

Research on Current Situation and Development Countermeasures Concerning the Cultivation of Reserve Football Talents in Chinese Professional Football Clubs

【作者】 颜中杰

【导师】 何志林;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 足球,作为世界第一大运动,在竞技体育诸多项目中占据着特殊的地位,在世界范围内具有巨大的社会影响。然而,近年来我国男足世界排名持续走低,各级国家队成绩亦不理想,与国家体育总局的要求和广大球迷的期望相去甚远。造成这种现象的一个重要原因就是职业足球俱乐部没有能够为我国足球运动的发展培养出高水平的后备人才。职业足球俱乐部集中了一个国家足球领域的优势资源,其后备人才培养水平直接决定着该国足球运动在世界大赛中所能达到的高度。因此,必须迅速提高我国俱乐部后备人才培养质量,以便提高我国男子足球的国际竞争力,实现从体育大国向体育强国迈进的梦想。本研究以系统论、人才学、运动训练学、教育学、可持续发展等理论为支撑,运用实地考察法、访谈法、文献资料法、比较法、问卷调查法、个案分析法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等方法,以我国中超职业足球俱乐部为例,对我国职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养进行理论研究,对中超职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养现状进行全面、系统地分析和研究,发现问题,找出差距,提出发展对策。主要获得以下成果:1.初步构建了我国职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养理论框架,内容包括:基本概念、系统要素、指导思想、培养原则、培养目标、系统特征等。2.我国已初具较为完整的中超职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养系统,但整体培养水平不高,难以向各级国家队大量输送高水平足球运动员,在后备人才培养的许多方面都与国外先进水平存在较大差距。3.现阶段我国中超职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养的主要特点是:具有较优越的训练条件、集中国内优秀的教练员资源、较充裕的资金、较充足的训练时间、较多进入一线队的机会、较明确的培养目标、较高的职业风险、较多的参赛机会、生源的专项能力较高、较完善的后勤保障、较完整的梯队建制、较薄弱的文化教育、企业化的管理。4.我国中超职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养取得的成绩有:勇敢承担起我国足球后备人才培养重任、初步建立起职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养体系、大幅度改善青少年足球训练、比赛条件、培养出部分有特点的年轻运动员、促进了教练员、运动员流动,实现了足球资源的优化配置、增强了俱乐部自身的造血功能。但也出现了一些值得思考的问题:对其它培养途径产生巨大的冲击、部分俱乐部队后备人才培养重视不够,人才整体水平不高、对青少年运动员培养规律认识不够深刻,影响年轻球员的全面发展、部分俱乐部以盈利为目的,造成较坏的社会影响。5.影响中超职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养的主要因素有:教练员能力、青少年足球运动员培养理念、各级足协的方针政策、我国青少年足球竞赛体制、运动员文化教育、梯队球员出路。6.中超俱乐部后备人才发展对策主要有:制定国家级战略规划,提高各级领导对俱乐部后备人才培养的重视程度;全面抓好教练员队伍建设;加强国际交流,吸收先进足球理念;加强训练督导、努力提高训练水平;构建科学的职业足球俱乐部后备人才竞赛体系;有机整合职业足球俱乐部、政府和社会的青少年培训资源;加强体育部门同教育部门的合作,大力发展学校足球;多方协调,妥善解决梯队球员文化教育问题;充分发挥职业俱乐部的品牌效应,广泛建立足球网点学校;加强职业教育,提高球员就业能力。

【Abstract】 Football, as the most popular sport in the world, plays a fairly important role in sports competition, and could exert profound influences on society. However, the ranking of Chinese football team continues to fall in recent years, far from achieving the requirements of China State Sport General Administration and the expectations of football fans. One of the principal reasons for the bad performance lies in the fact that our professional football club fails in the cultivation of high level reserve football talents.Professional football club, the gathering place of football talents within a country, eventually determines a country’s position in the world football arena. So now the urgent task is to speed up the quality-oriented training of reserve football talents, in doing so, the international competitiveness of our football team would be enhanced and the dream of building China into a sports power be realized. Based on system theory, talent science, physical education, pedagogy and sustainable development theory, the research focuses on the theoretical study of reserve cultivation, using Chinese super league football club as a sample. The methods employed in the research include: field work, interview, comparison, questionnaire, case study, .After conducting a overall and systematic investigation of the current training in china, some problems are recognized and some tackling measures put forward. The findings are as follows:1. The theoretical framework concerning the cultivation of reserve football talents in China has been initially established. It covers the following points: basic concepts, systematic elements, guiding principles, principles of the cultivation, targets of the cultivation, systematic characteristics, etc.2. Initially, the system of cultivating reserve football talents in Chinese super league football club has been completely established, but the total level is still in such a low position that the national teams at all ranks can not obtain enough high-level football talents. Chinese cultivation level is still far behind the international advanced cultivation level in many aspects.3. Currently, the main features in training reserve football talents in Chinese super league football clubs are nice training conditions, best coaches in China, abundant funds, sufficient training time, more opportunities to enter top team, clear objective, high professional risk, more opportunities to engage in the game, higher-level special ability of the candidates, perfect rear services, fairly complete hierarchical establishment, less focus on culture and education, enterprise-like management.4. The successful experiences of Chinese Super League Professional Football Club in cultivating reserve football talents include: shouldering the responsibility of cultivating reserve football talents, building the training system at primary level, dramatically improving the conditions of football training and matches for teenagers, thus nurturing many young talented players with noticeable characteristics, increasing the mobility of coaches and players, fulfilling the optimal distribution of football resources, strengthening the updating ability of the club itself. However, some problems worth considering prompt up: the large impact on other cultivating methods, the ignorance of some clubs in cultivating reserve football talents, a relatively low- level professional skill of players as a whole, the lack of a deep understanding of rules governing the training of teenager football players as to limit their well rounded development, negative social influences is brought about because some clubs put the profit in the first place.5. The six main factors affecting reserve football talents cultivation in CSLPEC are: the capability of coaches, the notion of training teenager football players, consideration of leaders at all ranks, policies adopted by football associations at all levels, competitive system for Chinese teenager football players ,cultural education for players and the way out for echelon players.6. The main strategies facilitating the cultivation of reserve football talents are as follows: national strategic planning and more attention of leaders at all ranks; comprehensive training for teams of coaches; enhancing international communication and introducing superior football notions; strengthening the training supervision and improving the training qualities; scientific competition system set for reserve talents; combination of teenager talents in professional football clubs, government and society; strengthening the cooperation between sports and education departments in making great efforts to develop football at school; multi-coordination for resolving the cultural and educational problems of echelon players; building football network schools with full play of the branding effect of professional clubs; improving the professional education and enhance player’s opportunity to be employed.

  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1701

