, have a direct impact on Han Dynasty’s JiXingFu ,ShenYou Fu .YuanYou mainly have a direct impact on Han Dynasty’s poetry and Fu about immortals. Apart from the Songs of South , Taoism infiltrated in all aspects of the YuanYou works. Han Dynasty’s YuanYou literary is only a small part of Chinese ancient YuanYou literary, this article trace its source with a view to promote the whole research of the Chinese ancient YuanYou works.

【关键词】 远游文学两汉纪行神游仙游
【Key words】 Yuanyou LiteratureHan DynastyJiXingShenYouYouXian
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】621

