

Research on Enterprise Information Platform and Organizational Software Process Model

【作者】 王小刚

【导师】 陈卓宁; 严晓光; 张金;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 机械工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 面向多客户的中小型研发组织由于其自身业务特点与客户要求,存在项目需求变更频繁、突发任务多、资源异动等风险,建立面向自身的组织级软件过程模型及支持该过程模型的广义质量特性体系很有必要。在组织级过程运行、质量评价中需要管理海量信息,为控制成本、减少错误,需要有企业信息化平台支持。论文提出了一种面向企业整体经营、管理目标的组织级软件过程模型,确定了该过程模型的基本框架及其各过程的主要目标、基本实践和关键输入、输出信息。模型支持基于广义质量保障的多项目、多产品、多任务并行管理,覆盖中小型研发组织从顾客识别到顾客满足的全生命周期。以组织级需求管理、项目管理和资源平衡等为例说明了该过程模型中的典型过程组合应用的原理和方法。在模型运行中应用模糊综合评价方法实现组织级项目筛选,应用改进的关键链方法实现对组织级项目计划和资源的监控、平衡与调整,从技术上为过程模型在企业信息化平台中的应用提供支持。论文工作中建立了广义质量特性体系以支持组织级软件过程模型的运行、决策的需要。该特性体系从基本质量特性、顾客满意特性、组织管理特性、综合平衡特性等四个方面为组织级的过程和项目实体提供度量原则。通过确定广义质量体系框架、评价流程、度量指标及其综合评估方法,提供对于基于组织整体经营目标和绩效的,在需求分配、项目立项等过程中对多项目、多任务进行广义质量度量、评价的方法与实践指南。在质量评价中既关注针对设定的质量指标来评价产品、项目,又重视质量指标的设定过程及需要时的调整过程。遵循所研究过程模型的流程特点,在协作单位(武汉开目信息技术有限责任公司)部署了面向组织级质量保障与项目、任务管理的信息化平台。论文介绍了为实现该过程模型及其在信息化平台上应用所开展的部分关键技术研究工作,包括建立工作流驱动的过程模型业务流程,实现业务全生命周期内对用户权限管理的动态控制方法,应用二次开发平台快速定制信息化平台的工作模块等。所建立的支持过程模型的信息化平台已经在研发型企业部署实施,并在业务及管理过程中得到了较广泛、深入的实际应用。

【Abstract】 Due to the own business characteristics and customer requirements, the risks such as requirement change, unexpected task or resource turnover often arise in small and medium-sized R&D organizations, therefore it is essential for the organizations to set up an organization-oriented organizational process model together with a generalized quality feature system. During the course of the process model operating and quality feature evaluating enormous information amount needs to be managed and enterprise information platform is required to govern costs and decrease errors.In this dissertation, an organizational process model orienting to the enterprise overall business and management objectives is presented, defining the model framework and the main goals, fundamental practices and key input and output information. The model supports to manage multi-projects, multi-products, and multi-tasks simultaneously based on the generalized quality guarantee, and covers over the whole lifecycle from customer identification to customer satisfaction. The principles and approaches of the typical combined process utilization within the process model are elaborated via the examples of organizational requirement management, project management and resource equilibrium. During the model operating the comprehensive fuzz evaluation method is used to select suitable projects and the improved critical chain method used to monitor and adjust organizational project plans and resources, providing the technical support for the process model used on the software enterprise information platform.The generalized quality feature system is defined to aid the operation and decision of the process model. Measurement principles are provided against the entities of processes and projects in terms of basic quality features, customer satisfaction features, organization management features and comprehensive equilibrium features. The generalized quality measurement and evaluation method together with the associated practice are presented that are used in organizational requirement allocation process and project planning process to manage multi- projects and multi-tasks, oriented to the overall business objectives and performances of the organization. While in generalized quality evaluation attentions are paid both to the products and project evaluation against the determined quality goals and to the process of determining and adjusting quality goals.A software enterprise information platform is established in the coordinating company(Wuhan KM Information Technology Co. Ltd.) on the basis of the process model and oriented to the organization quality guarantee and project and task management. Several integrant essential technical researches are expounded to implement the process model and its utilization on the platform, including establishing the workflow-driven organizational business process model, realizing the dynamic control method of user authority management covering the entire business lifecycle, and applying the secondary development facility to quickly tailor the platform components. An information-based platform supporting the organizational process model is developed and deployed in an R&D organization, and applied extensively and intensively in the business and management processes.


