

Study on Optimal Design and Adjustment Strategy of Highway Network

【作者】 张华

【导师】 杨超;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 高速公路是一个国家重要的基础设施之一,合理的路网布局方案在体现区域社会经济的协调、一体化和可持续性,推进国土开发,引导产业布局,促进区域发展由“增长导向型”向“规划导向型”转变等方面,具有重要的意义。本文利用交通理论,最优化理论,决策理论等,在国内外关于交通网络布局优化理论研究现状及发展的基础上,研究区域高速公路优化布局与调整策略的分析方法,寻求区域经济发展和高速公路的协调发展途径,力图使高速公路的供给满足不断增长的交通需求,并以此作为建设有较强适应能力的区域高速公路网的重要依据。首先对公路网规划布局的国内外研究现状进行的综述,将现今的研究分为交通网络均衡问题、离散网络设计优化、连续网络设计优化、混合网络设计问题和网络容量扩张理论等六个分支进行了总结和梳理。接着对网络设计的方法给予了介绍。在此基础上着重介绍了高速公路交通量预测研究的思路和方法。其次,建立了一种基于效用分解的路网节点分类模型,从而求得节点的重要度。通过建立待建路段的综合评价指标体系,以节点重要度为指标之一,提出了基于证据理论的路段排序方法。第三,随着交通需求的增长,原有道路的服务水平将下降,供给和需求将不平衡,因此需要对道路进行改扩建。以交通量的预测为基础,提出了分阶段分析方法和系统分析方法,确定道路的调整策略,包括需要扩建的路段,建设时期以及需要扩建的车道数。第四,交通枢纽的布局也是路网布局优化的一个重要内容,利用不确定性理论包括粗糙集和模糊熵建模,研究了不确定环境下的公路货运枢纽布局问题和货运站场选址问题。最后,利用前面的理论方法和收集的数据资料,对京港澳高速公路河南段的改扩建进行了分析,提出了相应的调整策略。

【Abstract】 Highway is an important infrastructure of country. The reasonable road network can embody the coordination, integration and sustainability of regional socio-economic programs, promote land development, guide industrial layout, and promote regional development by the "growth-oriented" to "planning-oriented" shifts. The above aspects are of great significance. Base on the research about network optimization layout theory, this paper employs the traffic theory、optimization theory and decision theory et al to study the analysis method of optimal design and adjustment strategy of highway network. We try to find the approach which makes regional traffic in coordination with regional economic development and make highway meet the growing traffic demand, as to establish the basis for construction of regional highway network with strong adaptability.Firstly, the thesis reviews the concept and the present study condition of the highway network. We divide the papers as six branches—traffic network balance problem, discrete network design, continuous network design, hybrid network design and network capacity expansion theory. And then we introduce the methods of the traffic network design. On the basic, the idea and method of freeway traffic volume prediction are introduced.Secondly, a model for node classification which based on preference disaggregate is proposed to obtain the importance degree of network nodes. Through establishing the Comprehensive Evaluation System, an approach for highway Scheduling based on evidence theory is proposed.Thirdly, with the increasing traffic demand, the service level of old roads will decrease and the equilibrium will be broken, so the old roads need broaden. Based on the forecasting of traffic demand, two distinct approaches are put forward to determine the adjustment strategy for highways which include determine the number of roadways, the time and the sections need broaden.Fourthly, the transportation hub layout is one of important part of road network layout. Using uncertainty theory, we study the transportation hub layout problem and freight station location problem under uncertain circumstance. Finally, based on the above theory and method and the data, the Henan section of Jing-Gang-Ao highway expansion problem is analyzed and corresponding adjustment strategies are put forward.

【关键词】 公路网高速公路布局优化四阶段法
【Key words】 Road NetworkHighwayOptimal LayoutFour Step Method

