

Study on Teaching Affair Administration for Cultivating Innovative Talents in Sports Universities

【作者】 王兴

【导师】 司虎克;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 培养创新人才是教育界依据建设创新型国家、城市的宏观背景下做出的战略选择。世纪之交,党中央、国务院从全面建设小康社会、开创具有中国特色社会主义事业新局面的高度出发,做出了走中国特色自主创新道路,建设创新型国家的重大战略决策。在上海“十一五”发展规划中,确定了增强城市国际竞争力的发展主线,同时也提出了自主创新、重点跨越、支撑发展、引领未来的发展方针。培养创新人才是新时期高等教育发展的必然选择。随着经济、社会的不断向前发展,知识经济已经到来,各行业间竞争日趋激烈。优秀人才,尤其是创新人才的作用日益显现,高等教育改革势在必行。创新教育是在继承和发展传统教育过程中,摒弃传统教育的种种弊端,显现出在人才培养上的优化功能和核心作用。培养创新人才是体育事业发展的客观要求,创新能力决定体育事业发展的竞争力。自改革开放以来,中国体育事业发展取得了令世人瞩目的成绩,其中一个重要原因是上个世纪九十年代,为适应中国特色的社会主义市场经济变化,体育界不断地进行体育体制机制创新,不断地探索体育发展规律、寻求发展出路、拓展发展空间。健身已不再是参加体育活动的简单“玩玩”,而是在科学的检测下,通过制定合理的运动方案,运用现代化的健身仪器,全面改善人们的体质。我国乒乓球、羽毛球、跳水等传统优势项目之所以能够常胜不衰,无不是在激烈的竞争中,不断地进行训练观念、技战术、训练方法与手段、管理体制等创新的结果。各学科之间的相互交叉渗透为培养创新人才提供支撑。现代的竞技体育已不再是靠“经验”和体能取胜,而是在生理学、心理学、营养学、生物学、材料学、运动训练学和发明创造等专家的共同努力下,依靠不断增加运动训练的科技含量,改进器材、设备,加强科学管理等途径取胜。科技在竞技体育中的广泛应用,已经成为竞技体育发展不可缺少的手段和强大推力。本研究运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法和案例分析法等研究方法,以培养创新人才为目标,以教学管理为切入点,在总结归纳前人对创新人才研究的基础上,对创新人才的内涵及构成要素和表现特征、高等学校培养创新人才的教学管理基本理论、体育院校学生创新成果和创新素质的现状、国内外著名高校培养创新人才的经验和启示和体育院校培养创新人才的教学管理基本做法等方面进行了较为系统的研究,并在此基础上提出了体育院校培养创新人才的基本构想。经研究分析,本文得出的主要结论归纳如下:第一,创新人才应具备较好的身体、心理和社会素质,知识结构合理,具有良好的创新意识、创新能力和创新品格,懂得创新技法,并取得对个人或社会有一定价值的创新成果。创新人才的素质系统由一般素质、创新素质和创新成果三部分组成,从逻辑关系上说,一般素质是基础,创新素质是关键,创新成果是核心,高水平创新成果应是三者完美结合的产物。第二,当前创新人才培养的教学管理研究能满足体育院校培养创新人才的教学管理现实需求。但教学管理工作者还应深入学习教育学与管理学的重要理论,并以此作为制定培养创新人才教学管理具体举措的理论基础;同时还应对培养创新人才的教学管理全过程进行大胆创新,不断提升管理水平和管理效果;坚持以人为本、以教师和学生的发展为本,力争使教学主客体目标一致,形成自由、民主的学术教育与民主管理氛围。第三,体育院校不同群体学生之间创新成果和创新素质在某些方面具有显著性差异。体育院校应注重学生建立合理的知识结构,加强跨专业和跨学科知识的学习,着重培养学生创新思维和科研能力,加强创新技法的传授,同时还应重视学生创新成果的获得,尤其要把重心放在获得高水平成果上。第四,国内外非体育院校培养创新人才的研究成果对体育院校教学管理具有借鉴性。国内外在培养创新人才上存在差异,主要反映在文化习俗和教育体制上。只要在实践中不断学习、坚持和完善,并把工作落在实处,这种差异并非是阻碍我国培养创新人才的不可逾越的障碍。第五,体育院校教学管理人员对培养创新人才的教学管理基本做法的认同较一致。这样做,有利于充分发挥指导教师在学生学习生活中的指导作用,不断拓宽学生视野,用足学校优质资源;有利于坚持不断地凝练学科方向,关注学科的交叉、融合和渗透,形成学科优势和学科特色,最终形成术科类专业学生的核心竞争力;有利于建立大的体育人才观,即能有效促进术科类专业学生成为“体育学”的通才,又能确保学生个性发展和复合型人才培养;有利于从机制上保障创新人才的培养。第六,“创新管理中心”的构思,在体制和机制上明确并确保了创新人才的培养;在培养过程中清晰了教学管理的工作思路;在评价上更突出实效性。在此基础上,我们提出了体育院校培养创新人才的建议,表现为:第一,积极总结并借鉴各校培养班干部的好的做法,并加以推广;重视对原非部属体育院校社会体育专业和民族传统体育专业学生、女生和运动水平一级以上(含一级)和三级以下(含三级)学生的创新素质的培养。第二,完善课程体系,注重跨学科设置课程板块和学生个性的充分发挥,使学生知识结构合理、专业水平突出;注重岗位职业能力和职业群集能力培养,术科类专业学生至少应具备术科类三个专业的岗位职业能力,力争具备体育学其他专业或其他一级学科下相邻专业的部分岗位职业能力;加强研究方法的训练,培养创新思维、开发探究智能;注重实践教学基地的建设,开展丰富多彩的第二课堂实践活动;紧抓课堂教学主战场,形成学生在教师指导下主动学习为课堂教学改革的方向;严把考核关,应能考出学生指导训练、指挥比赛、开运动处方、体育教学等实际应用能力和创新能力;做好校内外辅修或学习第二专业工作;谋求终身教育体制的建立,强化网络教育。

