

The Structuring on Theory of New Qigong for Health

【作者】 王言群

【导师】 虞定海;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的:“健康的关键是观念问题”,科学健康观的树立,健身气功国内外的广泛开展都需要健身理论知识。本研究拟在辩证唯物主义世界观和方法论的理论指导下,在党的全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标的指引下,把新编健身气功根植于源远流长的中国传统文化沃土中,运用现代系统科学思维,以传统中医整体生命观和现代整体医学模式为具体理论指导,把新编健身气功健身理论基础的探邃和健身机理的阐释与健身气功健身效果的实验研究相结合,对健身气功的理论构建进行思索。本研究的目的就是为健身气功的发展提供较为完善的理论依据,为科学健身观念的树立而努力。研究方法:“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。本论文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、系统辩证思维的方法、“打破现状思维”的方法和试验测试法,从体育学、文化学视角对健身气功的健身理论及其健身效果进行了思考与研究。研究结论:本论文以科学健康观念的树立为理想,以新编气功的健身理论构建为目的,在“健身气功”定义的启示下,立足于对健康的科学认识基础之上,从体育学、文化学视角,对健身气功的健身理论进行了思索,得出如下几个结论:一、通过对“气、气功和健身气功”的概念、内涵及其发展简史的论述,研究认为:由于“气”的广义性和复杂性,“气功”定义具有模糊性和不确定性的特点,因此,用“气功”来概括中国传统养生方法、手段,是不利于科学健身观念的树立与宣传的;“健身气功”一词应时、适时而出,是历史发展和健康认知发展的必然,为科学健身观念的树立与中国传统健身理论与方法的持续发展奠定了第一块基石。二、在前人研究的基础上,提出并详细阐释了“系统健康观”。系统健康观认为,从一般意义上来讲,人作为一种生命系统,健康是人自身、人与人、人与自然的和谐状态,包括生理的健康和心理的健康。根据系统科学哲学的理论,把健康分为四个层次,生物有机体的和谐、人的身体与精神的和谐、人与社会的和谐、人与自然的和谐。三、从体育学的视角探寻健身气功的健身理论,认为,运动训练学的相关理论知识是健身气功科学锻炼的有力保证,脊柱运动和全身运动是健身气功练习的基本规律。四、“心理调节”是指正确的认识和处理“人与人、人与社会和人与自然”的关系,是树立正确的人生价值观、人生目的和环保意识的过程。科学的世界观和人生观是心理健康的源泉和基石,也是进行健身气功锻炼的目的之一。五、从文化学视角对健身气功健身理论构建的原则及内容进行了探讨,认为,健身气功新文化的构建触角应该伸向“古今中外”;原则有三:“取其精华,去其糟粕”原则,“价值原则和真理原则相结合的原则”,“融汇贯通原则”。六、试验研究表明,健身气功??五禽戏的练习对中老年人身心健康有着良好的改善作用。

【Abstract】 Aims:“It is the conception that is the crux question of Health.”Both the establishing of scientific conception of Health and the popularizing of Qi-Gong for Health needs theory about fitness. Being guided by the world outlook and the theory of methods of the dialectical materialists and mighty objectives to build well-to-do society of the Communist Party of China, this study will construct theory of New Qi-gong for health which has lived in traditional culture by systematic investigation and study. Both Integral views about life of traditional Chinese medical science and modern integral mode of medical science are the most important direction that this study needs firstly. Offering perfect theoretical source and building scientific conception of health is radical aim of this study.Methods: If one should to accomplish one’s mission, one must master the advanced instrument firstly. By the means of literature and interview and systematic dialectical mode of thinking and breaking through thought and experiment, this study has pondered over structuring the theory of New Qigong for fitness from different angles, ranging from sport to culture.Conclusion: This study reach conclusion as follows:Firstly, by expounding of the conception and intension and brief developing history of“Qi and Qigong and New Qigong for health”, the author considered that it is not beneficial to establishing and publicizing of scientific ideals of health on account of indistinct of Qigong because of the generalization and complex of Qi. At the right moment, the emerging of New Qigong for health laid the foundation of the science of proper sense of fitness.Secondly, based on the experience summed up by our predecessors, the author has forward and detailed“systematic outlook of health”. The author suggested that being life system every human’s health is a status of perfect harmony ranging from the body and personal relations to relationship between human with nature. In one word health includes physical fitness and mental fitness.Thirdly, from the view of physical culture, the author suggested that the theory about movement training for exercise is a powerful scientific guarantee for New-qigong-for-health. Beside, which is the fundamental regular pattern is the practise of spinal column and the whole body. Fourthly, the author indicate that psychological adjust is a process of comprehending and dealing with interpersonal relation and the relationship of one with one’s society and human with nature, that psychological adjust is a process of building of proper outlook on life and the end of life and the mentality for environmental protection. The author also indicate that scientific outlook of world and life is both a footing stone and a wellhead for mental fitness.Fifthly, the author studied the principle and content of the theory of New Gigong for Health from the angle of civilization, the author suggested that all culture from ancient times to the present and range from China to foreign is a wellhead of the theory of New Gigong for Health. The three structuring principle as follows. The first principle is discarding the dross and selecting the essence. The second principle is value and truth. The third principle is comprehension.Sixthly the experiment demonstrated that practising New Qigong WuQinxi for health is good to physical and mental fitness of the middle-old people.

【关键词】 健身气功理论构建
【Key words】 New Gigong for Healththeorystructuring
  • 【分类号】G852.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1003

