

The Study of Sustained Management Development of the Agroforestry System of the Northeast Ulan Buh Desert

【作者】 马利强

【导师】 张秋良;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 森林经理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 乌兰布和沙漠东北部位于内蒙古西部的东缘,属于后套平原西延部分。50年代至今,磴口县党和政府带领人民群众经过长期的艰苦努力,在乌兰布和沙漠东北部已营造了大面积的人工防护林体系,对沙区农田的高产稳产及多种经营起到了有力的屏障作用。防护林、农田相互联系、相互作用构成了众多规模大小不等、功能相对完善的农林复合系统,在乌兰布和沙漠东北部形成人工绿洲景观。乌兰布和沙漠东北部的人工绿洲,作为干旱区独有的地理景观,支撑着该地区的社会经济持续发展,并已成为我国干旱区可持续发展研究的重要领域。这些根据乌兰布和沙漠东北部生态环境特点建立的农林复合系统,如何科学布局、合理利用自然资源?不同配置模式效益如何?现有的农田防护林体系存在哪些主要问题,采用什么样的经营措施方可持续健康发展,取得最大的经济、生态和社会效益,都是亟待解决的科学问题。针对上述亟待解决的问题,作者于2006至2009年,选择构成乌兰布和沙漠东北部人工绿洲的重要生态单元的农林复合系统为研究对象,通过收集有关资料、专家咨询、农户调查、实地考察和试验等手段,对乌兰布和沙漠东北部农林复合系统进行了研究和分析。采用定性与定量研究方法,对乌兰布和沙漠东北部农林复合系统的水资源合理利用与绿洲可持续发展的关系,土地利用状况与农民人居生活关系,生态效益及其对农作物产量的影响,农林复合系统的能流和物流以及综合效益评价展开研究,主要结论如下:(1)根据乌兰布和沙漠东北部地区水资源平衡分析对2010年引黄水量的高中低三个方案的水资源平衡与承载力指标预测分析可知,引黄水量为3.4×108m3/a时,水资源供需处于平衡状态,从地下水的开发情况来看,灌区地下水开发尚有一定潜力。为该地区农林复合系统持续经营奠定了坚实的基础。(2)从1991年~2008年,18年间农林业的土地利用变化巨大(2.47-12.7万亩),农林业土地利用状况的变化引起了农民生活一定程度的改变。人均收入和人均支出都持续增多,并且有渐多盈余收入,到2008年农民人均盈余收入为2963元,是1993年的18.87倍;农民居住空间在增大,人居生活环境得到改善。林地发挥的生态功能改善了农民的生活环境。(3)不同配置的农田防护林以1行榆树+2行新疆杨+1行榆树—玉米复合系统改善小气候作用最明显;与纯农地相比,各农林复合系统能够调节小气候,使得复合系统内更有利于作物的生长和发育。1行榆树+2行新疆杨+1行榆树—玉米和1行榆树+2行旱柳+1行榆树—番茄复合系统中的土壤物理性质明显好于其他复合系统。3行箭杆杨+2行新疆杨+3行箭杆杨—玉米和8行小美旱杨—籽瓜复合系统中的土壤化学性质表现要比其他系统好,有机质含量大幅度增加,养分含量也随之提高。(4)磴口县农林复合系统的能量输入>输出,绝大部分的能量在系统内,复合系统目前处于能量的积累时期,农林复合系统对系统外界的依赖性较强,复合系统与外界的能量交换潜力较大。磴口县农林复合系统氮素和磷素的输入均大于输出,较大地影响了氮、磷的产投比和土地的有效利用。从整个农林复合生态系统来看,氮素的产投比0.74>磷素的产投比0.30。(5)各农林复合系统的净效益均大幅度的高于纯农地和纯林地系统。其中,经济效益最大的是1行榆树+2行新疆杨+1行榆树—玉米复合系统,其次为1行榆树+2行旱柳+1行榆树—番茄、2行箭杆杨—油葵和3行箭杆杨+2行新疆杨+3行箭杆杨—玉米复合系统。在这三种复合系统中,产值和净效益均比较高的是1行榆树+2行旱柳+1行榆树—番茄系统。各农林复合系统和纯林地的综合效益明显高于纯农地系统。复合系统综合效益大于纯林地—新疆杨片林的为1行榆树+2行新疆杨+1行榆树—玉米、1行榆树+2行旱柳+1行榆树—番茄和2行箭杆杨—油葵三种系统,它们分别是纯农地的3.71倍、2.95倍和2.77倍。