【Abstract】 The training of the innovative talents is a strategic option in the period of constructing innovative country and cities. At the turn of the century, based on the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way and creating a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Central Committee and the State Council made a strategic decision that we should follow the road of self-directed innovation with Chinese characteristics and constructing innovative country. The key line of strengthening international competitiveness and developing policies including self-directed innovation, making breakthroughs in a number of key technologies, and giving play to science and technologies to support and lead the development of the future were brought forward in Shanghai’s 11th Five-year Plan.The training of innovative talents is an inevitable choice of higher education in the new period. With the advent of the age of knowledge economy and the development of economy and society, the competitiveness is becoming much hotter between different walks of life. The innovation training has been showing its optimization and core function when it inherits and develops from and discards all disadvantage of traditional education.The training of innovative talents is objective requirement in developing our sport cause, which competitiveness depends on our innovative ability. One of the most decisive reasons because of which China’s achievement in the field of sports has attracted world’s attention since China’s opening up and reform is that the world of sport has been exploring innovative system and mechanism, finding the law of sport development and expanding the road of sport cause. For instance, our traditional items such as Ping-Pong, badminton and dive have kept their dominance because of the innovation mechanism mentioned above.The intersection and penetration between disciplines supports the training of innovative talents. To win in modern competitive sports bases not on experience and physical ability but on co-efforts by experts on different disciplines to train athletes scientifically with more advanced equipment. The wide appliance of science and technology in competitive sports has become one of the indispensable methods and compelling force.Research methods such as literature, interview, questionnaire and case study were applied in the article with the training of innovative talents as its target and teaching affair administration as its breakthrough point. The author made a systematic study on the connotation, constituent, characteristics of innovative talents, the fundamental theory and the basic practice on teaching administration of innovative talents training in higher education. Based on his study the author put forward conclusion as the follows:Firstly, innovative talents should possess not only physical, psychological quality and social adaptability, but also reasonable knowledge structure, innovative consciousness and ability and innovative achievement valuable to themselves and the society. The quality of innovative talents consists of three parts: basic common quality, decisive innovative quality and essential innovative achievement. The innovative achievements are usually the perfect creature of the qualities mentioned above.Secondly, present study on the teaching administration of innovative talents training can satisfy the real need, however, the administrators on duty should study more earnestly the theory on education and management which is the base of establishing administrative measure for training innovative talents, and innovate the whole teaching process at the same time. Universities should persist in the idea of "People Oriented" and develop on the base of teachers’ and students’ development, try to bring in accord aims of both teachers and students, so as to create a free, democratic atmosphere for education and administration.Thirdly, there is remarkable difference between different groups of students in sports universities in some respects when it comes to innovative achievement and quality. To view the situation as a whole, sports universities should set emphasis on helping students establish rational knowledge structure and strengthen education of innovative skills; at the same time pay attention to encouraging students to gain innovative achievement especially that of higher level.Fourthly, sports universities should draw on the innovative talents education achievements by non-sports universities both home and abroad. The difference on innovative talents training between China and the other countries comes from different cultural and educational system, which could not be an insurmountable barrier as long as we insist on studying and improving in our practice.Fifthly, teaching administrators in sports universities have got unanimous recognition on the basic practice of innovative talents training that such practice is helpful to give full play to tutors to guide students’ study, to broaden students’ field of view and fully utilize fine teaching resource, to develop students’ core competitiveness by attaching importance to crossing, penetration and unite of disciplines, to establish a big sports talents concept that students of skill major should grasp knowledge of every sports field and master relevant knowledge, to guarantee the innovative talents education in terms of mechanisms.Sixthly, the design of innovation administration center systematically defined its leading, organizing and coordinating function, changed former innovative talents training method, it gave a predominant role to the establishment and usage of innovative talents training platform and emphasized the core function of practice base out of the campus during the process of training; it combined overall evaluation and key evaluation; it put emphasis on both setting up promoting mechanism but also implementing self-regulating mechanism. The design has provided an important reference to the practice of innovative talents training in sports universities.Therefore our suggestion on innovative talents training in sports universities is: firstly, actively summarize and draw on the practice of training class cadres, then popularize such experience; pay attention to innovative quality education for students of social sports major, Wushu major in local universities and for female students, students of one or higher level skills and those of three or lower level skills; secondly, improve curriculum system, pay attention to students’ personality development, rationalize students’ knowledge structure and stress students’ professional quality training by setting curriculum section crossing disciplines, emphasize students’ future work capability, students’ of skill major should master at least three kinds occupational competency, and try to possess part position or occupational competency for other sports major, strengthen the training of study methods in order to cultivate innovative thinking and to explore intelligence development, pay importance to the development of practical teaching bases and organize all kinds of activities out of the class, focus on the class and form a reform orientation that teachers lead and students actively study, carry out exams strictly to test students’ real ability for directing training and competition, designing exercise prescription and sport teaching, try to establish lifelong education system and strengthen network education.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1570

