

Petroleum Resource Constitute of Erlian Basin and Its Exploration Potential Analysis

【作者】 李欣

【导师】 王延斌;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对二连盆地勘探过程中所获取的信息总结、归纳和分析,建立了适合二连盆地的资源结构预测模型,定量评价表明,最终可探明石油地质储量89179万吨,剩余65778万吨,剩余资源结构分析表明,大于200万吨的油藏87个,储量为45553万吨;通过分析高勘探区各油气运聚单元资源控制参数与地质参数的相关性,建立定量关系模型,实现了低勘探区资源结构的定量预测;建立了探明储量增长趋势的预测模型,提出在保持现有投入的情况下,二连盆地2008-2032年每5年分别可新增石油探明储量5400万吨、5200万吨、5100万吨、4900万吨、4700万吨;通过对二连盆地岩性油藏与构造油藏差异性对比分析,提出岩性油藏具有“形成早、汇流通道多、保存条件好,分布范围广”四项特点,指出在现勘探阶段岩性油气藏是最有利的勘探领域;对二连盆地潜山油藏及天然气成藏条件综合分析,指出二者均有一定的勘探潜力。

【Abstract】 In this paper, a resource constitute predicting model suitable for Erlian basin is established on the basis comprehensive analysis on information acquired during the exploration in Erlian basin. It is shown from quantitative evaluation results that provable oil reserve is finally 891.79 million tons and remaining reserves 657.78 million tons. From analysis on remaining resource constitute,87 reservoirs are of over 2 million tons and totally 455.53 million tons. Resource constitute of low exploring areas is quantitatively predicted by using quantitative relation models which is established through analyzing the correlativity between resource controlling parameters and geologic parameters of hydrocarbon migrating-accumulating unites. And the prediction model of proved reserves rising tendency is also established. And from its analysis results, incremental proved oil reserves in Erlian basin will be 54 million,52 million,51 million, 49 million and 47 million tons every five years from 2008 through 2032. It is indicated from comparison and analysis that lithological reservoirs in Erlian basin are characterized by formation at the early stage, multiple affluxion pathways, favorable preserve conditions and extensive distribution and they are currently the most favorable exploration targets. This paper analyzes forming conditions of buried-hill reservoirs and gas reservoirs in Erlian basin and illustrates their exploration potential.


