

A Study on Formation and Profits Allocation of the Human Capital of Athletes in China

【作者】 刘平

【导师】 张贵敏;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 运动员是竞技体育发展的核心资源。随着我国竞技体育社会化、市场化改革的深入,运动员培养和管理中的新问题也不断出现,其中运动员培养投资和投资回报,是近年来遇到的突出问题。新的形势下,运动员劳动成果的归属判定,运动员个人收入分配制度的建立与调整完善,是关系到体育劳动领域收入分配效率与公平的重要问题。本文属于基础研究,采用规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,应用文献法、访谈法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法等具体研究方法,以我国运动员人力资本形成和收益分配为研究视角,应用人力资本理论、制度经济学理论、产权理论、公共事业管理理论、收入分配理论为理论基础,研究体育劳动中社会效益和经济效益的结构及分享,探索运动员劳动收入分配原理和分配制度的调整完善,对我国运动员培养和管理实践中的一些基本问题给予理论解释,研究视角独到,学术观点明确,操作意见具体。研究我国运动员人力资本投资主体特征及投资特点,对我国运动员人力资本产权做出界定;得出我国运动员人力资本收益结构,提出我国运动员人力资本收益分享机制;从运动员劳动剩余的分配权及其强弱、收益主体对劳动剩余分配的理论依据及分配形式两个层面研究运动员人力资本收益分配,得出我国运动员人力资本各收益主体收益分配力强弱;根据运动员生产劳动中劳动者与劳动使用者的关系,提出我国运动员人力资本收益分配应实行按劳分配与按要素报酬分配相结合的分配制度,提出操作方法;得出我国运动员人力资本收益分配原理及职业运动员高工资原理;提出我国运动员人力资本收益分配模式;提出完善我国运动员人力资本投资和收益分配相关制度的建议。本文是对我国运动员人力资本收益分配和健全我国运动员人力资本投资体系问题进行的学术探讨,研究成果为管理部门制定体育领域的劳动收入分配政策和竞技体育人才培养政策提供理论参考,对提高我国运动员人力资本存量,推动我国竞技体育运动及体育产业的健康发展有理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Sportsman is the core resource of sports development. With the deepening of reform in sports socialization and general adoption of market principle, new problems keep cropping up in athletic cultivation and management. Among them the investment and investment return in athletic cultivation are the pressing ones in recent years. Under such circumstance, the critical problems lie in the judgment of the ownership of the fruit of sports labor as well as the establishment and improvement of athlete personal income allotment system, which can be greatly related to the income allotment efficiency and its fairness.The fundamental research in this thesis employed both normative analysis and positive analysis methods. Besides, methods of literature, interview, questionnaire as well as logic analysis are also adopted in the study. The study mainly focuses on the formation of human resource capital and revenue distribution. With human resource capital theory, institutional economics theory, property right theory, public course administration theory and income distribution theory as the basic framework, the dissertation explores the structure and share of social benefits and economic benefits in sports labor as well as the adjustment and improvement of the distribution principles and sportsman income distribution system. The paper also seeks for a theoretical explanation to some basic problems occurred in the cultivation and management of athletes in China.The research studies the characters and main features of sports labor resource investment in our country, defines the property right of our national sports labor resource, obtains the structure of sports labor resource capital in our country, and proposes the share system of sports labor resource capital revenue distribution. The study of the distribution of sports labor resource capital revenue is conducted from two aspects– the distribution right of labor surpluses and its strength and weakness as well as the theoretical support to the revenue subject’s distribution of labor surpluses. Based on the relationship between laborer and laborer employer in sportsman’s labor work, the study proposes a distribution system combining distribution according to one’s labor and distribution according to labor element and its operational approach. From the study we arrived at the principle of sports labor resource capital revenue distribution and the principle of professional sportsman’s high income, the mode of sports labor resource capital revenue distribution and suggestions to the perfection of related systems of sports labor resource capital investment and revenue distribution in our country. The thesis is an academic exploration into the distribution of sports labor resource revenue and the improvement of sports labor resource capital investment in China. The findings of the study are good references for related administrative departments when making income distribution policy and competitive sportsman cultivation policy. They are also of great theoretical and practical significance in increasing China’s sports labor resource reserve and boosting the sound development China’s competitive sports and sports industry.


