

The Study of Ming Dynasty’s Military Lance Techniques and Development as a Competition Sport

【作者】 郭肖波

【导师】 邱丕相;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 1.前言本研究受到世界体育竞赛项目部分源自古希腊和罗马的军事训练的启发,从而自我国古代军事训练寻找现代体育的原材料。由于大枪在军备的重要性和普及性,大枪体系历经漫长的历史形成一项极具有中国文化特色、技术层次高深、理论齐备的武艺。研究我国古代兵枪、并且使其成为现代化的竞赛项目在文化上有承先启后的意义;由于大枪技艺是我国所有民族的共同文化财产,所以在民族上具有加强相互理解与团结的意义;在国力方面,这是国力的象征;在体育方面,这项运动具有丰富的体育价值;在经济方面,它具有极大的体育经济的潜力。2.文献综述有关大枪的文献散见于正史、兵书、武术以及其它的四类文献中。其中以兵书文献为主。又以明朝兵书对大枪技艺的记载最为丰富。明代兵书中,戚继光《纪效新书》的大枪记载对后世的影响最为深远。其主要的大枪记载包括:枪法原理、八母枪、六合对枪及二十四枪势。另外唐顺之的《武编》一书突出了技巧以及变化原理的说明。此两书的内容足以代表明朝时期兵枪技艺的大致面貌。从这些文献里,本研究论述大枪发展的历史,并介绍《纪效新书》记载的兵枪训练。从历史发展的角度确认明朝兵枪在大枪发展过程的代表性。3.研究方法与对象本研究的范围划定在「明朝兵枪」。大枪学术性研究使用文献资料法和归纳分析法。技巧演练、训练和大枪竞赛的研究使用实践验证法。技击分析法则大量的使用于解说八母枪和六合对枪的部分。力学原理分析法使用于枪圈理论研究。1)大枪专有名词、用语不统一。在资料对照时产生极大的困难。2)历史跨度大。因为明朝距今有数百年之久,无法武断的把今日流传的大枪技巧与明朝兵枪做任何的连接。所以研究工作全靠文献资料。3)文献资料不全。《纪效新书》里对于技巧以及对枪动作转换的细节缺乏文字说明。这些构成了研究工作必须面对的挑战。而本研究的创新点包括1)对《纪效新书》里记载的八母枪、六合对枪做全面性的解说。这是在《纪效新书》出版以后首次的深度解说。2)枪圈理论是大枪理论的基础。然而传统的枪圈理论有相当的局限性。本研究针对枪圈理论的重要性以及其理论缺陷,提出了「6」字形的革枪枪圈、三种不同用途的枪圈、革枪的「起讫间距」、革枪枪圈的三个组成部分、革枪发劲与开枪角度和立体的革枪枪圈六个新的论点。4.研究结果在枪法理论方面,总结了明朝兵枪以及参考民间枪法著作的枪法理论,并且予以扩充。使得理论得到统一与完备。其理论共15条,列其重要如下:1)枪式:从长度、枪头、枪杆、重心、枪把尺寸、枪镦几个方面加以申述枪式标准。并且从枪杆的物理性质来分析理想的长度。2)枪棍之别:详细分析枪法与棍法的区别。3)枪圈理论:基于传统枪圈理论的缺陷,本研究除了解释枪圈的生理运作,同时提出六个新的论点。使得枪圈理论更趋完备。4)见肉贴杆:见肉贴杆是大枪的标准,离此既为伪学。本研究从枪法对抗的需要对此提出了解释。5)圈串:本研究提出此理论以统合枪法变换的原则。对于《纪效新书》里的八母枪,本章先探讨其属性,分析疑点,并提出合理的解说。在六合对枪的部分,本研究把《纪效新书》里分开叙述的纲领和动作说明部分重新的结合起来。使得全部的六合对枪训练得以重新的被用来练习。在二十四枪势的部分,本研究首先解释「势」的意义,然后详细论述二十四枪势的变化说明。5.理论分析与讨论本论文比较兵枪与游枪在学习目的、学习方法上的差异。然后从兵枪角度来分析当时民间枪法的一些问题。并且阐述明朝兵枪较民间枪法更适合转化为现代竞赛运动的观点。综合兵枪与民间枪法的对枪训练,本研究重新建立了对枪训练的理论、训练指导原则以及实际的训练方案。本研究在实践验证的过程中举办了竞赛活动。从竞赛结果评估竞赛规则对大枪运动的影响,同时从比赛中体验了一些原本不受重视的枪技。并对枪器、护具做出结论。

