

Strategies for Sports Newspapers and Magazines in China and Germany

【作者】 陈小英

【导师】 陈及治; Thomas Schierl;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 体育报刊是体育媒体中最古老的媒介形态。德国体育报刊具有悠久的历史和较大的影响力,是最能代表西方发达国家体育报刊发展水平的市场之一。本研究期望运用中德比较的视野,探索以下问题:1、作为中国报刊市场中市场化程度最高的体育报刊,目前处于什么发展阶段和水平?德国体育报刊的实力和发展现状如何?中国体育报刊与德国体育报刊的发展差距有多大?2、全球媒体发展环境在不断地发生变化,改变着全球媒体发展生态,也迫使媒体以新的策略应对。中国体育报刊该采取什么发展策略?德国体育报刊有哪些值得中国借鉴的发展策略?为了避免国际比较研究中容易出现的文化误读现象,本研究首先对关键概念——体育报刊进行了解释和操作化定义。本文的研究对象是专业体育报纸,但不同国家之间对报纸、期刊和杂志的划分标准存在着分歧,导致概念的内涵和外延都很模糊。有些学者根据报纸和杂志不断走向融合的发展实践,认为对两者进行区分的行为,只有在做报刊研究史时才是有意义的,而在其它大多数情况下其实并没有实际意义,人们对它们的不同称呼只是长期形成的不同习惯而已。鉴于以上情况,本文以出版周期和内容的时效性为标准来划分体育报纸和体育杂志。将每周出版次数在1~7次的体育公开出版物称为体育报纸,出版周期在1周以上的称为体育期刊。在本文,“体育报刊”特指以体育这种社会现象为内容的专业报纸。根据求同存异的原则,本文将中国专业体育报纸和德国专业体育杂志统称为体育报刊,但是在分别对两国体育报刊进行称呼时,依旧沿用该国的习惯,即在中国依旧称为体育报纸,在德国称为体育杂志。本研究从中德两国分别选取部分体育报刊作为主要研究对象,它们的特点是市场化程度较高、发行量、知名度和影响力较大,具有较强代表性,相互之间具有可比性。在建立的体育报刊策略模型的指导下,通过运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、内容分析法、案例分析法、比较研究法和数理统计法,分析和比较了中德专业体育报刊发展史、市场结构和市场态势,内容策略(包括内容采编策略和报刊产品策略)、受众策略(包括受众选择策略和受众资源开发策略)和盈利策略(包括广告策略和盈利模式创新策略)等内容。研究发现:1、无论在中国还是德国,与其它媒体相比,体育报刊市场领先者总体实力不强,属于中等报刊企业,。2、中德专业体育报刊市场呈现较明显的集中化趋势,形成了二到三家共存的格局,但没有形成寡头垄断。这是两国不同媒体体制下体育报刊企业市场竞争的结果。3、中德体育报刊在内容策略、受众策略和盈利策略上的趋同性在增强,但两国发展水平仍具有较大差异。4、我国体育报纸应该构建包括宏观层次、微观层次,以及08奥运前后阶段性发展策略在内的立体化发展策略体系。5、德国体育杂志能对中国体育报纸构建立体化策略体系提供有益借鉴;同时,中国体育报纸对德国体育杂志的全球化扩张策略具有启示作用。

【Abstract】 Sports newspapers and magazines are the oldest sport media. In Germany sports newspapers and magazines have a long history and up to now have great influence in the world, which is one of the most representative sports newspapers and magazines. marketsIn the view of international comparison between China and Germany, some concerned questions are explored:1. In which stage have Chinese sports newspapers and magazines, with the most extensive industrialization, developed? What is the present situation in Germany, as the compared object? How is the gap between them?2. What strategies should Chinese sports newspapers and magazines take along with the changing global media circumstances? What can we learn from the German sports newspapers and magazines?However, the key term sports newspapers and magazines was defined at first in order to invoid the popular misreading phenomenon in comparison research.In this research the exploring object is specialized sports newspaper. However, it is not definitely distincted with other concerning terms such as sports magazines, sports Journals in different countries. Then the connotations and denotations of these terms are obscure. Based on the situation of newspaper and magazines, some experters regard the action of distinction as impractical idea except for the history research.. The different names result only from different custom among different people.Therefore, this research define the term sports newspapers as specialized newspaper reporting sport news and commentary with a publishing period from once a week to seven times a week. However, the principle of seeking the common grounds while putting aside (shelving) the differences should be observed. Then it is named sports newspaper and sports magazines when refers to sports newspapers in both countries, sports newspaper and sports magazines are used respectively in China and Germany as well.Limited by time, money and energy, this research selected some sport newspapers and magazines from China and Germany with great representative as maining research objects. All of them have some similar charaterestics: with extensive industrialization, large circulation, great reputation and influence power. Most important, they can be compared on the same basis. According to this definition, some journals with a long publishing period and official sports newspapers and magazines are excluded.Applying some research methods such as documentation, interview, content analysis, case study, comparison and statistics, this research explored the history of sports newspaper and magazines in China and Germany, market structure, content strategies (including editting strategies and product strategies), audience strategies (including audience-enthralling strategies and audience-exploiting strategies) and profit-gaining strategies (including advertising strategies and profit model renewing strategies). The results are as follows:1. The leading sports newspapers and magazines in China and Germany occupy a middle-sized company scale.2. Concentration, but without oligarch, appeared in the market of sports newspapers and magazines in China and Germany, and it has established a market structure with two or three large leading companies.3. Similarities of content strategies (including editting strategies and product strategies), audience strategies (including audience-enthralling strategies and audience-exploiting strategies) and profit-gaining strategies (including advertising strategies and profit model renewing strategies) between Chinese and German sport newspapers and magazines are potentialized, however, the gaps between them are still great.4.Chinese sport newspapers should establish a stereo- perceptioned strategy system including macroscopical, microscopical and different stage strategies especially aiming at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.5.Chinese sports newspaper can learn from Germany to formulate the stereo- perceptioned strategy system. Meanwhile they can provide some beneficial ideas for the globlization strategy of German sports magazines.

  • 【分类号】G80-05;G219.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】681