【Abstract】 The region of North-east Ulan Buh Desert is at the east edge of West Inner Mongolia. From 50 years ago till now, there have been consistent efforts from the Dengkou county government and local communities on forestation and large areas of artificial protection forest have been planted in areas at the edge of the northeast of the Ulan Buh Desert, thus stopping the movement of desert and protection of farmland. Desert protection forestry belts and farmlands are interlinked, constituting a large number of agroforestry systems of various sizes and relatively self-contained functions, and forming landscapes of artificial oasis in northeast Ulan Buh Desert. As a unique geographical landscape supporting the social and economic sustainable development of arid areas, the landscape of artificial oasis has become the most important areas of research on sustainable development in northeast Ulan Buh Desert.The agroforestry systems are established on the basis of the ecological characteristics of the religion northeast of Ulan Buh Desert. What are the scientific and rational ways to make best use of the local natural resources? How big are the differences of benefits for different models of agroforestry arrangements? What are the major problems of the existing farmland protection agroforestry systems? What operational measures are to take to maximize economic, social and ecological benefits in a sustainable way? These are the urgent problems needing to resolve in scientific ways.Focusing on these urgent issues, from 2006 to 2009 the author take as the research object the agroforestry systems, which is the important ecological unit of Ulan Buh Desert northeast of artificial oasis. Through data research, expert advice, household surveys, site visits and testing, among other means, the author has studied and analyzed the agroforestry systems both qualitatively and quantitatively, the relation between rational utilization of water resources and sustainable development, focusing on the relation between land used situation and farmers living,the micro-climate benefits of oasis and its impact on crop yields, energy flows and logistics, as well as evaluation of comprehensive benefits. The main conclusions are as follows:On the basis of the analysis of the balance of water resources in northeast region of the Ulan Buh Desert, the prediction and analysis of the balances of water resources of and carrying capacity indicators of three scenarios of high, medium and low inflows of water from the Yellow River in 2010 are made. We can see that inflow of water from the Yellow River the Yellow River water is the 3.4×108 m3/a, when the water supply and demand are in balance. From the groundwater development, however, there is some potential for the development of groundwater irrigation, which lays a solid foundation for continuing operations of the agroforestry systems in the region. In the 18 years from 1991 to 2008, the changes of land-uses for agricultural and forestry uses are great (2.47-12.7 ha), which has made a great impact on the living conditions of farmers. Per capita income and per capita spending have been continuing to increase and there are increasingly surpluses of income (the average per capita income of farmers in 2008 is 2963 yuan, which is 18.87 times that in 1993) ; farmers’living space are larger and larger and their living environment has been improving. The ecological functions of the forest improve the living environment of farmers.The effects of the agroforestrial arrangement of one line of elm +2 lines of populus +1 line of elm plus maize composite system is the most obvious. Compared with the pure agricultural land, the agroforestry systems can regulate micro-climate, making the system more conducive to complex crop growth and development. The soil physical properties of a line of elm +2 lines of poplars +1 line of elm plus maize and a line of elm +2 lines of Salix +1 line of elm plus tomato complex systems are better than those of other composite systems. Soil chemical properties of 3 lines shaft Yang +2 lines poplars +3 lines of shaft Yang - 8 rows of corn and poplar - Pythium complex system are better than those of other systems, with substantial increase of contents of organic matters and nutrients.For the agroforestry system of Dengkou County, as energy input is bigger than output, most energy accumulates in the system. The agroforestry system greatly depends on the outside environment of the system, with high potentials of exchanges of energy between the inside and outside of the system. The nitrogen and phosphorus inputs of the agroforestry systems of Dengkou County are greater than the outputs, which greatly affects the nitrogen and phosphorus input output ratios and the effective use of land. Taking the entire agriforestry systems into account, the nitrogen input output ratios is 0.74, which is big than 0.30 input output ratios of phosphorus.The net benefits of agroforestry systems were significantly higher than those of pure agricultural land and pure woodland systems. Among them, the greatest economic benefit come from the composite system of one line of elm +2 lines of Populus +1 line of elm plus maize, followed by the composite system of one line of elm +2 lines of Salix +1 line of elm plus tomatoes, the composite system of 2-lines of shaft Young plus sunflower and the composite system of 3 lines of shaft Yang +2 lines of Populus +3 lines of shaft Young plus maize. In these three complex systems, the output values and net benefits are higher than those in the composite system of a line of elm +2 lines of Salix +1 lines Elm plus tomato. The agroforestry systems and the pure forest systems are significantly better than pure agricultural land systems in terms of overall efficiency. The composite systems are better than pure woodland systems (Populus woodlots) in terms of overall efficiency for composite systems of one line of elm +2 lines of Populus +1 line of Elm plus corn, one line of elm +2 lines of Salix +1 line of elm plus tomatoes and 2 lines of shaft Yang plus sunflower, which are 3.71 times, 2.95 times and 2.77 times those of purely agricultural land respectively.