【Abstract】 1. PrefaceAmong the variety of modern competition sports, there are many derived from the ancient Greek and Roman military training. However, there are none derived from ancient Chinese military trainings. This reality triggered this study.The Da-Qiang/lance was widely and highly adapted by the ancient armies in the whole history of China. Due to its popularity, the Da-Qiang has developed into a very Chinese-flavored and highly skilled practice that is well supported with the theorems of martial arts.The study of the ancient Da-Qiang and developing it into a modern sport has not only a historical meaning and significance, but a modern one as well. The Da-Qiang sport is a continuity of cultural development. As well, due to the contribution by all ethnic groups in China, it will promote the mutual understanding between them . It is symbolic of the recent development of China. Lastly, it is an excellent sport with a huge potential in sport economics.2. References and documentsThe main source of references and documents of Da-Qiang are the military manuals, especially those from the Ming dynasty.Among many military manuals from the Ming, the Ji-Xiao-Xin-Shu by general Qi Ji-Guang has the most impact to the later Da-Qiang development. The Da-Qiang record of this book includes: the theorem, the 8-elementary techniques, and 6 Da-Qiang sparring sets and 24-Shi. The other important manual is Wu-Bian by general Tang Shun-Zhi. Wu-Bian emphasizes more on the techniques and the principles of application. These two manuals combined can represent the real contents of the Ming’s Da-Qiang system. This thesis confirms the importance of Ming’s Da-Qiang achievement on the whole history of the Da-Qiang development.3. The research target and methodsThe research was confined to“the military Da-Qiang of the Ming dynasty”. Besides the literary research of the ancient military manuals, this research adapted many experiments for training and competitive events, and adapted mathematical methods for the physical properties of Da-Qiang and the Da-Qiang Circle theory.During the research, the following difficulties were encountered:A) There was no uniformity of the Da-Qiang terms and terminologies.B) The Ming dynasty occured a few hundred years ago. We can not link the modern Da-Qiang system to the system of the Ming periods and therefore, the research data must draw from the military manuals of that time period.C) The information recorded was incomplete. All these formed the challenge of this research.However, there are many new findings and achievements in this study which include the detailed exploring of the training method and techniques of the Ji-Xiao-Xin-Shu. The book was published in 1560 and marks the first time that such a detailed interpretation was attempted.To enhance the traditional Circle theory, this research provides the following supplementary interpretations: the figure-6 Circle shape, 3 different applications of the Da-Qiang Circle, the gap, the beginning and the ending of the Circle, the 3-elements of the Circle, the relationship between the blocking power and the deflection angle, and the 3-dimensional Circle path.4. The results of the studyFor the Da-Qiang theory, this study enhances the traditional theory and reforms it into 15 categories. The most important of these are:A) The Da-Qiang physical dimensions: The physical dimensions affect the Da-Qiang development. This study defines the ideal dimensions.B) The difference between Da-Qiang and Gun (staff) C) The Circle theory: The achievements for the Circle theory are mentioned above.D) Delaying the blocking and attacking the middle: This study explains this theory from the view points of sparring application.E) Piercing theory: This newly developed theory is used to unify the principle of Da-Qiang variations.For the 8-Elementary techniques of the Ji-Xiao-Xin-Shu, this study defines the purpose of this training, and then lists the doubts about the validity. This study provides reasonable conclusions/explanations for these doubts. For the 6-Sparring Sets, this study uses the principles which were listed in front of each set to explain the actual movements of the training. This explanation allows the entire training regimen to be re-produced today.For the 24-Shi, this study will first explain the meaning of Shi, then explain the hidden meaning of each Shi.5. Analysis and discussionThis study compares the differences between the military Da-Qiang system with the civilian one. It also lists the general problems of these civilian Da-Qiang systems from the viewpoint of the military applications. The reasons why military Da-Qiang systems are better for the modern Da-Qiang competition sport are also discussed.Comparing and combining the military and civilian Da-Qiang training methods, this study concludes a new training program with training theory.Also based on the experience of Da-Qiang competition events, this study concludes the importance of the competition rules to the development of the sport. Also, this thesis discusses the experience of some special Da-Qiang techniques, the standardization of the Da-Qiang, and protection gear.

【关键词】 兵枪大枪武艺明朝竞技运动
【Key words】 Military LanceDa-QiangMaoMartial ArtsMing DynastyCompetional Sport
  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】415

