

Study on the National System of China Competitive Sports after 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

【作者】 戴永冠

【导师】 许永刚;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 北京奥运会是中国近代史上具有重要意义的事件,是中国体育事业发展的里程碑。中国竞技体育举国体制为中国体育事业的发展做出了非常重要的贡献,“中国体育的成功靠的是举国体制”。近三十年来,竞技体育举国体制(如下如无特殊说明,举国体制即指竞技体育举国体制)成为体育领域的一个热点话题。调研中,大部分专家指出,中国申奥成功后,政府对举国体制的扶持力度在2008年奥运会达到顶峰。2008年奥运会后,我们将继续坚持举国体制,同时,在变化着的社会政治、经济、文化条件下,举国体制应该与时俱进,不断创新和完善。研究是在这样一个承前启后、继往开来的新的历史起点,探析2008年奥运会后中国竞技体育举国体制的改革与发展,着重于研究如何完善举国体制。运用文献法、问卷调查法、访谈法,对竞技体育举国体制演进路径、人本思想、发展特征以及存在的问题及其原因进行较深入的研究,旨在为有关部门决策提供理论参考依据以及丰富和完善竞技体育举国体制理论体系;通过研究我国政治、经济、文化约束前提及世界竞技体育发展趋势,探索2008年奥运会后中国竞技体育举国体制渐进式改革路径;并且,根据竞技体育举国体制存在的问题,提出举国体制适度仿企业化改革,探索2008年奥运会后提高竞技体育举国体制运作效率的思路。研究在充分掌握竞技体育举国体制发展现状的基础上,结合社会经济、政治、文化发展特点,提出了2008年奥运会后中国竞技体育举国体制发展和创新的思路。研究得出结论:(1)竞技体育举国体制是指以在奥运会等重大国际比赛中取得优异成绩为主要目标而不断优化配置资源的方式、制度及运行机制的体系,2008年奥运会后,随着市场经济改革的深入,举国体制多元化的广度和深度将进一步加大。(2)不同的竞技体育发展方式导致不同的发展结果,举国体制有效地推动了中国竞技体育发展,也产生了一些问题,在新的时代条件下,举国体制应该坚持以人为本、和谐、可持续发展的思路。(3)2008年奥运会后,体育管理体制发展趋势将是政府和社会各司其职、协调发展,由市场把政府和社会联系起来,并且,随着市场化水平的不断提高,我国体育管理体制将逐步走向社会管理型为主。(4)竞技体育举国体制的可持续发展应该强调对人的终极关怀、强调以人为本思想,以人为本具体体现在举国体制领域是指:全面发展运动员素质、保障运动员权益、有利于运动员可持续发展,其中,全面发展运动员素质是基础,保障运动员权益是保证,运动员可持续发展是目的。(5)2008年奥运会后,举国体制将沿着渐进式改革的道路发展,并且,渐进式改革方向将会越来越明确,效果也会越来越好,竞技体育举国体制渐进式改革的成功,主要依靠的是增量发展与新体制成分的成长。(6)竞技体育举国体制效率的提高,有赖于总量性投资增多、资源配置效率提高以及生产效率提高,北京奥运会前,总量性投资增多以及资源配置效率提高对举国体制效率增长相对发挥了较大作用,北京奥运会后,举国体制效率提高将主要依靠资源配置效率提高和生产效率提高。(7)中国竞技体育举国体制可分为:形成期(1949-1965年)、重创期(1966-1976年)、恢复、推动期(1977-1983年)、举国体制不断强化、促进竞技体育走向辉煌(1984-2008年)、政府干预体育力度逐步减弱,举国体制多元化时期(2009-2020左右)等几个阶段。

【Abstract】 Beijing Olympic Games is the important event in China modern history, and which is the milestone during China sport developing. The national system has made important contribution to China sport development, and China sports success depends on the national system. In the recent 30 years, the national system has become a hot topic in the sports domain. Most specialist point out that the government supporting the national system will reach the crest in 2008 after the success of bid. After 2008 Olympic Games, we will continue to insist the national system, simultaneously, under the changeable condition of the society, politics, economy, as well as cultural condition, meanwhile, the national system should keep pace with the times and innovating unceasingly. In the new historical beginning, this paper analyzes the reformation and development of the national system after 2008 Olympic Games. Using literature, questionnaire survey, and interview, this paper analyzes the question and reason of the national system’s evolution way, person thought, and developing characteristic, which being for the purpose of providing theory reference as well as rich and perfect the national system; Through the study of China politics, economy, and cultural restraint premise as well as the world sports developing trend, it explores the evolution way of the national system after the 2008 Olympic Games. And, according to the question of the national system, this paper points out the national system imitating the commercialization, and explores the way of raising the operation sufficiency after the 2008 Olympic Games. Based on the present situation of the national system, through the study on the developing feature of China politics, economy, and culture, it proposes the method of the whole national system development and innovation after the 2008 Olympic Games.The research draws the conclusions:(1)The national system is the conclusion of methods, system, and operational mechanism of optimizing resources disposition, which refers to obtain excellent result at the Olympic Games as the essential target. After the 2008 Olympic Games, with the market economy reformation thorough, the national system’s breadth and depth will enlarge further.(2)Different sports developing methods lead to different result, though the national system impetus China sports, it leads to some question. Under the new era, the national system should insist in the goal of people-oriented, harmonious, as well as sustainable development.(3)After the 2008 Olympic Games, the sports management system developing trend will be the government and the society performance according to their own functions, and market will connect government and society, furthermore, with the marketability level’s enhancing, China sports management system will gradually move towards society management. (4)The national system’s sustainable development should stress the humanist thought, it refers to: The full scale development of athlete quality, safeguard the athletes’rights and interests, and be advantageous to their sustainable development. Meanwhile, the full scale development of athlete quality is foundation, safeguarding the athletes’rights and interests are the guarantee, and athletes’sustainable development is the goal.(5)After the 2008 Olympic Games, the national system will be along with evolution reformation path, and, the direction will be getting more and more explicit, the effect will be also getting better and better, the success of reformation, which mainly dependent on the new system ingredient growing.(6)Enhancing the national system efficiency depends on increasing the total investment, resources deployment efficiency as well as producing efficiency. The total investment increased as well as the resources deployment efficiency enhanced displays relatively important affection on the national system before 2008. After the Beijing Olympic Games, enhancing the national system efficiency will mainly depend on the resources deployment efficiency and producing efficiency.(7)The national system may be divided into: The formative period (1949-1965), the heavily lost period (1966-1976), restoring and impetus period (1977-1983), strengthening and promoting athletics sports to great success (1984-2008), as well as government intervening sports dynamics gradually weakening and the national system multiplication time (about 2009-2020) , and so on.

  • 【分类号】G812.0
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1715

